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Study of unclean or self-indulgence

HYPOTHESIS: What does "tame'" mean ?

INTRODUCTION: Here is another study of self-indulgence. What does the word "tame" or "unclean" tell us about self and self-indulgence ? Let's do the study and see.

METHOD: All verses studied

CONCLUSION: The word "tame'" means "unclean".


    "unclean" "strongs 2931" The pictograph means "The covering flows strong" or "The basket of bad things flows strong".

PERSONAL APPLICATION: The basket covers us with good things or bad things depending how the letter is used. Here concept of unclean is a basket of bad things flowing strong. The idea of lepers comes to mind. They had coverings over their bodies flowing strongly to protect others from infection. A bandage over a wound is a covering flowing strongly to protect the wound from further disease.

This study goes through disease (unclean) and talks about diseases and disease management. The word tells us much about how the Bible helps us to be healthy. if you want to learn all the aspect of being more healthy, than read the discussion details.

DISCUSSION: See comments in text

unclean theme

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