Q1 What is the first principle of Self Indulgence ? ..Self-powered.. The King James translation do not have a single word for "self" or "self indulgence" or even "selfish". However the Hebrew Scripture does have a concept for "self". See studies of the "self-powered" ones. There are dozens of words around the theme of "self", "self-powered" and the "self-indulgent" person.
To help the reader with this study, a brief overview is given in the next webparts. For a serious reader, wanting to prove my studies the following "word studies" are given here below.
I trust you will read all about self indulgence. How 'self - indulgence' keeps our will from being willing to submit to Jesus, who should be our stronger authority, every second of our lives. Shalom
Index of verses that relate to the theme of "self" and "self indulgence" :- |
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