HYPOTHESIS: What does the Hebrew word "anav" mean ? INTRODUCTION: In Hebrew writing there is much confusion over "anav" and "aniy". The typo errors in translation, tell us the Hebrew was translated into the Greek in the New Testament, and not written orginally in the Greek to begin with. To Greek gentile scribes who were Jewish as well, such typos would be easy to make especially if one was not overly familar with the difference in "anav" and "aniy". The Hebrew scribe would not make such typos in translating his own Hebrew. To me as this picture shows, both letters look the same...in modern script.. METHOD: All verses that use "anav" are used. CONCLUSION: The Hebrew word "anav" means "meek". PICTURE: "Behold ! the person" " across the people " "secure" The idea here, is a person among generations of people is fixed or securely firm to his or her princples. Spelling {Enf} or {Enw} or {Env} The English word 'envy' comes to mind, the opposite of 'meek'. English word 'envisage' to remain fixed on an idea. The word is very similar to "faith". PERSONAL APPLICATION: Notice the number of verses that use meek are less. The New Testament has very few indeed. This tells us the progression through the Father's Ten Command principles of relationships are progressive, with latter steps harder to achieve than former steps. See Bible Steps for more details. The steps in relationship are :- (1) I am your saviour. Give me you will.... No pride. Humble in relationship.. (2) I am your home. Love not the world. A mournful attitude. No idolatry. (3) I am your power. I flow through you by meekness not by presumption. (4) I am your REST. Let me share your special (holy) fruit. No selfishness. Never use the "I am" word in your own speech. Meekness as we will see in other studies, is the ability to have power, but NOT use it. A meek person does not use power selfishly or for his own purpose. For example, a state champion boxer leaves his boxing and becomes a Christian, but his fellow mates taunt his new found love for Jesus. They box him and hit him and jest at him. Now the old man boxer knows he could flatten his jeering mates with a single punch, and they know it as well, but the new man boxer tells the old man boxer not to. That is meekness. Now meekness is NOT weakness! If Jesus wants to flatten the jeering men with power, He will use His own divine power. Thus the new man will have the courage for power, but only if Jesus wants him to. This is true meekness. So meekness can be a simile of poorness, for the old man boxer, though rich in boxing power, now has the attitude of being poor in boxing power. What made the change ? The attitude of where power comes from. Shalom As one can see meekness is harder to achieve, and a deeper relationship with our Saviour. Lets us strive for these higher levels of grace. Shalom DISCUSSION: The Hebrew word "anav" is the equivalent of the Greek word "praus". Also one verse that has the same letters "praos".
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