Q12: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
Consider prayer 8:-
Ps 8:1 A Prayer of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
There are two very powerful prayer promises in this prayer. Again David speaks these words for the first time in the Scriptures.
(1) Babies speak language and make words very fast, designed by GOD for language, something animals cannot do.
(2) Mankind was made a little lower than "Elohiym". The translation of angels for Elohiym is wrong.
Note other translations:-
Ps 8:5 (KJV) "King James Version" For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Mankind was made a little lower than Elohiym. Wow. That's awesome.
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, your Son,
thank you for making me a little lower than Yourself,
may we bring forth your fruits of character in their season,
we support Jesus words in His Name. Amen
Let's look at what the Internet says about how to have Faith in Jesus:-
(1) How to Have Faith in Jesus Source Link
What is Faith? We have all asked that question at least once. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Jesus speaks of the amazing things that Faith can do in Matthew 17:20. He said, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Faith is a gift from God, and to have Faith, you must have a connection with Jesus Christ. Just by believing that he truly is listening, You have Faith! It's that easy! Faith is very important, as everything that was done in the Bible was by Faith. We must read the Bible day and night, as it is very important in our "Faith". The things below are a few easy steps that could help you understand a bit more of how to have Faith.
The Author notes this child like understanding is typical on the Internet.
Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:(KJV)
Eph 2:8 For by beauty are ye saved through support; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Elohiym:(Ancient Hebrew)
The power flow of GOD flows through you when you support Jesus' words, because of GOD's beauty towards you, because of His love, this promised power flow, flows in you. But you have to support Jesus words, and claim them, thanking Him for the flow.
While it is easy to speak Jesus' WORD in a prayer one has to be child like for Jesus to respond. You have to be humble not proud, in the Divine Relationship of Salvation.
(1) Have a Personal Relationship with God.
At times God might do things that strengthen your Faith out of his Mercy. If you really want to see the glory of God's Faith, you must get to know God personally and you must be willing to follow him anywhere. Pray and grow with God and over time your Faith will grow as you have more and more experiences with Jesus Christ.
Nicely said. But how do we have a relationship with Jesus, unless we Support His Words, every day?
(2) Seek Faith Through God.
The Bible clearly says in John 14:13, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name , so that Son may bring glory to the Father." If you come to God and ask him with all your heart for Faith, He will never reject you.
How can you understand the latter rain of Jesus, unless first you understand the former rain? In the scroll of Jesus, in the steps of Jesus, its says in Hosea (modern spelling) or Yeshua (ancient spelling) 14:2 to "take with you words", is a simple way of supporting Jesus.
You "take His words" and return to Jesus. That is what "supporting Jesus" or receiving "Faith" means.
Only a prophet deeply in Jesus can ask anything in His Name. For children with child like support, take the words already promised in His teachings, both the written words and the prayer words, and experience even the examples of witnessing that Jesus shows us in the latter rains (NT).
Ec 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.
Begin as a child does, take the words of Jesus, you read and have trust that Jesus will do as the word says, and grow in that experience.
(3) Be Patient and Stand Firm:
As Human Beings, we tend to want things in our own time. But as hard as it is, we must have patience and wait for Gods time to bless us. Never give up and never be discouraged. While we wait we must always keep in prayer with the Lord and we must Focus on the Lord at all times. While you wait, believe that God will give you the Faith you asked for. You might start noticing that is what Faith is! Believing.
Faith is not just mental assent, it is a work of taking Words Jesus has for us in His Teachings, and allowing His flow through you, as promised in the WORD you sow specifically.
Its like being a simile of Jesus and speaking as Jesus spoke and having Jesus' power flow through you. This is the same way Jesus walked on earth. He supported His Father's words, and the Father's power flowed through Jesus, as Jesus was to mankind a simile of our heavenly Father.
Notice the concept of "faith" is relational, it's a community circuit of love, of giving and receiving, always involving two or more Beings. Elohiym is highly relational.
