Q29: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
Consider prayer 25:-
Ps 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. (KJV)
For those of us in a child like state, sometimes Scripture reading can be very hard.
Many people mock followers of Jesus, saying there is a "God the Father, a God the Son, but no God the Holy Spirit" indeed such references are from English translations,
written by humans into another language. Shouldn't we read the special writings in Hebrew? You can in a child like state learn what each Hebrew word means by asking the Bible context to show you.
This is something a person in a child like state can do, though it takes some time to do.
For example, see how a person in a child like state does this for a Greek word in the NT, such as "kathistemi" by asking the Scriptures only to define the meaning for you.
The reader will notice that a scholar such as Eric Livingstone deals with the Author with technical terms:-
"(quote) Hebrew can use a construct chain, using nouns, to give an adjectival phrase. That leads to something foundational here in the Greek of Romans 8:3: en homoiômati sarkos hamartias is, literally, “in likeness of flesh of sin.” There are actually three nouns here...(end quote)"
Funny all those years ago, communicating with Eric Livingstone, I completely ignored the term construct chain. I would suppose most readers reading Spiritual Springs also ignore passages and meanings and words too. Why do we do this? Because such understanding is beyond us, we have not experienced it yet, so do not see such things.
Do not despair, God honours your child like state, only remain with Him and continue to grow. Begin praying to Jesus and reading His Scriptures just 20 seconds per day, if your brand new to Jesus. Soon your desire and love to Him will grow.
Those of you who have been drinking milk for 20 years or more, ask yourself, have I grown in Jesus? If you're not growing, your dying, falling asleep, and becoming a foolish virgin, that one day Jesus will say to your face "I never knew you". The key to knowing Jesus is we must be growing.
Heb 5:11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.
If your brand new to Jesus, drink milk, like I did reading a Paper Bible in English for over 20 years, growing in Jesus as a babe, drinking milk for years.
It's strange that after 20 years of being a babe, coming out of a strange meeting, where some so called pious person says the Holy Spirit is just a force of the Father, not a third co-eternal Person,
I suddenly discovered I did know the Scriptures at all. I prayed Lord Jesus show me how to read Scripture better. Jesus impressed me to purchase the Power Bible CD online for $20. Suddenly I began reading Scripture in Hebrew,
as a child in a child like state, making sure the Hebrew words meant what the translators said they meant. The KJV is the best mechanical translation there is, but it is still a fuzzy translation.
Than I discovered Jeff Benner one day, after feeling sad that the King James Scripture Translators are not consistent with every Hebrew word for an English equivalent. Most scholars assume falsely, that words have multiple meanings depending upon context.
This idea is wrong. Jeff Benner and his Ancient Hebrew research center showed me a better way to read Hebrew, and I discovered support in this Ancient Hebrew in Ancient Chinese pictographs as well.
But the mockers mock on, making words clash with words, over powering the weak and vunerable, so as to sweep us away with false ideas of doctrine. My suggestion to readers is to stay away from mockers and false theories of faith.
O how I would love to read and pray without all this silly knowledge of stuff, why do we bother with mockers?
How stupid are we to think, we can save some of them? Nobody listens to your reasons for your religion anyway. Nobody studies why they live the way they live. Most people do not care. They live as their Baal Master powers of Self tell them how to live.
We do not want God telling us how to live anyway.... We want to live anyway we want.
And so dear reader, if most of Spiritual Springs means little to you, because it is presented so deep, don't despair. Keep on growing. Come back and learn a little more another day.
It takes time to grow, and Jesus will hopefully give you time to grow.
But for those of us stuck with mockers who mock, we are burdened to "help ourselves with details" the Author battles on with his training:-
When 2 or 3 Hebrew words are side by side in a "chain", translators use this to "Add" more English words, such as "of" between them. This is something humans have defined to make Hebrew flow nicely when read in English.
One cannot determine if this is how Hebrew should flow or not in English, and such a problem is beyond a person in a child like state.
The Author asked Jeff Benner recently about this, and here is what He said:-
Great questions, thank you. Let me first say that I encourage people to look at the text from different perspectives, so compliment you on thinking outside of the box.
Ge 1:2 ..Spirit of God.."ruwach elohiym"...
If we "translate" a verse, but "transliterate" select words as if they were proper names (ie. "and the Ruwach Elohiym" was..."), this sounds great for English readers and speakers. However, keep in mind that this was written in Hebrew, so doing this is kind of irrelevent when it comes to the Hebrew text and the phrase "Ruwach Elohiym" will only be understood through Hebrew grammar. It is true that Proper names are Hebrew words with meaning, but if that proper name is composed on two words, the Hebrew will put them together, like this: ruwachelohiym. Since the two words are separated, then we must conclude that they are two different words. This could be a noun and a proper name or even two different proper names. If these are both nouns or proper nouns, then Hebrew grammar requires two nouns that are next to each other to be in the construct state. In English we show the construct state by adding the word "of," so the "of" must be placed between the two words and could be translated several different ways; "wind of God," "wind of the gods," "Ruwach of Elohiym," "wind of Elohiym," "Ruwach of God," or even "Ruwach of the gods."
