Q30: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Understand the childlike foundations first:-
Consider prayer 26:-
Prayer 26:1 Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity (tom) "whole" : I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide. (KJV)
Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect (tam) "whole" and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. (KJV)
Jeff Benner has a hard time finding an English word for both of these different Hebrew words, that have similar meanings.
The Author reads all the contexts for "tom" and suggests "uprightness" as a possible English meaning. Thus the prayer is:-
Ps 26:3 For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth (emeth) "support".
A beautiful prayer promise, "Your loving kindness is before my eyes Lord, I walk in your support", I have nothing to do with empty-storm persons.
How do we support Jesus? By claiming His words and walking in His power.
If you read through James chapters 1 and 2, the concept of support is discussed. When you claim prayer promises and thus support Jesus words by praying for His gifts of power, do not waver or doubt (James 1:5).
Do not become a double minded man, thinking will this gift of power from Jesus flow or not? (James 1:6)
Much of our lack of support comes from our own lust, pride and Baal master power of self. (James 1:14) So when in the presence of others listen more, pray prayer promises, and thus be slow to speak (James 1:19) so we become meek,
engrafted into the Word, able to save souls (James 1:21), thus we speak what Jesus tells us to speak.
When you hear Jesus speak to you from His words, do them, do not doubt or make excuse. You support Jesus for a reason, so Jesus can do through you, thus ye are doers of His words. (James 1:23)
Can a man have support in Jesus but no works of Jesus through him, can His support of Jesus save him? (James 2:14) This is an oxymoron, a contradiction. An empty-storm person. All pious but no power.
So if you speak support to Jesus and no works of Jesus flow through you, the relationship with Jesus is dead. (James 2:17)
But if a man says I do support Jesus and pray His prayer promises, filling myself with His words, but nothing flows from this wonderful relationship, no works of Jesus through me, what is this man? An empty-storm person. All pious but no showers.
In pidgin is it a mouse-water man. Or a two faced man. Or in James a double minded man. Or in Prayer 26:4, an empty-storm person.
The Devil has churches where He supports those who support Satan with wonders and signs and miracles, so do not boast that you support Jesus, if nothing of Jesus flows in you. (James 2:19)
When you support Jesus through your will, obeying what He asks you to do, allow confidently His gifts of power to flow through you immediately. Walk in His support. Do not waver. Remain humble and meek, which means your eyes seek the potential in others, and your eyes intently look to Jesus for His gifts of power.
And like Abraham, when GOD asks you, to do something, do it quickly without wavering. Support His support with actions. Be a doer of His support. (James 2:23)
Thus a man is straightened by the results of Jesus flowing through you, not just by supporting Jesus alone. (James 2:24)
James shows a poetry simile parallel to conclude:
Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit (ruwach) "the Holy Spirit living in you" is dead, so faith (emanuh) "support in Jesus words" without works is dead also.(KJV)
We are kept alive through the Holy Spirit living in us, administrating the breath of life from the Father in us, so without Elohiym's direct presence in us, we would be dead.
This is a parallel simile to the breath of salvation. The Holy Spirit also administrates the power of Jesus in us, so when we speak Jesus words in prayer, supporting Him, this gift of power flows in us via the Holy Spirit, in the same way as the "breath of life" does and we experience "ongoing living" forever.
We must remain supporting our Supporter, who is also supporting us. The switching on and off processs of this electrical flow of love, is our will to choose. In Scripture salvation is a hopping over process. The Hebrew word "Passover" really means "Hopover" and thus our minds hop over to Jesus, or hop back to our Baal master powers of human self.
Your choice. Your decision. For those of us as babes in Jesus this hopping over process is a daily thing, hence we become lukewarm, sometimes on, sometimes off, hence hot and cold; resulting in being lukewarm. If Jesus saves the babes in Him, it is as a firebrand snatched from the fire, (Zec 3:2 ), at that immediate moment we hopped over to Jesus, with our will.
For those of us wanting to be more mature, we have to train ourselves to experience how to support Jesus more and more. Learn to listen to the "Jesus talk" via the Holy Spirit through your conscience. Support the teachings you read of Jesus, and walk in His gifts of power flowing through you. Not your works in you. But Jesus working in you. Catch the difference?
Prayer is important and training yourself to pray correctly so we support Jesus correctly is important too.
But the Author gets flooded with mockers and dealing with people who mock exhausts us, and makes us doubt and become as confused as they are confused.
