Q9: Discussion of Memrah (15) Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word. (KJV)
The Hebrew word "shagag" needs investigating.
The pictograph reads "The pressed walking of the walking" is a picture of a person walking poorly because he makes mistakes in his relationship with GOD.
Let's get some help with this meaning:
Ge 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.(KJV)
The very first use of "shagag as a verb" is not even translated by the KJV...
Ge 6:3 And YHWH said, My "powers administrated by the Holy Spirit" shall not always strive with man, now that also flesh errs: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.(Ancient Hebrew)
Adding the Hebrew word "err" is significant now. The reason why our flesh errs, is because of the genetic errors our flesh will inherit as a result from genetic mistakes of copying our Designers designed design in our genes, which become corrupted through mutations caused by radiation entering our bodies, by poor food, and lately by man making poisons that harm our genetic makeup.
So the Hebrew word suggests the "errors" one receives is a result of "inherited pressed walking".
Le 5:18 And he shall bring a ram without blemish out of the flock, with thy estimation, for a trespass offering, unto the priest: and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his ignorance(shagag: noun form) "error" wherein he erred (shagag: verb form) "erred" and wist it not, and it shall be forgiven him. (KJV)
In the second scripture, both verb and noun forms as used concerning the "asham" offering.
Numbers 15:28, uses both forms of "shagag", without explaining these terms.
Job 12:16 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.(KJV)
In this oldest scroll, the word "err" is associated with another similar Hebrew word, that Jeff Benner also suggests means "err".
The pictograph of this word reads: "The pressed walking of the Person. Behold!", suggests a person walking with an inherited problem, or walking with sinful habits?
Le 4:13 ¶ And if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty; (KJV)
Le 4:13 And if the whole congregation of Israel "err personally", and the "words" be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of YHWH which he do, shamefully; (Ancient Hebrew)
Again the KJV sees "shagah" as "ignorant errors of the person". The "person errs" making himself "ashamed".
1Sa 26:21 Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David: for I will no more do thee harm, because my soul was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly. (KJV)
Here KJV uses "err" as does Jeff Benner. Is this really an ignorant outburst on behalf of Saul against David?
Job 6:24 Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. (KJV)
Another good translation by the KJV. Most of our tongue babbles on because of inheritied flesh that takes over our mind in the presence of others, so using our Baal masters of self, we "err" talking to others too many words, instead of asking Jesus, "what should we say to them now?"
Ps 119:10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander(shagah) "err-personally" from thy commandments.
11 Thy word (memrah) "words-personified" have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin (chata) "miss" against thee.
In this context, the person who errs from the directions of Jesus, does so because they have not sown the "words-personified" in their hearts at the time. Is this mistake a mistake of our inherited now spoiled design from our genetics, packaged as a sin-offering which rules over us, as Paul says, or deliberately sinning or missing on our behalf?
The Author tends to see "pesha" or "transgressions" as deliberate or willful sinning, where people make choices to break the commandments of GOD. But when followers of Jesus confessed their transgressions to Jesus, our sin-bearer, our sin-offerings are taken by Jesus and our guilt and our sin-offerings are lifted away, and Jesus grants us His peace.
If we walk daily with Jesus, and as a person err daily, this what I don't do, comes from our sin-offering ruling over my flesh, and so is an ignorant error, a sin-offering not unto death. The relationship with Jesus still holds, even if we daily make mistakes, and this is why the hopping over feast is important.
The Lord's Ordinance, is a renewal of the Hopping Over Feast, when we return more and more to Jesus, becoming hot for Jesus, rather than lukewarm. The Author sees the process of relationship with Jesus as one where our mistakes become less often, our use of Baal master powers of self become less often, and we begin to walk more powerfully in Jesus all the time, supporting His words-personified.
The reader might be confused here.
For more see:-
The Author has re-read all these hyperlinks himself, and they are really helpful for readers.
Does the Bible view deliberate sinning?
Ex 32:31 And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned (chata) a great sin (chataah) , and have made them gods of gold.
Moses uses the terms "chata" meaning "sin" and "chataah" meaning "sin-offering", so where is the provision for dealing with such sinning?
So where is our source of commentary upon the Scriptures, if we do not know the Scriptures fully ourselves? The commandments, opinions and traditions of men? Perhaps the Internet sources of other humans we do not know?
