Q8: Discussion of Memrah (11) Ps 119:41 Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word.(KJV)
Let's make this translation have consistent Hebrew meaning:
(11) Ps 119:41 Let thy kindness come unto me, O "YHWH Yeshua of the Cross", according to thy words-personified.(Ancient Hebrew)
When translators come across Hebrew nouns side by side known by scholars as a Hebrew construct or Hebrew chain, they add extra words to make the nouns make sense, usually the English word "of".
In this case we have two titles as nouns side by side, but the KJV ignores the Hebrew word "tashuwah", which is actually written as "Yashua of the Cross".
There are two Hebrew words about the OT title for Jesus:
Notice this verse:
Ps 68:20 He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death. (KJV)
This is the only verse that uses Strong's 4190. Here is a different reading of this verse:-
Ps 68:20 The Strong Authority, The Strong Authority of salvation; and unto YHWH-Adonay-Jesus belong the goings of death. (Ancient Hebrew)
Notice there are two Strong Authorities associated with our salvation, namely the Father and the Son, but only the Son is given salvation from the goings of death.
This is why salvation only comes via Jesus.
The other Hebrew word for Salvation, Strong's 8668, "The cross securely pressed, sees. Behold the Person!"
is a picture of Jesus our Saviour rescuing us using His Cross, as an important mark.
How does the Author know Jesus is known as Yashua in the OT, as well as other functional descriptors such as the two Hebrew word listed above?
Matthew 1:21 tells you, if you see the NT was originally written in Hebrew, and later translated in Greek, around 30 to 50AD.
Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YASHUA: for he shall yasha his people from their sin-offerings. (Ancient Hebrew)
If you understand parent root and child root meanings of Hebrew, than all of these words have same basic meaning: to "save":-
The parent root is the "pressed eye", a longing to look carefully at people, in order to "save" them, if they want to be saved, that is.
(12) Ps 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word (memrah) "word-personified" hath quickened me. (KJV)
In this context, the true followers of Jesus claim His seeds planted in their grainy heart (as words-personified), are germinated by the powers of the Holy Spirit, who is an agency for the breath of salvation from Jesus.
The next verse says "I remember thy "torah-teachings". Why do we need torah-teachings? That's where the words-personified are located, hence we need to study them and memorize them. Shalom
(13) Ps 119:58 I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word (memrah) "words-personified". (KJV)
Jesus only measures your love for Him and your walk in His power according to the words-personified that you sow. There are over 3,000 different Prayer Promises,
and these words-personified promise you a flow of Jesus power, if you sow them in your heart, by speaking Jesus' words in prayer, thus you are supporting Him. And Jesus will support you.
(14) Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word (memrah) "words-personified" (KJV).
A common problem with sowing "Jesus words-personified" in our mind, is presumption, the assumption Jesus will overlook our pet sins.
Speaking words in prayer like some magic will not grant you access to His flow of power. You have to be in a relationship with Jesus, and thus become humble, meek and mournful of your missing His powers.
Next are more scriptures about Memrah:
Memrah Jesus theme
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