Q16: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
Consider prayer 12:-
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men (KJV)
Why write two Hebrew words side by side? Is this not an adjective or adverb? Hebrew does not have adjectives or adverbs, so placing two Hebrew words together creates such grammar context. The first word here is "yasha" meaning "rescue" or "save" is the actual Name given to Jesus in the New Testament:
Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YASHA: for he shall "yasha" his people from their sins. (KJV)
So we really have here:-
Yashua Yahweh; for the godly man ceaseth; for the "support" fails from among the children of men (Ancient Hebrew)
Notice this prayer is about people who fail to support Jesus' promised words of power, they have no faith in Jesus, even though Israel was following Jesus, they did not support Him.
Jews say if you want to have salvation you have to be a "torah follower", a person who "follows the teachings". Is this true ? No
Ro 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what teachings? of works? Nay: but by the teachings of support. (Ancient Hebrew)
You have to "support the teachings" not "follow the teachings". Is there a difference? Yes. People who follow the teachings become pious people empowered by their Baal master powers of self.
People who support the teachings are followers of Jesus, have claimed the promised flow of Jesus' power in their lives by supporting Jesus words, and have allowed the Baal master powers of self to die.
The difference between the two themes is a "Divine Person" in relationship with you. Not the teachings per se'. The teachings are only a tutor, which daily brings the Divine Person to you in relationship.
Ga 3:24 Wherefore the teachings was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be straightened by support.
Can the reader see how the teachings function in bringing Jesus to us, and His daily flow of power?
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Yashua Jesus,
how sad many do not support Jesus, and do not really have Jesus' power flowing in their lives,
teach us O LORD from your teachings, that we receive the power of Jesus by supporting His Words,
we support Jesus. Amen Prayer 12:1 Yashua Yahweh; the godly man ceaseth; for the "support" fails from among the children of men (Ancient Hebrew)
Consider the Hebrew names of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew Name for Jesus is Yashua, which is the Hebrew word for "rescue or save" in the verb form, or "Saviour" in the noun form. There is also a Hebrew word "Yeshua" translated as "salvation" also used as a simile for the Name of Jesus.
The other Names for Jesus, is YHWH, the one who exists. This is a functional descriptor for both the Father and Jesus, so context allows us to discern whom is whom, and sometimes both Persons are referenced at the same time, because the members of the Elohiym Family are a united unit.
The other Name for Jesus, is Christ, which in Hebrew means anointed. This is because Jesus Christ was to be anointed as a King over the redeemed, and thus from a Hebrew word, "BN" the family love of Elohiym continues in the heavenly home.
Also the Hebrew word "BR" the "home head" of Jesus continues over the redeemed as well as their King, and Saviour and LORD.
The Shem Tov, a Hebrew manuscript of the Scroll of Matthew, tells us much between the languages of Greek and Hebrew, and the religious bias of writers who possibly wrote using their Baal masters powers of self, rather than using the power of the Holy Spirit.
First let us show you the Names for Jesus Christ, which was written lots of times by Greek translators when they wrote Greek copies of the Hebrew special writings for themselves.
Ps 20:6 Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand. (KJV)
The reader can't see anything amazing here? That's because it's translated by humans in English.
Let's show you the Ancient Hebrew version:-
Prayer 20:6 Be intimate, the YHWH Yashua Christ; will answer from His special heaven with Yashua's strength of His right hand. (Ancient Hebrew)
Ps 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD (YHWH) "Jesus-YHWH" our God (Elohiym). (KJV)
The context of this prayer is about the NAME of Yashua.
Ps 20:9 Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.(KJV)
Can't see past the translation bias? We trust humans too much. Everyone has a bias, even the Author, who is trying to see the special scriptures with consistency across the Old Testament and New Testament in Hebrew. Not translations of Greek into English.
Ps 20:9 Yashua YHWH King, hear us when we call.(Ancient Hebrew)
Can the reader see the NAMES of Jesus now in Hebrew in the Old Testament. Such names of Jesus in the OT will be much more present in the NT.
Here is a quote from Richard Rives in 2014 on the ShenTov Matthew, Tillet and Munster manuscripts surviving in Hebrew:-
"Historical references do speak of a Hebrew gospel of Matthew.
Today there are those who present the Shem Tob version of Matthew
as an accurate representation of that manuscript.
Unsuspecting believers are being led by unbelievers
to accept an anti-Christian version of Matthew which
was found as a part of a polemic (anti-Christian) document
entitled Eban Bohan. This document was authored by Shem Tob,
nonbelieving Jewish theologian." Source Link
Richard Rives shows the readers that Matthew 1:21 has saving "my people" rather than "His people"; a small point really.
Notice the importance of Matthew 1:21:-
A bit hard to see, and confused with suffix letters inside the words, but the Author with child like understanding, has shown the Hebrew word "Yashua" or spelled by Jeff Benner as "Yashah" is repeated twice for the Verb and the Noun.
Thus Jesus Name in Hebrew is Yasha or Yashua, the "One who saves".
The Author realizes how difficult it would be to get the original NT written in Hebrew, because non followers of Jesus were biased in their Hebrew, but so perhaps were followers of Jesus in their Greek versions. However, the NT in Greek is perhaps the most correct version even if a translation of the Hebrew, and the process of getting the NT back into OT Hebrew would be very difficult.
This does not remove our child like respect for the Scriptures. One does not need all the Scriptures to be saved, and the teachings that come to us that we do understand, we are judged by the light we receive.
