Q27: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
Consider prayer 23:-
A beautiful prayer worth memorizing as it is.
However the correct Ancient Hebrew meanings are shown in the "parentheses".
This prayer is a Hebrew song set to music. This makes it easier to learn the prayers if they are songs of poetry.
Listen and watch this beautiful video on Prayer 23 in song. Press Internet BACK arrow to come back to Spiritual Springs.
There are many songs on the Internet, but the Author likes this one.
Here is a song the Author composed that follows the Ancient Hebrew very closely.
Put this prayer song to music as a U-tube video, (Creating music is not my gift.)
send me an email, and I will add your musical version
here on Spiritual Springs. God bless the support we
do with His Seed Promises.
This also happened with the Ancient Hebrew words in Scripture too.
Since the stiff necked ones of Israel wandered far from God, and no longer supported Him,
God gave them up to Babylon, which means "confusion" and so the words of Hebrew became modern
square script writing, designed to make the Father's Words more confused and hidden.
And again when Jesus came to show the Father's love to Israel, they did not want to receive Him.
So Jesus responded with even more confusion, and the Greek language was allowed to translate Jesus teachings into even more confusion.
So the "pure words of the Father" are hidden from the foolish but can be revealed to the wise.
Many follow the broad road to death, but only a few seek the hidden track to Jesus (Matthew 7:13).
It is confused and hidden in poetry for a reason, so only the wise will search for it.
This is the Ancient Hebrew words, not known to many Jews today, who think along Greek influences.
Even today we think Scripture along Greek ideas, adding to the confusion.
But if you want to remain confused, doubt if you want to. Follow the New Testament in Greek and add to your confusion.
Not that the words in another language are really all that bad, but they make fuzzy the words of the Father originally penned for us to read.
The biggest problem this servant has is facing mockers in trivial talking. We use our Baal master power of self instead of praying for a promised power from Jesus. Why is it like this?
The worst mocking happens in Church where so called followers speak socially, rather than share about Jesus. Why do they do this? Because they have nothing about Jesus flowing through them all week to share.
Notice this prophecy for the end of the age, which began in 1844.
Da 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. (KJV)
Da 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evening and mornings; then shall the holy be straightened. (Ancient Hebrew)
So how did Jesus begin from 1844 straighten out His special words in Scripture, and His special powers of salvation, from the dark ages of spiritualism?
Jesus began the age of reformation. It ended with a Hebrew translator to English, so the words hidden in Hebrew might be straightened in English.
The functional purpose of Ellen White as a writer of Jesus' messages is to show the Hebrew messages in English. She is a Hebrew English translator.
Such a functional role is not spelled out by EGW herself, you have to dig into them to find their functional purpose.
What is the balance of probablities that 30 or more words chosen for study, from EGW writings matches perfectly the Ancient Hebrew meanings of GOD?
That makes the Hebrew English translator's work perfectly complete and trustworthy. Such work only magnifies the Hebrew Scriptures.
See EGW Hebrew English translator.
Next we consider prayer 24.
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