The Author sometimes reads the commentaries of men such as Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther and Adam Clarke, since these are available on the Power CD Bible software, and the Author has some regard for these men of old.
But our greatest inspired commentary in the last days, raised to help us unravel the confusion in the Scriptures, has to be God's messages to Ellen White.
With rebellious Israel they must die before
crossing the Jordan. Had Moses and Aaron been cherishing self-esteem,
or indulging a passionate spirit, their guilt would have been far
greater. But they were not chargeable with wilful or deliberate sin;
they had been overcome by a sudden temptation, and their contrition
was immediate and heartfelt. The Lord accepted their repentance,
though because of the harm their sin might do among the people
He could not remit punishment. God forgave Moses, but he could
not grant him that which he so greatly longed for—a home in the
promised land. (Ms 9, 1903)
Overcome by sudden temptation, is not seen as deliberate sin. But GOD cannot remove the consequence of our mistakes, hence Moses could not enter the Promised Land alive.
When one errs,
others too often feel at liberty to make the case appear as bad as possible.
Those who perhaps are guilty of as great sins in some other direction
will treat their brother with cruel severity. Errors committed through
ignorance, thoughtlessness, or weakness are exaggerated into wilful,
premeditated sin . Some, seeing souls going astray, fold their
hands, and say: “I told you so. I knew there was no dependence
to be placed on them.” (Pacific Union Recorder April 10, 1902)
Again the reference it seems to "shagag" and "shagah" are "errors of pressed walking"
through ignorance, thoughtlessness, or weakness are not seen as wilful sinning.
God gives all opportunity to know the truth. His word in the Scriptures
is so plain and consistent and the path of truth is so straight,
that no one need err. But there are many who, though impressed with the truth,
will not turn from their own pleasure, but continue to disobey God,
advancing error instead of truth. They dishonor God’s memorial.
Sin lies at the door. The blood of the souls lost because of their
deceptive teaching will rest upon their heads. They will be made to
feel the consequence of wilful transgression.
Where are some of these phrases found in scripture?
Ge 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
Le 12:6.. for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle..
The SOP sees "sin-offering" as a ruler, lying at the door of your soul, the simile place where Jesus takes our sin-offering and forgives it, but Satan is also a simile of the sin-offering lying at the door, ready to rule over you through your condemned falled flesh.
Some are thus brought to repentance. They reform, but they do not stay reformed.
They do not go on from victory to victory. Why? Because their work is superficial.
When their affliction was removed and their fears relieved, they became indifferent,
and did not maintain the battle to the very gates. They were not converted every day,
but rushed on in ambitious haste into untried enterprises, disregarding the word of
the Lord. These go far in back sliding.
The question is often asked me, What shall we do under such and such circumstances?
If you seek the Lord with full purpose of heart, and decide to be a Christian in word
and in deed, you will break away from reckless companions, lest you become one with them,
to perish with the wicked.
You ask, What is my duty? Place yourself in the most favorable
position to learn to study the Word of God as a diligent student. Pray with the Bible
in your hands. Ask for the Holy Spirit to indite your petitions. Act as you know Christ
wishes you to act. Keep His words and works ever before you. Humble your heart before
Him. Strive for the mastery over the sin which so easily besets you.
The Lord will give you grace to overcome. (Lt 162, 1900)
Notice the steps to Jesus, the SOP offers to overcome our missing in His relationship.
See Hosea 14:1,2 for these steps to Jesus. The SOP also asks for us to seek another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who trains us to overcome all sinnning in our lives.
This connection is important, as we need the personal presence of a Helper bringing us daily to Jesus and His Help, so we can grow up enduring the glory and beauty of our heavenly Father.
In His intercession as our Advocate Christ needs no man's virtue, no man's intercession.
Christ is the only sin bearer, the only sin-offering.
Prayer and confession are to be offered only to Him who has entered once for all
into the holy place. Christ has declared, “If any man sin, we have an advocate with
the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” He will save to the uttermost all
who come to Him in faith. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. This makes
of no avail the offering of mass, one of the falsehoods of Romanism. (SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7 (EGW), Page 913)
Jesus is our sin-bearer, our sin-offering. He will lift away our sinning, our ignorant missing of His power, as long as we confess our missing as a sin-offering.
To achieve this, you have to listen to the voice of God telling you of your missing via the conscience of your soul, so that you become aware of the missing of power from the divine relationship with Jesus.
