Q5: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:- (1) How to support Jesus , how to receive "Faith" power daily. (2) Former rains in Jesus, learning to keep the mind prepared. (3) Latter rains in Jesus. Keeping spiritual revival going. (4) You are ready for prayer training.
We have read some "child like prayers", now let's learn how to "take words" and "turn to Jesus" in partnered "spiritual revival". The Author has already had a go at seeking prayer power promises from the first 10 prayers of David. We will do this again, searching the Words of the Lord. Read the first prayer of David:- Prayer 1
Here is the first prayer of David, written in a King James translation in English. For the common man , such "childlike Faith" is all you have, and Jesus will allow you to grow by the light you have.
(1) Choose "seed power promises" that appeal to us (you and the Holy Spirit) and "take words".
The Author likes this one "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season;"
Memorize this "seed power promise", and prayer these words in prayer:-
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, your Son,
thank you for making me a tree by the Holy Spirit,
may we bring forth your fruits of character in their season,
we support Jesus words in His Name. Amen We grow in Jesus as a simile of trees growing in Nature. In other words, Jesus engineered trees to grow as children of the LORD.
Ps 96:12 ... all the trees of the wood rejoice..
Wow, with just a few Bible searches using "trees field" we have these added pictures to us as a simile of growing as trees of the field.
Notice the Author uses an electronic Bible program, called "Power Bible CD" version 4.0a, engineered by Phil Linder in 1999-2003, from Online Publishing Inc, you can purchase his program for just $20 online. It is simple and childlike to use, and does all a person with childlike faith needs.
The Author does not read or speak Hebrew, nor is the Author interested in Hebrew grammar or syntax meanings. Using "childlike faith", that a "common man" understands, the Author loves this program because it is simple to use. It is an electronic concordance with Hebrew English Interlinear ability.
Let's colour the verses, showing the members of Elohiym, also a simile of mankind:-
Ps 96:12 ... all the trees of the wood rejoice..
Notice the Father is not coloured here, but the community reference Elohiym is. We are the trees of the field and yet, this is a simile of Elohiym, how we grow under the power of the Father, via Jesus, and His waters,
via the Holy Spirit and the channels that guide the multitude of waters, with her little rivers.
We can add more to our first prayer:-
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, your Son,
thank you for making me a tree by the Holy Spirit,
may we bring forth Your fruits of character in their season,
thank you for joy in Your words,
we clap our hands because we are happy in Jesus,
You O Lord, make us grow bigger, but keep us lowly,
May others make nests in us because of Your beauty growing in us,
May the rivers of Jesus flow, and may we drink of His words daily,
May we grow under the Father's shade, for Jesus' shadow cools us,
For the Holy Spirit empowers Jesus in us.
We joyfully support Jesus words. Amen What a prayer picture of Elohiym, this turned out to be !
So far an hour of prayer training has gone by, and the Author loves the joy in Jesus words.
With so many "words" uncovered already, there would be dozens different ways others could pray using these words differently.
And this is just "childlike faith" a "common man" understands.
(2) The prayers in Hebrew, had rthyme or poetry elements to them. Why? This makes prayers easier to speak and memorize.
Such a process can be done anyway you like, for those of us with "child like faith" grow according the "wisdom of Jesus" that comes via the Holy Spirit of our Father's power.
Elohiym is a community reference to the Family of GOD. So let's make some poetry with this prayer.
Prayer 1
We change the English making sure the meanings are the same as the original Hebrew, and if you don't know this, you do the best you can, for this is what "childlike faith" is.
We support Jesus words, using our words, and making a "poem prayer".
You will notice the Hebrew style of poetry prayer was to contrast "white with black", the "good with bad".
We also need to add rthymn with our poetry prayer, for this add music to speaking, and music is just another style of praying to Jesus.
In the original Hebrew poetry prayers, they were also songs, one can sing our prayers to Jesus. Really? Yes.