Ge 17:1 ..walk before my face..
The Hebrew word for "face" is always written in the plural (paniym), but even though it is in the plural, this does not mean it is a plural noun. Hebrew plurals work a little different than English. So it is still translated as "face." When this noun written in the 1st person possessive, it is written as p'nai and literally means "face of me," another construct, but we would translate it as "my face." Just because the first noun is in the plural, the second noun (in this case a pronoun) in the construct does not have to be plural. If the author meant to say "our face," then it would be p'neynu.
Ge 17:1 ..Shadday El..
Just so we're clear, the phrase is "El Shaddai." There are many ways that this could be translated and interpreted. The standard, is that these are two nouns and they therefore translate it as "God Almighty." However, as these are two nouns put together, then Hebrew grammar requires that they be in the construct state--God of Almighty, which of course doesn't make sense, but then neither does "God Almighty" from a Hebraic perspective. I prefer to translate this as "God of Shaddai" where "shaddai" is a proper name of some unknown place.
I hope that all this helps, but if you have more questions, just let me know. (Jeff Benner, Feb 2019)
The reader will notice Jeff Benner is talking about Hebrew Grammar. Grammar is how humans read words in a sentence of words from a strange language.
One cannot get this from reading the words alone, we now have to trust humans for us.
When you ask humans for help, always ask the Holy Spirit for help. Jeff Benner says something strange. He swaps the Hebrew order of words around in "Shadday El" as "El Shadday" so it reads better to him.
Here is the phrase "Shadday El" shown in the Electronic Sword software, and the Power Bible CD software, both show the Hebrew as "Shadday El",
not "El Shadday" as Jeff Benner presents. Jeff does the same with the Genesis 1:5 . He uses the term "first day" as all translators do, rather than as Hebrew does "day one".
However Jeff Benner's comments are helpful to the Author, his Ancient Hebrew Research Center is very helpful. So Hebrew Grammar is beyond a person in a child like state.
So what does the Author do with Hebrew words side by side, that look like a title of a divine Person? We should show this, and overlook the translators who seem biased. Maybe the Author is biased?
That is your decision as a reader. It is important to read all the material on a topic before judging it, so the Author does this, and thus can safely show Divine Names in the Hebrew construct of nouns.
Ps 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. (KJV)
So if the reader wants to read fuzzy translations, do so. But he is a better translation:-
Ps 25:5 Tread in my support, and learn: of "Elohiym Yashua"; gather me up daily. (Ancient Hebrew)
Notice the meaning now. All the Hebrew words align with Jeff Benner's Lexicon Dictionary, and the Author checked each Hebrew word for meaning as well. But notice the reference to the Hebrew construct chain "Elohiym Yashua" is a reference to Jesus, a divine member of Elohiym..
Notice we walk in Jesus' support, and gather this support daily. How do we support Jesus? By praying His words back to Him, and seeking the power flow of Jesus via those words, as an "act of faith".
Prayer 25 confirms we are praying and training ourselves to support Jesus, is a correct method to getting more "faith" in Jesus, by hearing and speaking the word.
Jesus is the "imrah" or "word personifed". Jesus is the WORD that came down from heaven. Pray those WORDS back to Jesus daily.
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, our salvation,
we walk in supporting Jesus,
and gather in Jesus' power daily,
we support Jesus words. Amen So for the mockers who mock:
Hypothesis: Where does Scripture say
Method : We investigate using child like state,
the Hebrew nouns, side by side, which scholars call a "construct state" where so called translators add words like "of" "thou" and "the"
just because they feel the Hebrew needs it to flow nicely in English.
However the Author in a child like state, feels these nouns are a "construct title for a member of GOD" and do not need such added words.
Discussion :
Nu 16:22 And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation? (KJV)
Notice the translators spoil what could also be a title for a member within Elohiym. We also have here "el" a Hebrew word meaning "a Strong Authority" and refers to a single numerical Being.
Nu 16:22 And they fell upon their faces, and said, O " Strong Authority Elohiym Ruwach" of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation? (Ancient Hebrew)
In English this title says "O member of GOD the Holy Spirit".
Ps 143:10 Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.(KJV)
Notice the translators spoil what could also be a title for a member within Elohiym.
Ps 143:10 Teach me to do thy will; "Elohiym Ruwach" is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.(Ancient Hebrew)
In English this title says "God the Holy Spirit".
Now let's look at the latter rain teachings, the NT:
Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
The woman says we must worship the "Father" in the "Holy Spirit", and Jesus replies along the same lines but not quite the same as the woman.