Only as you hear Jesus, and thus see Jesus, do you begin to reach deeper into His bosom for deeper drafts of His power, powers you have daily missed.
The most common ignorant sinning or missing is the pressed walking we do using self, the Baal master human power of self, take over when we talk in the presence of mockers, people who are not yet true followers of Jesus,
and thus mock your relationship with Jesus.
The Son of God suffered the penalty of sin, reconciling the world unto Himself.
He who knew no sin became a sin-offering, that fallen, sinful human beings,
through repentance and confession, might receive pardon. He became our propitiation,
that man, repentant, humbled, receiving the merits of Christ, might be made the
righteousness of God in Him. (Manuscript Releases, vol. 11 [Nos. 851-920], Page 365)
Jesus became our sin-offering for us, paying its ultimate penalty, the non-existence state without GOD in your being, the second death.
“Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you.” It is set apart as My
institution, to be devoted to religious service. “Everyone that defileth it shall
surely be put to death.” [Verse 14.] Were the death penalty now carried out, it
would deter man from wilful transgression. But “because sentence against an evil work
is not executed speedily, the hearts of the sons of men are fully set in them to
do evil.” [Ecclesiastes 8:11.] The Lord bears long with His rebellious human family.
He gives all an opportunity to learn the truth from His Word. He has given them a
probation, during which they are tested and tried. The death penalty is deferred
because Christ our Saviour died in man’s behalf, giving sinful human beings
another opportunity to return to their loyalty. Those who will not obey the word
of God, but rank themselves with transgressors, those who bear the sign of
disobedience, doing their own work on the Lord’s holy day, must at last bear
the death penalty. (Lt 80, 1900)
The OT is about dealing with our true standing before GOD, if we do deliberate sinning, we must experience the second death, a state where nothing exists, where God leaves everything in a state of dissolution.
It is therefore necessary to write teachings about the penalty of wilful transgression, so all mankind can see its consequences. Jesus came to the OT problem offering the Father's mercy and forgiveness, offering sinners deserving of death, a chance of renewed living through His Son,
who was decreed by the Father "today my Son is born" in thee if you are willing, to be saved by Him, to live with us for eternity. (Psalms 2:7 )
How is this done?
Work with the YHWH-Jesus with flowing-fear and rejoice with trembling,
Kiss the Grain, lest Jesus breaths hard, and ye perish on the road, when His Nose is kindled a little.
Blessed are all who trust in Jesus. (Ancient Hebrew from Prayer 2:11,12)
Notice how Psalm 2 comes alive with meaning if we read the Hebrew correctly.
For more see
Prayer training with Kissing the Grain of Jesus
There will be no excuse for those who choose to go in error when they might understand
what is truth. In his sufferings and death Jesus has made atonement for all sins
of ignorance, but there is no provision made for wilful blindness. Those who have
hid their eyes from the truth lest they should be convinced, must exercise repentance
toward God for the transgression of his law, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ
, that their sins of ignorance in the transgression of the Sabbath
may be forgiven. (The Review and Herald April 25, 1893)
A true follower of Jesus, by definition, cannot do trampling on Jesus and also hold His hand. You must hold His hand daily,
support His words daily, walk in His powers flowing through you daily, and rejoice in this flowing-fear of power through you, rejoicing that we can talk to a divine friend in our conscience minute by minute!
Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,
there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
The ten commandments are written for transgressors, those who will experience the second death for the violation of these directions. Hence they are mostly written as negatives.
But we also need to read the directions of how to walk with Jesus as positive teachings:
For more see: "The commandments are:-
(3) enlarge the heart with love
(5) a part of 613 commandments?
There are multitudes to-day as truly under the power of evil spirits
as was the demoniac of Capernaum. All who wilfully depart from God’s commandments
are placing themselves under the control of Satan. Many a man tampers with evil,
thinking that he can break away at pleasure; but he is lured on and on, until he
finds himself controlled by a will stronger than his own. He can not escape its
mysterious power. Secret sin or master passion may hold him a captive as helpless
as was the demoniac of Capernaum.
Secret sin is a reference to masturbation, the ruling of Satanic Spirits over our flesh which has a dysfunctional understanding of love.
Understand whom rules over your will, and learn to surrender your will to GOD, and support His power flowing through you instead.
