Q45: Special Poetry prayers.. Poetry prayers written as a lad, aged 17 (we think), and they show many Scripture themes.
We will study these carefully for evidence they also support GOD, at a deeper level, the lad in those days would not have known this.
These poems are a set of 14 with no title given. So we will call them Creation poetry prayers, for they show the Scripture themes of of how salvation was created, just as a simile of how Creation Week was created also.
The poems are highly structured. They begin with an opening, introducing the theme. This is followed by a natural object theme. Than a middle joining, adds another theme. The next lines introduce a spiritual theme, and this parallels as a simile to the natural theme. Finally a conclusion finishes the theme. While the themes of creation and salvation are parallels, and each sub theme also parallels, readers do not get bogged down by the poem flow. Just like Scripture poetry, the themes are there but hidden: you have to dig them out.
The purpose of these poems as poetry prayers is to show readers the simple child like faith a youth at aged 17 has. One does not need to know all the deeper levels of salvation to experience true love for Jesus.
The important thing is that we are found growing in His beauty, and enjoying the training of the Holy Spirit, our comforter, our tutor or our schooltrainer. Shalom
Mighty light in labour,
Dawns upon the earth,
Slowly she awakens,
Creation into renewed birth.
One humble insect,
On wing toiling long,
Diligently she gathers,
Her portion of nature's fuel,
Among coloured rainbows,
She sings buzzing song,
Obediently her faithful work,
Reflects His patterned rule.
No fruits of her work,
Are easy to see,
Let us question our role,
Of grace from Thee.
One humble servant,
Who sings Scripture's Word
Diligently he gathers,
His manna of Holy Fuel,
Faith outward active,
For he surrendered heard,
Responds without a question,
To our blessed Saviour's Rule.
For faith is nothing
Anyone can see,
We should be a worker,
In our Lord's mercy.
O strange night,
That you may be;
Ye have no control,
Over me.
See the rabbit here,
Her young in a furrow;
The dingo pack digging down,
To take the life;
But life feeds the jaws,
Of death without sorrow;
As she dies to keep her young,
From the ivory knife.
A rabbit dies willing,
To free her young;
Without any thought or care,
To how life is hung;
And what of Man? Are we
Scared of this quick death?
Fate, chance or accident,
May take you any time;
But if you worry, much
Sooner goes your breath,
For death is a slave,
To your rags of time.
Death is a sleep,
Where God sends you;
The end of life,
The beginning too.
Mighty rock let us build,
That we may always stand;
Not like those falling flat,
On the ocean's sand.
A tree struggles slowly,
Along a rocky wall;
While in golden sand,
Others growing boast;
She learns from the pounding,
The truth of the call;
While round her storms unnatural,
Sweep the barren coast.
I am the way,
The truth and the life;
Come and learn of me,
To overcome strife.
Many have fallen along the beach,
Growing where they please;
While instructions for solid ships,
Are in the golden Word;
So steer your rudder,
Among the multitude of seas,
The rock is our Lighthouse,
Seaman and our Lord.
Give me time O Lord,
To read your Word each day;
For the Scriptures show,
Justice, Grace and the Way.
Clean cycled sky,
Rich and pour;
Bringing soot,
And soiling more.
Summer rains hide a colony,
On evening wings;
The hollow round branch,
Shelters the noisey hive,
Abundant flowers, the
Waxed god safely sings;
When suddenly a fire,
Consumes them inside.
In melted luxury,
The sweet smell sours,
Like man and his
Prosperous money hours.
You live like slaves,
To a lazy silver beat,
The sky revolves but
What gears values for you?
That worthless image flows
Round the firey heat;
While melted hearts fight,
In the white waxed glue.
Money makes the clouds,
Blow round;
Mammon is cycled,
Greed flows down.
O God what dust,
Has been born;
Come cripple,
This ugly form.
Come take me, force me
To love You, You again,
Go drag Your Enemy
From Your form,
And no animals of Nature,
Cause You pain,
But this image, this
Pitiful, hopeless form.
Like devils we drive
Life from the land,
For Adam's Mother formed
The dust of Man.
Supreme machines why build
On your concrete dreams?
When the Eternal guides,
Your tall towering trees,
Your forget the dust
Of Your deep ravines;
For their knowledge is dead,
Like my love for me.
God teach me
To be ugly,
So that I
May grow lovely.
Who is greater ?
The leaf or the tree?
To who shall the
Glory given be?
All of her leaves,
Respond to lifes call,
So are the branchlets,
Which feed the tree;
Those who supply not
Their little light fall,
For the tree needs obedience
From those such as thee.
To the Law of life,
Do green leaves stay,
What do we give,
In our own small way?
The greater is reliant
On what small ones sow..
Let each give forth
Abundant fruit,
For the Law will show
Thee how to grow,
And the trunk shall give
Thee strength to suit.
Therefore son of man
Grow without why,
For each of her leaves,
Are placed in the sky.
Ghastly god!
Why worship this eye?
When as slaves,
We live and die.
See the birds wake in the
Morning mirror air,
As the suns gears force
Action onto the earth,
The birds wake freely
And sing happily there,
They are rewarded too,
But what is life worth?
Like slaves to Nature
You toil and grow,
Where is God's justice?
Where does Man go?
