Q6: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:- (1) How to support Jesus , how to receive "Faith" power daily. (2) Former rains in Jesus, learning to keep the mind prepared. (3) Latter rains in Jesus. Keeping spiritual revival going. (4) You are ready for prayer training.
The second prayer of David concerns Jesus who existed with the Father from eternity:- Ps 2:1 ¶ Why do the (heathen) "nations" rage, and the people (imagine) "ponder" a vain thing?
The King James version does a fairly good job of translation to English, those that are inconsistent are shown in brackets. the correction in quotes.
If you want to check the correct meaning of a word, click on the Hebrew word, open all verses that use that word, and check the KJV translation for the word across all contexts, looking for a single basic meaning, unless the word does have multiple meanings, which is uncommon.
The Hebrew verb "Kiss" Hebrew "nashaq", Strong's 5401, also has a noun form, spelt the same, so both of these words must have similar meaning. This stumped the Author finding a single English meaning for verb and noun forms.
So the verb form means "kiss" and the noun form means "kiss-armed" for all verses of context. This makes "kissing" the Son of the Father in heaven, one with fear and trembling, for the word has a passion of tenderness as well as a passion of killing you.
We serve an awesome LORD, not a "push-over". Also the Hebrew does not have abstract meaning such as "anger", a person getting anger has a "nose-breathed" snort, is the Hebrew way of making all things concrete.
There are those who say "Jesus never pre-existed" cannot make sense of the plain speaking in this prayer of David, the Father's anointed, who is a simile of Jesus, the Son of the Father in heaven.
The Father makes a decree, "My Son, this day I born thee", has the Hebrew word "yowm" meaning "day", and does not refer to a "past day" or a "future day", but a "present day", meaning "today, right now".
The Hebrew word "son" is "bn" meaning the "home over the nations", is the functional way Jesus would continues the "Heavenly Home over the nations", that day...in the present sense.
What is amazing with David's prayer is while He is praying about Himself as the Father's Anointed, David is a simile of Jesus, who continues God's Love over the nations.
What is amazing with David's prayer is the first time David's prayer uses words not found before in the OT. David's relationship with Jesus was deep, to have prayed like this.
In sleep, the Holy Spirit impressed me on the night of the 7th of October 2018, that David's prayers are also prophetic, and that saying words for the first time show this.
Can the Author prove this?
Nu 11:29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD'S people were prophets (nabiy) "prophets" , and that the LORD would put his spirit (ruwach) "holy spirit" upon them!
Any follower of Jesus, who develops a deeper relationship, can say words in prayer that are prophetic. The pictograph meaning for "nabiy" is the "Across the nations, the Home is actively strong", is a picture more about a person who is active with the witness of Jesus.
Something for us to aspire to, but in the mean time, as "babes" with "child like support" we are best to pray using the words already written in the teachings. This is how we "support" Jesus, and show our "faith".
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, your Son,
who continues Your love in the heavenly home forever.
Thank you for making me a tree, planted by the river.
May we bring forth your fruits of character in their season,
May we kiss the Son, with passion and trembling,
O to pray as David prayed, making similes of Your Son,
and His Kingdom. We are your inheritance dear Jesus.
We support Jesus words. Amen What seed promises does this Prayer have?
Our Father,
Make us Your Anointed,
Make us Your King upon our earthly home,
Make us Your inheritance,
Give us a goodly possession to rule your Love with,
May we continue your Love in our home today..
May we work with the Father with fear an trembling,
May we trust in Jesus, the father of the redeemed.
We support Jesus. Amen The Hebrew word use of "Kiss the Son",
is strange, for rather than using "Kiss the bn", we have instead
"Kiss the br", which is also an Aramaic word as well.
Da 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son (bar) of God (eloah).
The Hebrew word "bn" is the "Home over the nations", but the Hebrew word "br" is the "Home Head", is a picture of the "son as Home's Head", in the sense as a messenger, or ambassador.
