Q25: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
The Author wants to rest for a while and consider all the "Prayer Power Promises" Jesus has inspired David to write for us. You can tell a prophet from a follower of Jesus. A prophet speaks prayer words not found already in Scripture. Many of David's prayer words are prophetic, they are not found elsewhere in Scripture. Hence they do not support words already found in the Writings. For example the Hebrew word (eduwth) Strongs 5715, Another example is David saying to kiss the Grain, a poetic reference to Jesus, the Hebrew word (bar), Strongs 1248, We find others in the NT such as Jesus and His followers did use David's words of promised power, and thus supporting Elohiym, by praying these words in prayer. O for a relationship in Jesus, to pray words like David did. But us "child like followers" of Jesus, we begin by supporting the "prayer promises", by speaking them in prayer. This is the way we support Jesus, and love as He loved. Support His words. Shalom
She writes the Hebrew letters on the board and says the correct Hebrew letters, but suggests "aman" is the root for "faith (emuwnah)", she does not consider "man" the root word for "Faith" as Jeff Benner does in "Ancient Hebrew Research Center". She says many correct things about Hebrew:- She says the first occurence of a Hebrew word is important, and it is, and she finds this is in Numbers 11:12 where we have the word "nourish" for "faith" from "aman". Nu 11:12 Have I conceived all this people? have I begotten them, that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as a nursing (aman) "supportive" father beareth the sucking child, unto the land which thou swarest unto their fathers?
She does not show us the verse, but here it is for readers, with the correct basic meaning, "supportive", not "nourish", although in this context, Moses is complaining to YHWH that he cannot support Israel, like YHWH can, who does support Israel, by giving food and water, so the idea of "nourish" is OK, this is a picture of the Divine offering support.
She does not consider "aman" has three Hebrew words and "man" has only two Hebrew words, and thus is a better root meaning for "faith", and all these Hebrew words mean in English to "support"...although other pictures like "being firm" and "nourish" is OK, these are pictures coming off the idea to "support".
The Author tidied up the image. It is hard to screen capture U Tubes videos cleanly. The speaker spells nourish wrong, showing she speaks Hebrew fluently. But her understanding is fine and child like, and this is encouraging for all of us. Reading our Scripture in Hebrew is consistent and true. Anyone can do it.
Some in our SDA church have been in Education Scholarship Schools too stricty, and have learned "torah" means the first five books of Moses, and do NOT see "torah" simply means "teachings" as this speaker of Hebrew explains. It is so refreshing that Hebrew readers of Hebrew know such things correctly. We all need child like understanding, so we can get back to our understanding of GOD correctly. Simply and consistently. Without human ideas.
She explains this as the "milk of faith" and later uses Exodus 17:12 as the "meat of faith", and introduces a strange twist on the meaning of "support" for different contexts..
Here is the verse she is speaking about,and she is correct in using this verse, as it is the first occurence of "faith".
She says:-
She explains Sarah and Abram in two contexts, where Sarah offers to Abram Hagar for a second wife to "support" Abram in God's promise for a child.
I would agree from a human point of view, using Baal master powers of self, Sarah is supporting God by offering a second wife to Abram, but such support means nothing to GOD.
The speaker does not consider "human support" like this, or "faith using human powers alone" is not the correct understanding of "faith", it is a Baal master powers of self, to
support God, that means nothing to GOD.
Another Person's idea of faith
In this example, the man does not quote scripture, but talks using his own experience.
This is a typical way people judge things about Scripture. However, He does bring out some interesting points.
He says "Faith is:-
So these are typical random samples on the Internet about people and their ideas of "Faith".
What is interesting is while they know some good ideas, and have child like understanding, they have not completely
studied the Scriptures and what the Scriptures say "Faith is, and how God gives us Faith". You see "Faith is a gift from GOD".
So if "Faith is a gift", how do I receive this gift?
The gift is already written as "words" in Scripture.
In the "Steps to Christ" in the scroll "Yashua verse 14:2" says "take words with you" is a child like way of defining how to receive this gift.
You take words and pray over them, than GOD supports you because your supporting GOD. Simple? Yes. Even a child can do this.
In the Namba story of modern faith in action, a little girl, with child like faith, supports Jesus by going out to look for "manna".
After prayer, her little girl, about five years of age, went out of the house and in a short time came back with her hands filled with white stuff, which she was eating.
"What are you eating?" asked the mother.
The little one replied: "Out there I saw six European men, and they said:
` The Lord has answered your prayer and has sent you manna; take it up and eat it.' "
Do not get the idea, using your Baal Master Powers of Self, you simply fast and pray, and take certain Bible words with promised power, and pray over them expecting GOD to empower your life with His beauty, engineering a wonder through you.
Is God's magic like Harry Potter, and you speak into a "witch craft book" with magic words ready to empower you with wonders? Well yes.. Satan has a counterfeit exactly like that for a reason.
God has Scripture with mystery words in them that contain
revelation of Him and if you become humble and meek, without Baal master powers of self, you can indeed achieve the wonder of Jesus flowing through you. Fasting and prayer is not something we have to do blindly, as if it is an exercise machine for faith..
No such things are done by you to develop relationship with God that becomes humble and meek.
What does "humble and meek" mean?
Humble means "looking out for others".
Meek means "looking intently to Jesus".
These definitions will not find agreement from human dictionaries, so beware of following humanism. Notice such meanings based on Hebrew Sola Scriptoria are highly relational involving community love. Shalom
The Author is shocked that many other websites also have videos about "faith" and it's so called meaning, such as this one here.
These websites are confusing, making the reader confused, which is what Babylon is all about as a religion. Such a word means
"gateway to heaven" in Babylon, and "confusion" in Hebrew.
(1) The problem for these websites is they trust human dictionaries for understanding words. The only dictionary one should trust is the Scriptures itself.