(2) Written by William Self:- Source Link
Trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God. Faith is the central concept of Christianity. One may be called a Christian only if one has faith.
Our English word "faith" comes from the Latin fides, as developed through the Old French words fei and feid. In Middle English (1150-1475) "faith" replaced a word that eventually evolved into "belief." "Faith" came to mean "loyalty to a person to whom one is bound by promise or duty." Faith was fidelity. "Belief" came to be distinguished from faith as an intellectual process having to do with the acceptance of a proposition. The verb form of "faith" dropped out of English usage toward the end of the sixteenth century.
I hope Jesus had a say in the development of this "invented term called faith" that emerges from Latin and French. Sadly the "verb form of faith" dropped out of English.
Notice there are many Hebrew words related to "faith", according to Jeff Benner:-
See the Hebrew sola scriptoria definition of "faith" both noun and verb forms.
The verb form of faith in English is the word "amen".
Old Testament Expressions The word "faith" occurs in the Old Testament only twice in the KJV, eighteen times in the RSV, and sixteen times in the NIV. This discrepancy becomes even more interesting when we note that the RSV and the NIV agree on only five of these verses of Scripture (Deuteronomy 32:51; Judges 9:16,Judges 9:19; Isaiah 26:2; Habakkuk 2:4), and the KJV concurs with them only on the translation of Habakkuk 2:4. These differences revolve around problems with the translation of two Hebrew roots, ma'al and 'aman.
The first of these roots, ma'al, is a negative term that means "to be deceitful, treacherous, or unfaithful." The RSV, NAS, and the NIV translate this word with the phrase "broke faith" (Deuteronomy 32:51; Joshua 22:16) or with "acted unfaithfully" (Deuteronomy 32:51; Joshua 7:1). The KJV translates this root in those same verses with the word "trespass." While the Hebrew uses no single noun for "faith" in these verses, the translators have in each case rendered the sense of the Hebrew.
The second root, 'aman, is more difficult to translate because its meaning changes as it passes through the various Hebrew verb forms. There are seven such forms, but this root occurs in only three of them. In the first and most basic verb form the root means to support or nourish and is used of a parent's care for a child. In the second verb-form one encounters a range of meanings having to do with being secure.
Only the third verb form was rendered with the Greek word for faith in the New Testament and in the Septuagint, an early Greek version of the Old Testament originating in Alexandria. 'Aman expresses the idea of stability and steadfastness in this form and is translated as standing firm (Job 39:24, RSV; Isaiah 7:9 NIV), or "to trust" (a person) or "to believe" (a statement).
Notice scholars make more knowledge and create more complexity so we the unlearned have to trust them and their translation, rather than seek out a child like method of studying Scripture ourselves. Does the Scriptures talk about this problem? O yes:-
Isa 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
There are two chapters here how a child should read the Scriptures themselves using a child like method, not trusting in the complex grammar lexicon fancy wordings of scholars. So there are seven forms of Hebrew verbs and only the third form is "faith" as the LXX Jewish translators saw. Were these men also followers of YHWH ? Or did they translate using their Baal Master powers of self? Who do we trust in reading Hebrew?
Personally I see the matter of reading Scripture something between me, a disciple and the tutor, the Holy Spirit. The teachings of Jesus are a tutor that brings me to understand Jesus as a Person, and the teachings teach me how to follow Jesus.
Do not trust scholarship or knowledge or an increase in terms invented by men. Trust in the simple ways found in Hebrew.
The Scriptures says to keep things simple:
Strange how William Self found the correct meaning of "faith" once, to support, but than went on looking for more compexity.
Ps 131:1 A prayer promise of David. LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.
Paul is supporting the former rains of the teachings by quoting the same words, in the latter rains to the followers in Rome. So let's keep "faith" whatever that English term means, simple and child like.
One stands firm in one's convictions. In relationships, one trusts persons and believes their testimony or promises. Thus, we find no Hebrew noun for "faith" in the Old Testament, only verbs that have been translated with "faith" because of New Testament influence.