For example here is an email I received from a Christian person regarding the personality of the Holy Spirit:
"I think you can read into any verse what you want, but I don’t know a lot on this subject. God is a spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Yes Luke 1:33-35 says that the Father and the Spirit overshadowed Mary to bring forth Jesus, but just because we humans need a man and a woman to conceive a child, that does not automatically mean that one of the 2 in that passage has to be female."
I agree with this person who emailed me on both accounts, you can read confusion into any text you like, and yes just because both the Father and the Holy Spirit came over Mary does not make one male and one female, as the word born suggests with earthlings, but its a beginning of reading poetry similes about Elohiym. And we add up all the material in Scripture using the balance of probabilities, including the Hebrew English translator, EGW as the SOP, to make sure the Hebrew understanding is correct in the English understanding.
So what do we do with mockers who mock, and say "The Holy Spirit expressing femaleness-love is a pagan concept ?"
When you pray to Elohiym, your praying to the source of love, and thus it's important we understand what love and loving means.
The Author reads that when Israel worshipped the "queen of heaven", Elohiym condemned this notion. So the Author is investigating if the Father is a king of heaven.
The Author notes many problems with worshipping Elohiym as a family of maleness-love and femaleness-love, as heavenly parents, with a one and only Son Jesus who now has humanity added to His divinty for ever, in order to redeem those who choose to support Jesus as their Saviour.
Ps 131:1 LORD ...neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. (KJV)
There is no Hebrew word for "god". The Hebrew word "el" means "Strong Authority", not "god". The Hebrew word "elohiym" means "family power" and refers to "family pagan powers" or "court judge family powers" or "heavenly divine family power". If you allow Scripture to define any Hebrew word, you have to allow each context the word is found in to match perfectly the English word you choose for it's meaning.
Simple really. However humans today mock this quickly by saying all languages have words with multiple meanings. Really? Are multiple meanings that common? Or have we become subjected to more confusion and more slang of meaning as time progresses?
Think about this. Would GOD create a language for Adam, such as Hebrew, and have the language with confusion, with multiple meanings, which only make sense depending upon the context of the word? Sometimes a Hebrew word with its meanings is seen in an opposite sense in some contexts. For example "barak" means "bless" but can sometimes in sentences mean an opposite meaning such as "curse".
This is not really developing the idea of multiple meanings to words, only that God engineered things to be functional or dysfunctional. Or good and bad. So an opposite meaning runs with the design how God made things, including the first language.
However for the sake of mockers who mock, and doubters who doubt, here is a study about whether the Father is a king of heaven:-
Since both Hebrew words are spelt the same, they must have the same meaning, only differences in action. This is shown above by the Author. Notice the term "king" is incorrect, the Hebrew term means one who reigns as a Reigner. You can assume this is similar to a "king" if you wish.
Ge 36:31 And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel. (KJV)
The first use of the terms is important in Scripture.
Here is a translation into Ancient Hebrew:
Ge 36:31 And these are the Reigners that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any Reigners over the children of Israel. (Ancient Hebrew)
Notice a better use of the verb and noun forms, having a similar meaning, must be required in the Scriptures.
English is not consistent with language rules, it has become confusion as Babylon means confusion. For example:
"He loved her with his love".
We do not write different English words for the verb form or the noun form of love do we? And yet we assume these two forms of love are different in meaning? What's different about them? Only the actions are different, the meanings are the same.
Hence if we wish to study our Scriptures properly, we have to be consistent and fair to the original rules of God's language of Hebrew.
Ex 15:18 The LORD shall reign for ever and ever. (KJV)
No identification of who the YHWH might be, Father or Son? The Author suspects Son-YHWH.
Jg 9:8 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king (malak) "Reigner" over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us. (KJV)
Notice the way a Reigner is defined as to reign, they have to be of the same kind. The olive tree, the bramble and the trees are all of the same kind.
If the Heavenly Father was to reign over humans as a Reigner, the Father would have to add humanity to his Divinity in order to be the same kind. But the Father does not do this.
The heavenly Father appoints Jesus, His Son to do this, because in Hebrew a "Son" continues the love of the divine family over the nations, thus Jesus is appointed as a Reigner of humans, and becomes a Reigner once His divinity has humanity added to it.
1Sa 15:11 It repenteth (nacham) "comfort" {opposite meaning intended "sorrowful"} me that I have set up Saul to be king (malak) "Reigner": for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments (dabar) "words". And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD (YHWH) "Son-YHWH" all night. (KJV)
Israel cannot wait for the Son-YHWH to come to earth as a Reigner in human form, so ask for a earthly Reigner to reign over them instead. This is sad because it means the followers of Son-YHWH are mastering their own lives (Hebrew word Baal) and following self (Hebrew English translation of Baal) and so these people are not supporting Son-YHWH at all.