God bless our support in Jesus. Shalom
Prayer 12:6 The words (imrah) "words-personified" of the LORD are pure words (imrah) "words-personified" : as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. (KJV)
Let's do a study of "imrah" and discover why these "words" so carefully pure.
Yashua 14:2 Take with you words (dabar), and turn to the LORD (YHWH): say (amar) unto him, (KJV)
The Hebrew word "amar" is related to "amarah or imrah", and means "the strong flowing Authority" meaning you are praying to YHWH with "Strong flowing authority". This Hebrew word has both verb and noun forms.
But it is the added "Person letter" to this word we wish to study now.
Ps 18:30 As for God (el) "Strong Authority", his way is perfect: the word (imrah) "words-personified" of the LORD (YHWH) is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
Here is a context of "imrah" with the Father of Elohiym.
Ps 119:11 ¶ Thy word (imrah) "words-personified" have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin (chata) "sin" against thee.
Notice the "words-personified" in our minds stop us from missing Jesus, as we support His Words daily through prayer.
Ps 119:41 Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD(YHWH) "Father-YHWH", even thy salvation (Yeshua), according to thy word (imrah) "words-personified".
Notice the Father sends Yeshua or salvation as His solution for missing, is actually a Divine Being, His Son, Yashua or Jesus, the WORD-PERSONIFIED.
Ps 119:116 ¶ Uphold me according unto thy word (imrah) "words-personified", that I may live (chayah) "ongoing living":...
The breath of salvation, the "chayah" the quickening power of the Holy Spirit to have "ongoing living" comes only as we uphold the "imrah" of Jesus. In the latter rains of Jesus, the New Testament, the Hebrew word "chayah" is often translated as "quickened".
Ps 119:103 ¶ How sweet are thy words (imrah) "words-personified" unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Why are Special Scripture Words sweet in the mouth? Because we you pray Jesus-personified words, the is a hope of His promised power flowing from those words. Thank Jesus for this flow. Thank Jesus for empowering you daily throughout the day and it's tribulation.
Pr 30:5 Every word (imrah) "words-personified" of God (eloah) "the Father" is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
This context is very strange, for if one does not see Jesus, one could say the Father is the "imrah" the "words personified", thus as Jews do, the "YHWH" is only a reference to the Father.
Or if we understand Jesus saying, "I and my Father are a united unit" ( Joh 10:30 ), than here is an OT proof of the NT claim. Here the Father's flow is packaged in word's personified in His Son, for salvation through His Son. Thus we have love as a community effort.
Those who find Scriptures complex, one can doubt if you wish to doubt.
Now for a famous "imrah" context in the NT by John:-
Joh 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The reader can't see anything amazing? That's because the LXX Septuingt translation of Hebrew into Greek spoiled the way translators saw Hebrew words.
The translation of "imrah" in Greek is "logus" the same for "dabar", thus making the entire meaning of "imrah" lost in the NT.
The Author has shown enough contexts of the "imrah" in the OT, to show it must also fit here in this context in the NT. So here is the Ancient Hebrew of John 1:1 to 4:-
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the (imrah) Word-Personifed, and the (imrah) Word-Personifed was with God (Elohiym), and the (imrah) Word-Personifed was God (elohiym).
Comparing the OT "imrah" of "Jesus-personified" with this NT context of "imrah" we see "Jesus-personifed" as the WORD.
For more, see Study of imrah or memrah
Some doubt, saying the Words were the words of the Father, that came to us in the NT is the creation of an earthly son... Doubt if you want to, but this is not what the Scriptures says...
When Hebrew names something as a Person, they are named with Verbs that become character names of the Person. Eg:-
Ge 5:29 And he called his name Noah (Nacham), saying, This same shall comfort (nacham) us...
Nacham is a verb, it becomes a name when used for Noah.
Ge 30:13 And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed (asher): and she called his name Asher (asher).
Asher is a verb, it becomes a name when used for Asher.
Ho 1:6 And she conceived again, and bare a daughter. And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah (Lo' Ruchamah): for I will no more have mercy (racham) upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away.
Racham is a Verb/Noun and used for a name for Lo'Rachamah.
Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yashua: for he shall save (yasha) his people from their sins.
Yashua is a verb, it becomes a name when used for Jesus (Yashua).
Mt 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Emmanuel is a phrase that means God with us.
These examples are some of the easy ones to show you, the Hebrew used verbs to name the character of the Person born into the world. So if we read in the OT the Verb Yasha, we also need to see if this is a reference to Jesus as well.
Why ? Because Jesus was pre-existing from eternity as the Elohiym family does.
Re 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.(KJV)
Notice the "hidden manna" is a Greek phrase. In Hebrew it says "Jesus is the 'hidden man'". Why is Jesus, a simile of manna, hidden?
Mt 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
The Scriptures are hidden from those who cannot read, or wish to doubt. Unless you see and hear the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures remain hidden and you will not find the Divine Man there, the "manna" we all have to eat.
Our Father in heaven, thank you for Yashua Jesus,
the words personified in Jesus, teach us to have Jesus' power flowing in our lives,
teach us Father from your teachings, that we receive the power of Jesus by supporting Jesus' Special Words,
we support Jesus. Amen That was a suprising study of prayer 12, a special study of Jesus, and why the words-personified promise you a power flow from Jesus if you speak them in the Name of Jesus, this is how we support Jesus. Or do "Faith" in Jesus.
Thank Jesus daily for this flow, and be ready for the day's tribulation to seek the right words-personified to keep your relationship with Jesus victorious.
Next we consider prayer 13.
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