In fact, we have no true force of the will, either we walk daily in God's powers by supporting Jesus words, or we don't, and thus experience death.
However walking in Jesus powers is a true experience of freedom, so who needs a will to walk away from Jesus? Once you have experienced Jesus talking and walking with you,
why would you want to walk away from Jesus and do your own thing in human powers? Doing things in Jesus power is so much more humble but also a fearful-flow of joy. Jesus first, others second and yourself last in a family of relationships.
Yet his condition is not hopeless. God does not control our minds without our consent;
but every man is free to choose what power he will have to rule over him.
None have fallen so low, none are so vile, but that they may find deliverance in Christ.
. . . No cry from a soul in need, though it fail of utterance in words, will be unheeded.
Those who consent to enter into covenant with God are not left to the power of Satan
or to the infirmity of their own nature.—The Ministry of Healing, 92, 93.
What encouraging words by our Hebrew English translator. The one trapped by Satanic spirits doing secret sins need not feel his condition in hopeless. We have only a single choice, to give our all to GOD, or to Satan.
Notice the very first use of "shagag" again, not translated by translators:
Ge 6:3 (MKJV) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, in his erring; he is flesh. Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
Ge 6:3 (YLT) And Jehovah saith, `My Spirit doth not strive in man--to the age; in their erring they [are] flesh:' and his days have been an hundred and twenty years.
Both of these translations translate "shagag" but they place the order of the Hebrew words wrong. The word order is "basar""shagag" , not "shagag""basar". See how translators are biased for their readers? If a translator comes across strange contexts they do not know, they ignore the truth presented and write what they think the text is saying.
Only since science has discovered genetics and mutations or errors caused by genetics, can we learn another meaning here:-inheritied
Gen 6:3 (Ancient Hebrew) "And YHWH said, The Holy Spirit shall not always strive with man, for also flesh errs, so his days are a 120 years.
Notice our flesh errs, the DNA has a pressed walking and makes mistakes, and so our borrowed living administrated by the Holy Spirit, comes to a crash and we fall asleep in the first death, the Holy Spirit returns to GOD with our character perfectly recorded for further use.(Ec 12:7)
A common character trait inherited by our sinning, and the Ruler over our mind, is the epi-genetics, also described by the Scriptures:
Job 15:35 They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit. (KJV)
Isa 59:4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. (KJV)
Both these verse quote the same Hebrew phrase "yalad""aven", but not translated consistently by the KJV. So our Ruler who rules over your soul, can pass on inherited epi-genetic character mistakes,
and these add to our "pressed walking", we err as our parents erred.
And since the "pressed walking" is a long generation of erring, so the undoing by Jesus is also a long time of walking daily in Him.
Ex 23:30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.
Who's talking this Prayer Promise? The Messenger is the "malak", not an Angel, as translators say. Angels cannot forgive sin, nor is their Father's Name in Him. Only Jesus is the messenger here.
He promises to remove your epi-genetics slowly and gradually, so as not to disrupt you as a person of character, until you walk completely over your land or your mind. Nothing of Satan is allowed, No weeds. No thorns. No sin.
What a wonderful prayer promise made by Jesus, our messenger.
Ex 23:20 Behold, I "The Father" send an Angel(malak) "messenger" before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
21 Beware of him "my Son Yashua", and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. (KJV)
So give up your will, and follow Jesus, support His words and daily walk in His powers flowing through you. What a joy this is.
(15) Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I erred: but now have I kept thy words-personified. (Ancient Hebrew)
That was a long study concerning the ignorant sinning we do using the words-personified.
You cannot support Jesus correctly and also miss intentionally, that is an oxymoron, a contradiction using His power.
What may be common is we support Jesus out of presumption or ignorant missing. Presumption is thinking that all the teachings of Jesus are not necessary to experience Jesus,
that I will receive His power even if I don't fast, or guard His feasts, or eat the chocolate cake. Maybe Jesus will grant you power maybe He won't. A babe being trained to grow up maturely into Jesus, begins slowly with lots of pressed walking when he walks.
Babies walk funny when they first start walking. Why? Because they have not grown up maturely in Jesus fully. It takes time to learn the teachings.
Different followers of Jesus will grow supporting different prayer promises so we all grow differently, just as their are hundreds of different ways gum trees grow. We do not grow in Jesus the same, as we support His words-personifed.
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