Q4: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:- (1) How to support Jesus , how to receive "Faith" power daily. (2) Former rains in Jesus, learning to keep the mind prepared. (3) Latter rains in Jesus. Keeping spiritual revival going. (4) You are ready for prayer training. How to experience deeper flow from Jesus through prayer and fasting. Let's continue with childlike training by Jesus, seven years ago:-
Me: "..Lord, how do I know it's you talking to me and not myself..";
AJ: "..you don't.."
Me: "..I see..
AJ: "..there is always room for doubt.."
Me: "..but other's will say its only my own self talk ?.."
AJ: "...that is not your concern.."
Me: "..people will think I am mad.."
AJ: "..the inspired man finds hatred among his own.."
Me: "...I see.."
AJ: "..do not lose faith.. you know I am with you.."
Me: "..yes Lord I know.."
AJ: ".. my child.."
This dialogue is for the reader, and shows one can doubt the still small voice
of Jesus via the Holy Spirit talking to you. We often listen to Satan because He is
a still small voice that easily appeals to our fleshy nature. Jesus and the Holy Spirit
on the other hand, are still small voices that oppose the human fleshy nature, and
thus if you hear an instruction contrary to one's natural will, it may be the voice of
God. Learn to discern Jesus talk.
Other scholars pine away the still small voice as a Hebrew idiom, and thus
conclude that God does not talk audibly to man. Doubt if you want to. Faith is the
oppposite of doubt.
When you support Jesus with His words in prayer, your "Faith" is based on a hopeful flow.
The "theory of faith" that Jesus talks audibly to us as the "still small
voice" in your conscience, as my friend, is based on some evidence, a few Scripture
verses, but like "faith", faith is defined as power flows we do not fully understand, but
can use if we choose to do so. We are happy to use "electricity" but electricity is
a power we do not fully understand, but happily use it. Are we so dull in our faith
that Jesus and the Holy Sprit can actually talk audibly through our conscience as
the "still small voice" ? God bless those who experiment sucessfully with the Science of Salvation. Shalom
The Author updates his comments in brown, written in September 2018. The older childlike comments written here are seven years ago, are unedited and unchanged.
There is a reason for this. A follower of Jesus does NOT have to know everything to experience Jesus. We live and grow by the light we know. It is interesting to read over our past doings
and learn our progress in Jesus. Shalom
Here is an index to the prayers or Psalms:
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