Prayer 1
(3) Those who are familar with Spiritual Springs know that Ancient Hebrew pictograph meanings exist in the modern Hebrew, and this allows us to read the original Hebrew with some better and deeper confidence, we have the pure words of the Father, that Jesus personified for us.
To achieve this level of understanding you need to learn each Hebrew word for its correct meaning.
How do we do this?
Click on the Power Bible CD Interlinear link to make Hebrew words appear among the KJV English. Click on the Hebrew link, and search for all verses using that Hebrew word. Read through all the dozen of verses, asking yourself, via the Holy Spirit, for a single English word meaning that fits all the contexts consistently.
We might have a multiple meaning word, but such cases are uncommon.
You will want to learn a little about Hebrew, and how Hebrew works. Jeff Benner and his Ancient Hebrew Research Center is the only place on the Internet the Author trusts for this, simply because Mr Benner does not see Hebrew as polysemous as scholars make out.
Sure some words have multiple meanings, like "Father and fruit", but such examples are uncommon. We need to read every Hebrew word consistently. Such a study takes hours and hours to do and is worth it.
The Author does show readers this process in the word studies. Every context is examined and a consistent meaning applied.
To save time, since the Author has not studied every Hebrew word, we use Jeff Benner's Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible, the hard copy for personal reading, and the electronic pdf copy for searching word meanings. The Author might not agree with every English meaning Mr Benner comes up with, but at least this is a step in the right direction.
The first prayer of David in Ancient Hebrew:-
The strong pressed teeth on the head, is a picture of a man expressing joy with his face.
The strong over the nations with active hands pressed, is a picture of a working class man, at service for others, like a tradesman.
The person with hands on his authority walking stick, is a picture of an elderly man out for a walk.
A multiple meaning word, this poem is about trees, so this is a Hebrew pun, the eye looks up at the way a tree travels with it's branches, is a simile of how the eye sees the travelling way of the "wise person", Behold him!
Now the poem contrasts this travelling wise man, with those whose "head presses the eye", they are "head strong", and do not see things as God wants them to see.
The "eye flows through the door" is a Hebrew way of describing the sensory flow we see entering the "door of our soul", the way we rise or stand from what we perceive.
The road is a strange combination of functional meaning, the door of the head, with palms, suggest that a road is not a structural thing, but a picture of how a person travels. We think of roads as things, but Hebrew sees roads as the "way we travel with our minds".
A sinner is a person "missing relationship", the "outside covering of God is strong" and we miss having it flow over us.
The active hands pressed home, strangely enough is a picture of how we "Sit" in the home...the functional way of describing the things we do around the home..."O he's the lazy one, he's the generous one, or he's the active helper"
We think of this Hebrew word means "to sit", but it is more about our character pressed for all to see we do about our home.
This picture is about a home full of business.
This multiple meaning is described by Jeff Benner as the tongue showing authority. So the "tongue (our authority confessed) secure (in our mouth) travels (others witness our authority). We cannot look back 3000 years to see why the Hebrew chose the word meanings they did.
So sometimes we do the best we can.
Now all this is just the first line of the first prayer of David. It helps to give the reader Hebrew meanings behind the English translations, so we (guided by the Holy Spirit), come up with "poetry prayers" correctly reflecting the LORD's original meaning from Hebrew to English.
This helps the reader to see how difficult a job translators have trying to convert Hebrew to English.
Hebrew has broad meanings, and English much narrower meanings, so our word pictures miss much of the action Hebrew wants to show us.
So let's write the first line of the first prayer of David as a "poetry prayer" we can sing to.
Now let's do the second line of the prayer:-
The idea of delights, is whatever is found outside of your soul, wherever your mouth travels.."O I want this", you say.
The teachings is about a heavenly Person, found from the cross, who secures our head, when we "eat Jesus' teachings", for the "teachings are Jesus' words, the teachings are like bread from heaven.
The sacred Name YHWH has two heavenly Persons in the word as pictographs, the secure one is the Father, and the active hands shows His Son Jesus. Thus the YHWH is a functional way of describing "He who exists". Some of us might want to think of "They who exist", but in Hebrew in relationships, the two are considered one unit.