Ps 47:8 God (Elohiym) reigneth over the heathen: God (Elohiym) sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. (KJV)
This is an interesting prayer of David, Elohiym reigns over mankind, as an incomplete action. One day Jesus will become a Reigner over His redeemed, and thus complete the action of reigning over mankind forever.
Ps 97:1 The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. (KJV)
Again YHWH reigneth, but this is not a clear reference to our Father.
Ps 99:1 The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved.(KJV)
This reference could be though. The YHWH is mostly likely Father-YHWH who reigns over us as an incomplete action, as the verb form describes.
Isa 32:1 Behold, a Reigner shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. (Ancient Hebrew)
This reference and all of chapter 32 speaks of Jesus coming as a Reigner who reigns over His redeemed.
Jesus comes as a Isa 32:2 And a man shall be as an hiding place from the Holy Spirit, as the shadow of a great rock (cela) "Jesus rock" in a weary land.
Notice the term shadow, Jesus comes to reign over mankind first as a shadow. You need two objects to make shadows, thus Jesus comes to us via the Holy Spirit who functions as a medium to bring us Jesus.
Isa 32:3 And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken.
We hear Jesus talking to us via the Holy Spirit through our conscience.
Isa 52:7 ¶ How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God (Elohiym) reigneth!
Notice the Family power reigneth ! only when the gospel good news is published, by whom? By Jesus. This is saying Jesus will become the one who is our Reigner, the one behind the good news of the gospel.
Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King (malak) "Reigner" shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
Notice it says a Branch, a Tree like form, reigns as our Reigner. Who is this? Jesus is.
Eze 20:33 ¶ As I live, saith the Lord (adonay) GOD (YHWH) "Lord Jesus", surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule (malak) "reign" over you: (KJV)
Notice the Adonay YHWH is a reference to Jesus who reigns over us, if we allow Him to.
See studies of Jesus as Adonay YHWH menu.
Now lets focus on Reigner and references to Elohiym or Eloah or Ab?
Ps 44:4 Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob. (KJV)
Here is a good clear verse, but is it clear? And why do translators add words to Hebrew nouns side by other Hebrew nouns as they feel like?
Is this a traditional human bias? In the Eden garden, Hebrew never needed translating, in fact right up to the great flood, all the people spoke the same language,
the idea of adding words to Hebrew nouns beside Hebrew mouns, is a human attempt to translate into another language, hence we are adding by definition confusion to the Hebrew.
When people wandered away from GOD since "confusion times" ie the "tower of Babel times", God decided to add confusion to languages, and so translation is in itself a confusing process.
Hence why the Author tries with child like understanding to read the Hebrew with less confusion.
First this is a poetry parallel:-
Ps 44:4 Notice the meaning now, the first poetry line say Reigner Elohiym, so is a community sense the Family of GOD is a Reigner, but this is only true of a single member of Elohiym, who is named:
Jesus Yashua is the Reigner for Jacob.
Ps 47:2 For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King (malak) "Reigner" over all the earth.
This text really threw the Author badly. The heavenly Father, referenced as the Most High, is a Reigner over the earth!
This text will cause me to rewrite some website material, and change some ideas, and cause a focus differently to previous thoughts. Sometimes when dealing with mysteries, we have to give up investigating.
We shall ever be learning and finding out things about GOD, indeed Elohiym is a mystery.
At least the Author is honest to our readers, if we find something strange and hard to understand, we will let you know. Sometimes we have to walk away and in a season of prayer and fasting ask GOD for more help, or leave such things as a mystery.
Perhaps the reference here, "YHWH High" is about Jesus-YHWH as a Reigner, rather than the Father-YHWH per se', I don't know. It can be confusion to say the least, and not convince doubters who doubt and mockers who mock.
For example:-
Ps 89:26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father(ab), my God(el) "Strong Authority", and the rock (tsuwr) of my salvation(yashua) "Salvation from the Father personified in Jesus, His Son".
27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings (malak) "Reigners" of the earth.
This text gives special clues to how the Hebrew words "Father" (ab) and "High" or "most high" (elyown), and "Jesus as the Father's function of salvation" (yashua) works as a "first born" "higher" than other "reigners" over the earth.
Notice our Hebrew English translator:-
In Isaiah's prophecy, Christ is declared to be both a sure foundation and a stone of stumbling. The
apostle Peter, writing by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, clearly shows to whom Christ is a foundation
stone, and to whom a rock of offense: (Desire of Ages)
"Christ is the desire of all nations, but men do not look to Him and trust in Him, but look to the human for help. Christ is the star that should arise out of Jacob, and the one in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed, as the first born of heaven, and the only begotten of the Father, filled with all the treasures of eternity. {Lt101-1896.7}"
See Jesus functions as a mother , in other words masculine metal as an anode.