Notice Nebuchadnezzar sees in the fires, a simile of GOD, a fourth Being walking like the "Home Head of the Father", the Hebrew word "eloah" is Father.
Da 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son (bar) "Home-Head" of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the "Ancient of days" (a reference to the Father) , and they brought him near before him.
Notice the same word "bar" is used for the Son in Prayer 2 of David, and in Daniel. This shows the "Home Head" a functional picture of Jesus existed in the same day David prayed...Today the Father's Son is the "Home-head" over mankind.
The Hebrew word "yalad" is a verb form, meaning "born", but has also a noun form with similar meaning, "born-boy". There was another Hebrew word for "born-girl", "yaladah".
Does this mean other poetry similes cannot also be pictured? No...
Here is another verse saying the active authority comes through the door of the womb as a mysterious incarnation, when Jesus adds humanity to His shape.
Lu 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born (yalad) "born-boy" of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Notice the heavenly parents, the Father and the Holy Spirit, come upon Mary, and through the womb of the Holy Spirit, "the active authority through the door" is born, as the "Son of Elohiym".
Does the Holy Spirit really have a womb?
Ps 22:10 I ( a prayer about Jesus suffering during the Cross experience) was cast upon thee from the womb (rechem): thou art my God(el) "Strong authority" from my mother's belly (beten).
If this is about "Mary's womb" that makes her a "divine strong authority". Hardly. Luke 1:35 describes two members of Elohiym coming over Mary, to do this mysterious born process.
Ge 49:25 Even by the God (el)"Strong Authority" of thy father (ab) "Father", who shall help thee; and by the Almighty (shadday) "Shadday", who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb(racham)
The Author will leave this description of the "head outside flows" as a reference to child birth to show reader how easily one can be wrong in Scripture Studies. The Author took a short cut and relied too much on a human translator such as my friend Jeff Benner.
When you look up ALL the verses of "Racham", both verb forms and noun forms, you find a different meaning. Therefore the "womb" is a picture that arises from "compassion" and this is OK. You see we are used to thinking in Greek, we see images, nouns or descriptions of things...
However Hebrew is more about verbs, functions and the action of things, so "Racham" really is about the functional action of "compassion" that flows from the womb. (updated 31 Dec 2018)
For more see Racham means compassion
Notice here the Shadday is another more proper name for the Holy Spirit, pictured here with "breasts and a womb".
Now this is all surprising and strange, how much do we take poetry pictures and similes regarding the pictures of Elohiym?
I don't know, the Bible does not say all there is about Elohiym, nor do we need to know. Keep things as the Scriptures say, but do not rise in pride to know all things.
The Scriptures do not picture the Heavenly Father as gender male, so why do we assume this? We assume the Holy Spirit is "he", because we do not read Hebrew sola Scriptoria.
The Hebrew word for "breast" is masculine, never feminine, so the pictures of womb and breasts refer to "He", never "Her". It is important we read Hebrew, not English in our Bibles, otherwise we come to wrong conclusions.
The Heavenly Hebrew picture for "womb" is commonly about Elohiym showing compassion.
Zec 7:9 Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions (racham) "womb / compassion" every man to his brother:
So the Author would caution anyone taking poetry simile pictures of Elohiym, too strictly. We must be humble and lowly, but also willing to accept Hebrew poetry similes as the Scriptures show them to us. Shalom
For more, see:-
See other references in Desire of Ages:-
Other studies on the Holy Spirit:-
It is amazing David's prayers so far cover so much ground and so many pictures of salvation and of GOD.
In Prayer 1, we have the picture we are trees, planted by Jesus as a simile of our river.
And in prayer 2, we have the picture of the Father declaring His Son will continue the Home of heaven's love across the nations.
What a Saviour we serve. Please enjoy reading the Words of Jesus. Pray using those words, and wait quietly for the still small voice of Jesus talking back to you.
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