HYPOTHESIS: What does the Hebrew word chataah mean ? INTRODUCTION: There are two Hebrew words often confused in Scripture when both are translated as sin. Languages do not have different words with identical meanings, so the translators are making inconsistent mistakes when translating both "chata" and "chataah" as "sin". The first word chata means to miss the mark in an in-completed action, ie you are sinning. Chet means to miss the mark in a completed sense, ie you have sinned. Both verb and noun forms are essentially the same word and the same meaning. See polysemy studies if you doubt this. The second word, chataah, on the other hand means to acknowledge the sinner has completed sins and can be seen as the action of doing something about those sins. Scripture records very early when Adam sinned that he transferred his sinning as a sin-offering that represented another person apart from the sinner who would be a sin-bearer (Jesus his Saviour) that would come and atone for the human's sinning. Thus chataah means the transference of sinning unto a sin-offering. The action used animals as a type of sin-bearer to picture the time when Jesus coming as a human would sacrifice Himself for the human who has been sinning, or presently is sinning. Satan understood this Hebrew picture of chataah and made a religion called Baal that is based on human sacrifice for sinning as well, the human who had sinned offered other humans as a sacrifice, often virgins. Over the years the Hebrew word chataah has become a blended word for sinning (along with chata) because humans package their own guilt and sinning into a sin-offering so another picture angle of chataah is the sinner's sins. Hence the inconsistency with translations. METHOD: This is a very long study looking at every word in both OT and NT . There are 423 verses. Short cut links to page 10 100 verses (OT sources) Short cut links to page 20 200 verses (OT sources) Short cut links to page 30 300 verses (NT sources) Short cut links to page 40 400 verses (NT sources) CONCLUSION: The meaning of chataah is "sin-offering". The meaning is not just sin, but the transference of the sinner's sinning unto a sin-bearer as a sacrifice of offering. The meaning of chataah is about a sinner involved in the salvation process of atonement using Jesus as a Saviour, or Satan as a 'saviour'. The Satanic salvation system is a close counterfeit to Jesus' salvation system. The difference between both, is Satan's system uses satanic power as well as human powered effort, while Jesus' system uses divine power that flows through human vessels that allow such a power to flow willingly. PICTURE: The meaning of this pictograph reads "Outside, the covering strong ; Behold the person !" PERSONAL APPLICATION:
Notice the contrast with chata :
The meaning of this pictograph reads "Outside, the covering strong" The outside letter tells us that we have been banished from God's Eden Garden Home. The basket covering contains the flow of good things from GOD. The bull letter shows us the strong one has changed from God to ourselves, the sinner who is missing the mark. The Hebrew word chata tells us we are outside from God, lost in Satan's world, trying to restore the flow of good things with our own strong authority, hence we're sinners missing the mark.
Chataah is a person with sins or errors. One could justly translate chataah as "error". The Hebrew word, also implies the sinner did something about those errors. The Bible speaks of a torah process of salvation in which a sinner could atone for his errors using a sacrifice that through faith allowed the grace of the sin-bearer dying in the place of the sinful sinner pardon through grace. Such a process involves the Hebrew word "chataah" the transference of error (or sins) unto a Saviour, a PERSON behold ! This person unlike the person who made errors, has no errors in his life and need no sin-offering for Himself. The Saviour who dies in place of the sinner who must die for sinning, has no sinning in his life, despite being born as a human in the same body sinning humans have. Thus "chataah" is a fascinating word, worthy of careful study for all the pictures of love that show how sinners trapped in their sinning can be empowered freedom from sinning by the wonderful powers of a divine Saviour. Chata and chataah are very similar words, hence the translation needs to be similar as well while showing readers the difference between them. The difference between each word is the Hebrew letter for a person. Chataah is about a person making atonement for sinning to another person. The atonement process involves mercy, forgiveness and grace. The reason or these aspects of love is because the sinner has to respond in kind to the sin-bearer who supplies in kind. This means the sin-bearer only loves to forgive the sinner, if the sinner's love responds to the sin-bearer's love. Many people assume wrongly God's love is unconditional, whatever that term means. Love is an action based on relationship. Love is not something humans can buy or by praying for grace expect grace freely even if such forgiveness is freely available. There is no sin the sin-bearer cannot carry on his shoulders and thus forgive you. There is no amount of past sinning our Saviour cannot atone for, and thus completely remove all sinning records against you. That is Great News ! But if you reach out to take the SEED of Jesus, such a seed will grow in you, developing a power in you so that good things from Jesus will flow through you to His glory and great pleasure. Love is a gift from GOD. All the sinner need do is allow such a gift to change the sinner's attitude and thus as love is freely given, the sinner's love freely comes back and radiates out to influence others. This love is not a human work, nor are humans expected to work a service of love. No. The sinner responds to the Saviour's love because he sees he is loved, not because of human works to achieve that love. It is true Cain's work of sin-offering was a short-cut, with human error, but it was not the human errors that made his sin-offering unaccepted, while Abel's sin-offering work was accepted. The difference was Cain's work was not a respond in kind to His Saviour's love, while Abel's work was a respond to His Saviour's love. If you want to read how such love is contrasted, read this parable. Mt 18:32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?
Did Cain have His Saviour's love germinated and growing ? Yes. Such love
was supplying Cain with love so Cain could respond, but the love eventually
dried up and died. Why did His Saviour's love dry up and die ? Because
Cain's soil in his heart caused the SEED of Jesus to dry up and die. There
are many factors that cause the Saviour's love to die, such as pride
(soil hardening), bitterness (soil pH sourness), tribulation trials (soils that
dry out from excessive sunshine and lack of rain), accepting the wrong
crowd ( birds come and steal the seed or seedling away from the soil) and
choking caused by self-imposed indulgence (seeds are starved by
competition from other weeds). Read the parable in Matthew 13 for
further details.
What we need is a sin-bearer, a person who can Save us, a Saviour. This
Saviour has to be human like us so that His life can be replaced for the sinner's
life, life in the place for life. Hence in the word chataah we see the letter of a
person, Behold ! Outside in Satan's world, the flow of good things from God
comes through the strong authority of the Saviour, the Sin-bearer, BEHOLD !
Thus chataah is really the good news for sinners as long as the sinner uses the
sin-offering correctly. The purpose of the sin-offering was the person would
restore the flow of good things to the sinner. Thus wilful sinning stops and
a victorious life ensues. The sinner walks a renewed life in the Saviour !
The word chataah is a relationship concept with the sinner and a Saviour hand in
hand together. Such a relationship changes how sinning is seen in many verses
and changes the focus from dealing with shadows of sins to the source of light
that defines the sinning from our Saviour. Without light there would be no
definition of our sinning, and it is only in the hand of Jesus the sinner sees his
or her sinning as truly enormous in the relationship. The Bible describes two
kinds of shadows or sinning in Scripture. Those covered by Jesus, our Saviour
as our sin-offering; and those sins that are not covered by Jesus' light. Thus it
is important for the sinner to have all sinning covered by the sin-bearer, or the
sinner would be cut off from salvation by the Saviour. So one can abuse chataah and insult our Saviour by continuously sinning wilfully, we somehow
expect our sinning to be covered completely by Jesus our Saviour. Such
cheap grace does not exist in Scripture but only in the minds of sinful men.
As we continue through the study of these verses, other insights will be gleamed
from the verses. God bless the careful reader looking for salvation through our
sin-bearer Jesus, as we offer Jesus as our sin-offering for our sinning, may we
embrace the flow of power from Jesus as well. Shalom
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