Man toils, grows and breathes
In this heated hell,
Bound to the living
And forgetting the dead,
Our trivial filling ...
For God rings the bell,
Mans mangled milked events
To keep time fed.
Between two deaths
Our lives be,
But for many
There be three.
Malignant viridescent
Mirrored moon,
Indignant iniquities,
Flesh the spoon.
Slothfully slowly sounds
Ebb into crescendo,
A snaking ant trail
Marches mechanically ahead,
Where mysterious red meat
Tempts red rivers to flow,
The trial grinds deeper
As lifes luxouriously fed.
Blind snaking ant trail
Trusting your smell,
Perfumed propensities meat
Leading all to hell.
Are we led to labour?
Or is self the real sin?
Is our propensity for the
Moon tidal more?
The world whirls in darkness,
But the ethers within,
As the rotting flesh lives,
Feeding the grey green war.
And I cry O GOD
That I may live
So unselfishly.
Ageless fisherman
Weak but strong,
Catching creatures
Among the throng.
A stream from rocky
beginnings flow,
Weak at first
Her singing theme,
To the river
Droplets go,
Recycled afresh
Return to the stream.
For it is the Spirit
Of love we rely
But many streams
Their life supply.
Springs of living
Water flow,
For the Spirit
Allows streams to part,
So the faithful
Waters grow,
To mighty rivers,
In our heart.
If any thirst
Let him come to Me,
For My water is a
Living spring for thee.
Ark ! Ark !
The galahs do scream,
Stealing treasure
Beneath a stream.
Multitude of ants
Collecting seed,
Abundances placed
Around their nest;
Only a little truth
They heed,
While falling prey
To all the rest.
For where your treasure
Will be seen,
So mans heart is
The major theme.
Ye gather seed from
Mother Earth,
Only to store in
Farmers fields,
Few sow to harvest
Heavenly worth,
Weeds and stones
Choke the yields.
Great is the
Work of he,
If only his toil
Golden be.
Bubbling beauty
On carefree air,
A baby reaching
For constant care.
His mouth wide open
He cries for food,
While mother toils gently
She works all day,
And in an innocent
Singing mood,
Gathers her needs
Along the way.
Sparrow singing in
Natures care,
A faithful worker
So humble there.
The power is ours
If we should ask,
Mustard mountains
Often grow,
Worry not how your
Seeds are cast,
Gardner knows how
Seeds will grow.
So son of man
Seek power rare,
Active children
In Saviour's care.
Sex is a
Quick injection,
Like animals you milk
God's rejection.
A baby calf grows sucking
Mums viscous love.
It responds to
Inherited infection;
And like a mechanical
Small beak above,
The baby calf milks
Mothers sweet affection.
Gods unknowing machines
Wax old and dead.
Like mans sexy ideas
To how loves fed.
Do we care for the
Grace God has bought?
For evil love kills
The inner measure of Man,
It is no love at all,
For love is God brought,
Unexplainable power
Flooding our land.
Gods mysterious milk
So witheld,
Mans supreme machine
In Satans world.
What Art Thou?
O King of Kings?
Whose powers bring
All the things.
Who is Mother Nature
Of all her ware,
The cloud clear trees
Reflect Your Face.
While free singing slaves
Fly under Your care.
O ineffable power
Flooding dark space.
Creation sucks
Your infinite supply,
Under the Law
All things apply.
O fulgent form
Creating me a man,
You've given Satan
The power to destroy,
With Him, we destroy
Your ordered land,
But the faithful ask
Leave from Satan's toy.
Father teach me
Nothing new,
But what Your
Singing slaves do.
Bible of stars
Show their revelation,
The starry printed pages
Of salvation.
On autumn hills shines
The angels star,
A lamb is born
Perfect, white and free
Selected for slaughter
Suddenly the knife fell ajar,
While sin was tearing
the temples body of Thee.
Lord of the Sabbath
Give us restoration,
Instill in us the
Memorial of salvation.
Come let us reach for the
Higher powers of grace,
For Time came on time
With a time not His own,
Three sevens in his Father's
Love save a dying race,
And Eternal Time will
Come to take us home.
O Lord give me power
Over temptation,
Mature in us the Daily,
Through sanctification.
Our Father in heaven, for our Creation,
thank you for dear Jesus, for our Salvation,
may we bring forth your fruits of character,
we support Jesus words. Amen We will dig into Creation for the reader, to give a taste of the child like growing we all have in Jesus as a beginner in His grace.
Let us now look at the youth writing about faith. Since we understand faith as support, as well as other attributes, does the youth also have hints of this?
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)
Heb 11:1 Now "support" is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Ancient Hebrew)
What does the Youth write?
Support comes from praying Scripture words, than gathering the manna that falls, for his faith is outward and active, for all to see. This faith only falls if one surrenders to the science of Jesus' salvation.
The youth writes faith is not seen, but hoped for, and concludes our work of faith is because our Saviour is merciful.
The Youth also writes
So while the Youth does not discover this new meaning of faith as support, the child like growth in Jesus is along the right track of salvation.
We will leave further studies here. God bless those who read this website about the Science of Salvation.
May you grow more and more in Jesus. May the showers of His beauty make you beautiful. Amen
Next we consider more poetry prayers from the Prayers of David.
Poetry Prayer theme
Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012. Visitors HOSTED by Prologic, my Son. A thin website.