If we do not find the noun "faith" in the Old Testament, we surely find the concept named with other words. In the Old Testament faith is described as the "fear of God" (Genesis 20:11; Psalms 111:10; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Malachi 4:2), and in terms of trust (2 Chronicles 20:20; Psalms 4:5, Isaiah 26:4), and obedience (Exodus 19:5; 1 Samuel 15:22, Jeremiah 7:23).
Poor Mr William Self did not understand reading the Scriptures according to Ancient Hebrew. So He wandered from the truth. Are there noun forms of faith in the former rains of Jesus, the Old Testament? O yes:-
(1) First is the noun word "MaN" in Greek termed "manna", a simile of Jesus.
(2) Second is the noun word "AMeN", commonly translated as "Amen" or "Craftsman" but is really one who "supports".
(3) Third is the noun word "AMeNaH", commonly translated as "Amen" also.
(4) Next is the noun word "AMeNT", commonly translated as "truth".
See the study of faith .
Faith is a New Testament concept that encompasses and enriches these Old Testament concepts. The English versions of the Old Testament have translated a pair of Hebrew verbs using the noun "faith." They do so in order to express the understanding of God's relation to humanity that has grown out of the New Testament.
Because the Old Testament does not have a word equivalent to the English noun, "faith," does not mean the idea of faith is unimportant for the Old Testament. Habakkuk 2:4 was properly taken by Paul as the center of Old Testament religion. God prepared the way for His people in mercy and grace, then called them to obedience.
Why does Paul use Habakkuk so much? It is possible the Old Testament followers of YHWH were steeped in "Baal master powers of self" and did not "support YHWH" correctly? Seems so.
Do we in the New Testament "support Jesus as YHWH" correctly? Seems not. And we have repeated the same mistakes as the Old Testmanent followers did, we trust in our own "Baal Master powers of self".
What Paul calls those who follow the law using powers of self, rather than "supporting the teachings" and allowing Jesus power to flow through us instead, rather than our own "Baal Master powers of self".
To accept the responsibilities of God's covenant was to trust His word that He alone was God and to commit one's life to His promises for the present and future. That is faith.
New Testament Expressions The Greek noun, pistis (faith), is related to the verb pisteuo (I have faith, trust, believe). The noun and verb are found virtually everywhere in the New Testament, with the notable exception that the noun is absent altogether from John's Gospel and occurs only once in 1 John. The verb form does not occur in Philemon, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, or Revelation.
Classical Greek used pistis and piseuo to mean "trust" or "confidence." In this period belief in the existence of the gods of the Greek pantheon would be expressed with the verb nomizo (to think, believe, hold, consider). In the Hellenistic period, however, both the noun and verb moved from secular to religious usage. The noun came to mean piety, and the verb took on the meaning "to believe"?a usage derived from debates with atheism in which faith required the overcoming of objections.
In the New Testament "faith" is used in a number of ways, but primarily with the meaning "trust" or "confidence" in God. This basic meaning is particularly evident in the Synoptic Gospels. Mark 1:15 introduces and summarizes the Gospel with Jesus' charge to his hearers to "repent ye, and believe the gospel." (The word usually translated "believe" in this verse is the verb form of "faith" for which there is no English equivalent. The call is repeated as "Have faith in God," using the noun form, in Mark 11:22.) Thus, Jesus called His hearers to place their confidence in God. It is common in the Synoptics for Jesus to say after healing someone, "thy faith hath made thee whole" (Matthew 9:22; Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; Luke 8:48.) One's confidence in or allegiance to God makes one whole. John expressed a similar understanding of faith in Luke 6:29 and Luke 14:1 where people are called to have faith in the Christ. The difference between John and the Synoptics is a grammatical one; John used only the verb and never the noun for faith.