(2) The pictograph meanings here have too many meanings associated with them. You will notice the Author has only one meaning for each pictograph, to ensure the validity of the pictograph theory of faith.
Why is Hebrew about verbs, and not nouns like Greek thinking? Because verbs describes actions, while nouns is more of a picture of something abstract. Elohiym is not composed of matter, time or space, so the "Uncaused Cause" cannot picture itself in material objects of matter.
But Elohiym can move and show actions, as family members move and show actions. You cannot "See Love", but you can "see love in action between two Persons" and this is what the Scriptures mean when it says "Elohiym is a simile of the Holy Spirit". (John 4:24) This is why all the Hebrew letters
are verbs, rather than nouns. For example when we see mountains, we think of the big stable massive structure such things are, and this is a simile of Elohiym (Exodus 3:1). Such pictures are good, but mountains however stable and big and massive, also move, every so gently.
This website video explains "faith" or "emunah" as "The leader reflecting in man by Grace". Sounds nice, but it is confusing.
The Author finds the pictographs for "faith" or "emunah" reads as follows:-
"The strong flow over the nations. Behold the Person!"
Faith is a gift from GOD and is a strong flow over the nations by Jesus. Behold the Person!
As already explained before, if "faith" is a gift from GOD, which everyone agrees, where do I receive this gift from GOD, and how do I obtain it?
No website that I know of explains how to receive "Faith". The "strong flow over the nations, as promised by Jesus", as His gift to mankind, is found in His word,
since Jesus is the "word" or "imrah", should we not be surprised that "faith" are little words of Jesus, written already in the Scriptures?
Didn't Jesus speak words, and the creation stood fast, as the Holy Spirit using the Father's powers, did as the "words of Jesus" said?
Ps 33:6 By the word (dabar) "words spoken" of the LORD (YHWH) "Lord Jesus" were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath (ruwach) "Holy Spirit" of his mouth. (KJV)
The root meaning for "faith" is "man", meaning "The flow over the nations". This is literally manna in Greek, but is a simile of Jesus, flowing down from heaven for us to "Eat".
So if we "take Jesus' words" and "daily eat them", this wonder of Jesus' powerful flow, will move over and through us. This is the true Hebrew meaning of "faith". Shalom
Let's review the "promised powers" in the earlier prayers of David, and see how we can learn them.
(Prayer Introduction)
Ho 4:6 ¶ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:
Ga 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Holy Spirit, and does wonders among you, does he do it by doing the teachings, or by the hearing of support? (Ancient Hebrew)
Pastors in many Churches say miracles today don't happen anymore. We have forgotten how to support Jesus, we do legalism instead.
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Jesus, your Son,
thank you for making me a tree by the Holy Spirit,
may we bring forth your fruits of character in their season,
we support Jesus words. Amen Prayer 1 verse 3. We are a tree
Our Father in heaven, may we kiss the Grain, Your Son;
thank you for making Jesus as a Grain or Seed,
may we bring forth His Seeds of character in their season,
we support Jesus words. Amen Prayer 2 verse 11. Sow the Grain
Dear Jesus, lay me down when I sleep tonight,
so I am awaken with You on my mind, for You sustain me;
now I can sleep in peace and safety,
thank you Jesus for this promised power. Amen Prayer 3 verse 5. Safety in sleep
Dear Jesus, set me apart,
hear me when I call,
do not let me miss Your power right now,
I stand in awe, You will deliver me,
thank you Jesus for this promised victory. Amen
Prayer 4 verse 3-4. Immediate Victory
Our Father in heaven,
when I come into Your presence,
I worship Jesus towards His temple in heaven,
I pray facing You towards You, westward;
on my knees I respect you, O my Lord;
I support. Amen
Prayer 5 verse 7. Pray towards Jesus temple
Lord Jesus,
have mercy on me,
for I am weak. Amen
Prayer 6 verse 2. We are weak
Our Father in heaven,
I put my trust in Jesus,
Save me from others who mock,
and persecute me,
deliver me, O my Lord;
I pray supporting You;
thank You for supporting me. Amen
Prayer 7 verse 1. Help from mockers
Prayer 8 verse 1-9. GOD's awesome!
Dear Jesus, our LORD,
You are a refuge for the oppressed,
A refuge in times of trouble.
Support me today. Amen
Prayer 9 verse 9. Rescue us
Our Father in heaven,
those who stray are caught in pride,
they persecute the poor,
with devices they imagine;
Arise dear Jesus,
Lift up thine Hand,
Forget not the humble and meek.
For we are supporting You. Amen
Prayer 10 verse 2, 12. humble & meek
For more Faith Introduction
( Prayer 1)
Here in Prayer one, the Author lists all the Hebrew words and gives the reader a real different understanding of David's prayer.
We need to read and re-read these prayers over and over, looking at different "promised prayer power" within. There is much hidden gold within.
My problem is to memorize them and learn to pray using the WORDS of Jesus. This is how I support Jesus and how He will support me. Such flow of
power is not for me alone, for as the river of life flows through me, it divides and branches for others to drink from as well. It only takes a spark
to get a fire going, and soon all those around will warm up in your glowing. That's how it is with God's love, once you have experienced it. O Lord I love Your
training, Lord I want to know what love is. My Jesus knows the way we walk, In Him we sing, In Him we talk. Shalom
For more Prayer Faith (1)
Consider these "Prayer Promises" to support Jesus in our prayers:
Now consider prayer 21:-
Prayer 21:1 The king shall joy in the strength of YHWH Yashua,
how greatly shall he rejoice (Ancient Hebrew)
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Yahweh Yashua,
we shall have joy in His Name,
may we enjoy our heart's desire,
may we face His blessings,
we support Jesus words in His Name. Amen |
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