The KJV translation does not show this very well.
Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in the Holy Spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
Many on the Internet say this is saying the Father is a Spirit, but that is not what it's saying. Jesus does not say "ab" "ruwach" the Father is a Spirit, instead while he agrees with the woman to worship the Father in the Holy Spirit, he says something slightly differently.
And in English it says "God the Holy Spirit, worship [Him - the Father] must worship in the Holy Spirit and in truth.
Why does Jesus say we can only worship the Father via the Holy Spirit, thus we worship the Father? Because no one can approach the Father and cease not to exist. You need the medium of the Holy Spirit, we live under the "shadow process of the Holy Spirit", thus we worship the Father this way.
This image explains living under a shadow, reqiures two Beings, the Father producing light, the Holy Spirit partially blocking the light, and combined this "shadow process" is how we communicate to the Father.
Notice also, the words "is a" are added by humans because they feel like doing this when they see nouns side by nouns, the so called construct chain of nouns. Scholars love fancy words. Makes them feel scholarly.
Php 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (KJV)
The reader can't see anything amazing here, due to the way humans add to the Hebrew words when translated into Greek, and later again translated in English.
So what would this writing have looked like in Hebrew, the original writing?
Php 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship "Elohiym Ruwach", and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (Ancient Hebrew)
In English this says "God the Holy Spirit". Why is the Holy Sprit associated with circumcision and the flesh? How else does mankind have circumcision of the heart, unless engineered by the Holy Spirit?
This is the process of the second birth. Notice God the Holy Spirit lives in our flesh, administrating the breath of life in us all, wicked and straight alike. Those who seek salvation as a flow from the Father through His Son, also receive the Holy Spirit empowering you with the breath of salvation.
Thus one "windy force" is borrowed so you can live, the other "windy force" promises you eternal living, because you support Jesus, who saves you continually as long as you continually support Him.
1Pe 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. (KJV)
Notice a better reading:-
1Pe 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to Elohiym Ruwach. (Ancient Hebrew)
In English this title says "God the Holy Spirit".
Now let's show "God the Father"
1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one God the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. (KJV)
The KJV translates this well already.
Ga 1:1 ¶ Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) (KJV)
The KJV translates this well already.
Ga 1:3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, (KJV)
The KJV translates this well already.
1Pe 1:2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:(KJV)
All three members of the heavenly family of Elohiym are mentioned here by Peter.
And for references to Jesus, the Son, also known as the Hebrew "yashua".
Ps 25:5 Tread in my support, and learn: of "Elohiym Yashua"; gather me up daily. (Ancient Hebrew)
There appears to be no writings that say "Elohiym Son" or "God the Son" as a reference.
See other names of Jesus in the OT.
Conclusion :
There are references to "God the Father", "God the Holy Spirit", but none that say "God the Son".
The proper Hebrew way to ascertain all the Members of Elohiym, is to use the term "el", which means a single numerical one member of strong authority.
Ps 68:19 Blessed be the Lord (Adonay Jesus), who daily loadeth, the (el) Strong Authority Yashua. Selah.(Ancient Hebrew)
"El Yashua" is a single member of Strong Authority.
Ge 28:3 And God (el) Almighty (shadday) bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people; (KJV)
"El Shadday" is a single member of Strong Authority, the Holy Spirit.
Job 12:6 The tabernacles (ohel) "tents" of robbers(shadad) "spoilers" prosper, and they that provoke God (el) "Strong Authority" are secure; into whose hand God (eloah) "heavenly Father" bringeth [abundantly]. (KJV)
"Eloah" is a single member of Strong Authority, our heavenly Father.
Ps 25:8 Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
Here we see a poetry parallel, with a strange Hebrew word "darak" in both verb and noun forms. Jeff Benner says the verb form means "tread" and the noun form means "road".
But since these two words are spelt the same in Hebrew, they have the same meanings, only differences in action. HARD to find a good English word.
The Author suggests the verb form as "tread" and the noun form as "well trodden track". If you look at all the contexts for the noun form, the "well trodden track" refers to a "road" well walked by both wicked and righteous alike.
Let's make sense of this prayer:-
Ps 25:8 Good and straight is the YHWH-Jesus: He teaches sinners in the "well trodden track".
Notice the meaning now. Our missing as sinners becomes a "well worn track" because we do the same transgression over and over,
like the Author who still eats sometimes the manmade manufactured madness, instead of God's goodness from His Garden. Being first aware of our missing on a daily basis, is the first step in training.
Our practicing fasting and prayer helps us appreciate our daily missing, so we daily seek Jesus minute by minute for answers to these problems. This is a WORD promise of power to overcome:
Pray with these promises in mind. Ask Jesus to help you walk His path.
The meek See also Meek study
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