Outside the Gospels faith is related to the keynote concepts of the Christian message: the state of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9), sanctification (Acts 26:18), purification (Acts 15:9), justification or imputed righteousness (Romans 4:5; Romans 5:1; Galatians 3:24), adoption as children of God (Galatians 3:26). Each of these comes by faith. As in the Gospels, faith is an attitude toward and relationship with God mediated by Christ Jesus. It is surrender to God's gift of righteousness in Christ rather than seeking to achieve righteousness alone.
William Self has a good child like understanding of "faith", but I note the SOP does not use the word "attitude" much in the teachings. To support Jesus, is something one can do by speaking the promised WORD, a simile of Jesus' power, and is not an attitude, or something like a mental assent in the mind.
The Hebrew is a practical religion, where one follows Jesus, both talking and listening to Him.
Faith is also called a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)? something God creates in a person. In another place "faith" is used quite differently as a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given to some but not to others (1 Corinthians 12:8-9). Apparently such special gifts of faith refer to the ability to do great acts for God, what Jesus called moving mountains (Matthew 17:20; 1 Corinthians 13:2).
The New Testament sometimes uses "faith" to designate Christianity itself or that which Christians believe (Acts 6:7; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 1:23; Tim. Colossians 1:19; Jude 1:3). In this usage it is clear that an element of what we call belief is essential to the personal relationship we are calling "faith." Here it would be well to note Hebrews 11:6 also?"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is" In this verse also the word translated "believe" is the Greek verb form of "faith." Context here dictates that we understand it in the sense of intellectual acceptance of a proposition, "belief." To have a right relation with God, it is necessary to "believe" that God is, that God has revealed Himself in Christ, and to accept God accepts you.
If faith is the religion itself, it is so in more than an intellectual way. Faith is also the living out of the religion; it is Christianity in action. This is the meaning of "We walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). "Walking" represents the totality of one's way of life.
William Self makes the action of walking with Jesus like a mental assent. The walking we do with Jesus is truly walking with Jesus, and allowing His power flow through us. We are yoked together in relationship, and we achieve this power flow daily by sowing specific WORDS that promise power flow, in our prayers to Jesus. Thank Jesus for the flow before it actually occurs, knowing that Jesus will do in you what He has promised in His WORD. Support His Words.
Paul wrote that "faith," both in the sense of Christian piety and of the trust and confidence one puts in God, determines action in life. Faith changes the standards and priorities of life. Similarly, using the imagery of a soldier's armor, Paul said that faith is a shield against sin and evil in our lives (Ephesians 6:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:8).
If Christianity itself may be called "the faith," then it is a small step to the New Testament usage of the participle of the verb form of faith to designate Christians. This form is often translated "believers" (it occurs most often in the plural) or "those who believe" (Acts 4:32; Romans 1:16). If we continue our distinction between faith and belief, we would prefer the translation "those who have faith" or the ungrammatical "those who faith."
The Author loves William Self, finding this Internet material by pure co-incidence, actually Jesus found it for me, because some material is helpful, such as this passage here. William Self is saying the verb form of the Greek and the noun form of the Greek, has the same meaning "to have faith" and He is exactly right. Both these words mean to support.
The nearest the New Testament comes to presenting a definition of "faith" per se is in Hebrews 11:1. Here faith is called "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (RSV). Thus, Hebrews closely ties faith very to Christian hope. The personal conviction of faith encourages the Christian to continue hoping for the fulfillment of the promises of God, but it is not the substance (as in the KJV) of these "things hoped for" in any normal sense of "substance." The "things hoped for" have a reality greater than anyone's hoping for them. Faith is then meant as a sort of foretaste of the hoped for things.
Faith as the Way to Salvation.