Jesus said, He who has seen the Son has seen the Father.
The important mark secures your head. Behold the Person of Jesus! This is what reading the teachings do for us. They are our food.
Some "Christians" think we can follow Jesus without daily reading His teachings... Really? How long does the body live without food or water? Jesus is a simile of food, the bread from heaven,
Jesus is a simile of rain, He rains down "man" from heaven, to see if Israel walks in His teachings or no. (Exodus 16:4)
This is a fantaskic word, we walk with Jesus as He walks with us. The meaning is more like "meditate", the picture is a yoked relationship, like the poem, we walked together hand in hand along the beach of time.
More than just meaning day, the "day flows" suggests we come to Jesus all throughout the day, while the day flows, and the night, when we are asleep. So during the day we are in prayer all the time.
The authority active authority, suggests heavenly Beings watch over us as we sleep.
Second line reads:
So let's write the second line of the first prayer of David as a "poetry prayer" we can sing to.
The third line of the prayer in Hebrew:-
When our eyes travel up a tree and its branches, we are impressed.
This picture is about planting something, pressing it into the ground with authority.
A multiple meaning word, meaning to divide, as rivers divide into two, or the land divides into half.
Water is a simile of the flow of a person. Wow! Do we see Jesus like that? We drink water daily and never think about the flow of Jesus spiritually into our bodies.
Over the nations, the important mark goes over the nations, is a picture of God's gifts to the world, over the nations of mankind.
When the mouthed head is active, it fills up and gets fuller. This is a picture of fruit filling up. This picture is a simile of humans filling up with Jesus' flow so we are overflowing with His beauty.
We look up at Nature to discern the seasons of time. Jesus is the Author of our time, we must look towards His important Mark, the cross, and ask each day, "Lord how can I support you today"?
This Hebrew has a Verb form meaning "rise" and a Noun form meaning "Risen", thus the "Leaf" has risen high up the tree, is a simile of progress made from the Lord of trees. Thus the leaves on us as trees are similes of our completed progress in growing in Jesus.
Does God's Home Authority over the nations fail? No, but often when we grow as trees, we wilt daily from the exhausting growth in Jesus, so trees rest daily to refresh, and so should we.
The "prickles" make us turn to remove them stuck in us, sometimes prickles protect us, so this is a wide picture meaning to "do", what our eyes turn to "See and do", what the Person Behold! does.
The travelling authority outside is a picture of what forward progress we make in the Lord, the shoots grow up, the roots grow down, and we are filled with the flow of Jesus as fruits of His character.
Third line reads:
So let's write the third line of the first prayer of David as a "poetry prayer" we can sing to.
The fourth line of the prayer in Hebrew:-
The head strong are pictured as wicked.
A strange picture. For example the electrical transmission grid, allows power to flow securely travelling over the land, is seen as chaff before the Lord.
This is a special wind of power, administrated by the Holy Spirit.
Picture the Lord commanding through His mouth, and tossing over the nations, all who have pride to stand before Him, are tossed over and over like leaves falling to the ground.
Fourth line reads:
So let's write the fourth line of the first prayer of David as a "poetry prayer" we can sing to.
The fifth line of the prayer in Hebrew:-
The head strong.
A picture of the sun rising, and the flow of action on the earth as it is raised up.
Interesting picture. In court our flowing pressed mouth is covered. We cannot speak correctly before the Judge.
The reason why we cannot speak properly is because our the Divine covering over us is lost. We are found missing relationship. We are sinners.
All the world will be raised to see through the doors of heaven, Jesus, the Person Behold! who judges all mankind.
A point in space is pointless. When two points in space connect in relationship, we create a straight line. Our travelling door of our soul is active over the horizon of time, has a relationship with God!
Fifth line reads:
So let's write these contrasting lines as "poetry prayer" we can sing to.
The sixth line of the prayer in Hebrew:-