See personification of the Holy Spirit,in other words the feminine aspects of the medium.
See (3) A fantastic declaration, Jesus functions as the Father functions.
The Author hopes this helps unravel confusion and mysteries in the Scriptures. But there is always the possibility to doubt and mock. This is easy to do if we do not read all the material on a topic, or NOT spend the time eating the "learnings" in lots of child like small doses.
We become impatient and give up eating lots of child like small doses, and become frustrated that understanding GOD is too deep.
Joh 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
Jesus is proclaimed in the OT as Jacob, and as Salvation, both titles of Yashua or Jesus.
Ps 84:3 Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King (malak) " my Reigner", and my God (Elohiym) "family power".
The term "YHWH of hosts" or "YWHW of armies" is referenced as a Reigner, the way Jesus was commander over all the angel army of hosts.
Isa 44:6 Thus saith the LORD the King (malak) "Reigner"redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God (elohiym) "family power".
Here Jesus is the YHWH of hosts, the redeemer, the first born of heaven, the last method of being saved, there is no other way of salvation, no other family power.
This text shows Jesus pre-existing. Otherwise we have the Father YHWH as King, and thus has to add humanity to His Divinity and die for mankind's sin-offering, in order to save the redeemed. But a heavenly Father does not do this.
A heavenly Son does instead.
Isa 60:16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. (KJV)
How can masculine metal become a provider or anode, so the Gentiles can suck the milk from the breasts of masculine metal such as Jesus? See the simile to a family battery of love? The power of love flows from the "more reactive" masculine metal to the "less reactive" masculine metal in the medium of the Holy Spirit, so the Gentiles can via Jesus experience the salvation of their souls.
This is community love in action, but we miss reading what seems gross.
Jer 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. (KJV)
Sometimes the KJV fuzzy translations make reading really confusing.
Jer 10:10 But the Son-YHWH, the supportive Family Power, the living Family Power, the everlasting Reigner: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. (KJV)
Notice the functional descriptors of Jesus, the Son-YHWH, the One who exists, who lives and saves us as our Reigner.
How does Jesus support the Family Power Elohiym? By adding words to the Father's words, as the Word Personified, Jesus becomes the salvation for His Father.
See studies of support (faith)
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And in a translation of Hebrew?
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the "Imrah", and the "Imrah" was with Elohiym, and the "Imrah" was Elohiym.
And in English?
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the "Word Personified", and the "Word Personified" was with Elohiym, and the "Word Personified" was Elohiym.
Poetry was invented by GOD in Scripture to show us pictures of GOD in both similes and personifications of Family Power. Thus Jesus supports His Father's words by becoming the Word Personified, as a Personal Being, representing the Father.
Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (KJV)
Elohiym is invisible but made manifest through matter and thus shape, so humans created in matter can perceive Elohiym. Thus the natural world is a glimpse of Elohiym in the invisible world.
Joh 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (KJV)
Many people misquote Scripture by trusting human translators too much, the [is] is added in the KJV. When Hebrew nouns are beside nouns, translators feel to add words they feel like adding.
Its a human tradition dealing with "Hebrew construct chain", scholarly stuff I know, beyond child like understanding.
So in Hebrew this writing reads:
Joh 4:24 Elohiym the Holy Spirit: and they that worship "the Father" must worship "The Father" via the Holy Spirit and in "support". (Ancient Hebrew)
Hebrew seems to talk funny? But who am I to feel like making the words flow nicely for English readers...
Notice the Holy Spirit is a "wind" that carries "the Father", so this whole worship thing, is a "medium affect", not something we do directly as the Samartian woman suggested.
This ties with Paul's statement, Elohiym is invisible, and made manifest using similes of Nature, so men are without excuse.
So in conclusion, the heavenly Father is over all things, but only Jesus is referenced as a Reigner, as One who will reign over His redeemed.
We are not to worship a "queen of heaven" or a "king of heaven". Jesus is the only "king of mankind" mentioned in heaven. Electrical love flows when all three divine entities inside the battery work together as a united unit.
That's how electrical love flows, and in a Hebrew world is defined to flow in masculine terms from the positive strong Authority. How many electrical generators do we have in heaven? Only one. This might help to explain the pictures of Ezekiel
seeing Elohiym working as wheels of action within wheels of flow. Elohiym is highly relational.
Next we consider prayer 27.
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