The concept of faith is primarily that of a personal relationship with God that determines the priorities of one's life. This relationship is one of love that is built on trust and dependence. We receive it by trusting the saving work of Jesus. Faith is the basic Christian experience, the decision for Christ Jesus. It is the acceptance of Christ's lordship (i.e., His God-given, absolute authority). In this sense faith is doubly a break from the past: it is one's removal from sin, and it is one's removal from all other religious allegiances (1 Thessalonians 1:9). As a break from the past, faith is the beginning of relation to God and not an end. It is, especially in Paul's letters, the inauguration of incorporation "in Christ," in which one continues to grow and develop.
If faith is primarily a relationship into which one enters through acceptance of Jesus' authority, it also includes a certain amount of "belief." As a derived use, then, "faith" may also denote the content of what is believed. In this sense faith is the conviction that God acted in the history of
Israel and "that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself" (2 Corinthians 5:19). In theological usage "the faith" may refer to many more doctrines and dogmas that have been developed since New Testament times, but in the New Testament "that which must be believed" was more limited as Romans 10:9-10 may demonstrate.
Faith is what we believe, it is Christianity itself, but primarily it is the relationship we have with God through what Jesus accomplished in His death and resurrection.
William L. Self
The Author concludes that "faith" is the way followers of Jesus achieve a daily flow of Jesus' power through them. This is done by supporting Jesus' words in prayer, and listening for the still small voice of Jesus. Salvation is a yoked relationship with Jesus. We are trained daily to seek what WORD we sow, specifically every hour of our walk in Jesus.
As written in child like terms in the salvational steps of Jesus, we take with us words and return to Jesus.
(3) Kenneth Hagin Source Link
We see from this that “without faith it is impossible to please him …”
Therefore, if God demands that we have faith when it is impossible for us to have
faith, then we have a right to challenge His justice. But if He places within our
hands the means whereby faith can be produced, then the responsibility rests with
us whether we have faith. God has told us that without faith it is impossible
to please Him. But He has also told us how to get faith. If we don’t have faith,
it is not God’s fault. To blame God for our lack of faith is nothing but
ignorance. God has provided the way whereby everyone can have faith.
Correct, the teachings do tell us how to have "support" or "faith".
The Apostle Paul said that we are saved by faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8). But how do you get faith to be saved?
Romans 10:8-10, 13, 14, 17
The verse, “Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved,” shows us that men are saved by hearing words. The reason for this is that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Kenneth Hagin uses an example in the New Testament, about Paul perceiving a man has "faith" and so asks the man to "rise and walk", while this is a really good attempt to define faith in action,
Kenneth Hagin does not spell out what is actually happening with the word "faith", He does not see "support in action".
Context 10 (by the Author): Paul perceives a man has "support for Jesus", as Paul preaches the gospel in the city:
Ac 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith (emunah) "firm support" to be healed,
The gospel words flow into many receiving the word, that some listening sow these seeds of support in their minds, hope for Jesus to flow in their lives.
Paul seeing this hope, asks Jesus to demonstrate His salvation in person. For more
Kenneth Hagin speaks that "faith comes by hearing the Word" but does not define exactly how to achieve this.
As far as the Author knows on the Internet, Spiritual Springs is unique in presenting in clear child like terms how to support Jesus using His words of promised power.
The process is so simple even a child can do it.
The Scripture shows three pictures of faith:-
This picture comes from Angola in Namba Adventist Mission Station in modern times when suffering from drought times, Jesus sent man down to the earth. It tastes like honey and cake, and is white and sweet, if the followers of Jesus are special to Him. Shalom
This picture shows Moses, Aaron and Hur, and uses the Hebrew word "faith", that is not translated in any Bible translation correctly. Here is the correct translation that fits all hundreds of verses that use this Hebrew word and other related words which also mean "faith" but actually mean "support".
This picture comes from Isaiah and is also not translated correctly even though it uses the Hebrew word "aman" which should also be translated as "faith", but is better translated as "support".
Jesus is the man, who supports us with His power daily, as bread from heaven; as words from His teachings. We need to support His Support, using His words as seed promises of His power, the hope for unseen power flowing in us daily. Shalom
A study of all Hebrew Faith words
Next we consider prayer 9.
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