Can Spiritual Springs really help me ? What is Spiritual Spring's Aim ? Why GOD allows bad things to good people? Why does GOD allow evil ? Was there really war in heaven? Does GOD care about the horrors of war? The most impressive evidence for GOD ? What does GOD want from me ?
Why are most of us are bored with Church? Beware some churches fake power flow. So how can we undo being deceived and being ignorant of the Scriptures? Mt 11:25 ¶ At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
Notice to the so called wise and learned, the Scriptures are hidden, and revealed only to those of "child like seeking".
1Co 3:1 ¶ And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as "fleshy", even as unto babes in Christ.
Notice Paul says when we first come to Jesus, many of us remain with our fleshy nature as babes in Christ.
So what is there inside of our old fleshy nature that makes us act this way ? It is our Baal master human powers of self.
Why doesn't Paul speak Baal master powers ?
The Old Testament Torah scripture teachings is well known to Paul. It was the only teachings Paul and Jesus had access to. The latter rain of the testimonies of Jesus in the New Testament, add onto the former rains, so one does not have to repeat themes unnecessarily.
Paul does not want to discourage child like seekers of Jesus either, so uses other experiences they need to develop.
Ro 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
In this passage, Paul aligns "Baal master powers of self" with the Hebrew term "works of the torah-teachings", rather than the "beauty (grace) of Jesus from the torah-teachings".
The difference is how one obtains power flow from the teachings, from "human power alone" known as legalism, or from "supporting Jesus", known as Christian Faith.
And if you do not understand, about how to "support Jesus" your "faith" becomes blind, your eyes close, and your ears do not hear Jesus speaking to you. (Romans 11:7,8)
(1) When Elijah thought that he was alone, God said to him, "I have reserved to Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed to the image of Baal." We believe that God has reserved to Himself a multitude of precious souls, some even in the churches. These He will manifest in His own time. They were living up to what light they had when Jesus closed His mediation for the world, and when they hear the voice of the Shepherd in the message of the third angel they will gladly receive the whole truth. Such will be converted to the truth, and from their errors. But we think we have no message to such now, still "he that hath an ear to hear let him hear." Our message is to the Laodiceans, yet some of these hidden souls are being manifested.--Review and Herald, April 7, 1851
(2) Principle, right, honesty, should ever be cherished. Honesty will not tarry where policy is harbored. They will never agree; one is of Baal, the other of God. The Master requires His servants to be honorable in motive and action. . . . Those who choose honesty as their companion will embody it in all their acts. To a large class, these men are not pleasing, but to God they are beautiful. From Maranatha - Page 229
These are probably the only good quotes regarding the SOP who also does not speak much about "Baal master powers of self". Why does the SOP use "the Master" because the Hebrew word "Baal" means "master", we ourselves cannot be "masters", we must allow Jesus to be our "Master", when we support His words and His power flow in our lives.
Re 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
Notice "Jesus is the hidden man ", people prefer to use their own "master powers", not support the words of Jesus, as a "yoked power flow" in their lives.
So the latter rain is hidden from those who seek, unless you read also first the former rains, and add the special messages together.
When did "legalism" first start? When did people use their own "baal master powers of self" to follow the "Torah-Teachings"?
Ex 19:8 And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do..
The practiced legalism as soon as they were "Saved by Jesus in the Exodus". Notice these special writings, translated correctly:-
Romans 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what teachings? or doings? Nay: but by the teachings of support.(Ancient Hebrew)
Following the teachings of Jesus, ceasing on Sabbath, waiting for the Second Coming, does not save you, and you do not know Jesus, and Jesus does not know you. Why? Because there is no daily flow of Jesus power flowing in our life.
How do we achieve this flow of power from Jesus? By daily supporting His words, so Jesus daily supports us. We are yoked together with Jesus, we are trained daily to share in the burdens of Jesus, and praise Him for our burdens are easy and light. When an older more experienced oxen is yoked to a less experienced immature oxen, the yoking process causes more of the load to be transferred to the stronger more experienced one, and less load to the inexperienced weaker one.
Mt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Jas 2:17 Even so support, if it hath not doings, is dead, being alone.
When you support Jesus, by speaking His words, hoping for His power flow in your life, there must be doings associated with the "support" otherwise the "support is dead".
The Author personally knew of young missionary boys supporting Satan with words to Satan, so the young lads could win a soccer match played on Sunday.
Why didn't they support the Holy Spirit, during a soccer match? Because they knew GOD would not help them win the competition. And they are right, GOD would not help them win.
So the youth supported Satan instead.
Jas 2:19 Thou "support" that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also "support", and tremble. (Ancient Hebrew)
The body is alive by the power flow of GOD via the Holy Spirit, is a simile to a follower of Jesus, who is living with Jesus power flowing through him or her, via the Holy Spirit.
And when you support Jesus, and Jesus supports you, thus; there is a "yoke of doing" in your life. The relationship walks and talks and does things as Jesus once did personally on earth to those who came to Him.
Paul is familiar with the "Salvational steps to Jesus" in the Scroll of Jesus in the Old Testament, for he adds this in the end of Hebrews: the same salvational steps to Jesus:-
Heb 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
The Greek word "koinonia" is translated poorly. How do we know this? By simply reading all the contexts of koinonia we find the word means "relationship" or "partnership" for all contexts.
So Paul is actually saying:-
Heb 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
So when we support Jesus with His words, and Jesus supports us with His power, who owns the "doings"? Nobody does. The doings are a result of Relationship !
This is why you become a valued witness for GOD because when you support Jesus and Jesus supports us, the "yoked doings" show "divine relationship" fully restored.
Satan hates this kind of relationship, for it proves you and Jesus can be yoked together for eternity in relationship.
Revelation 3:14 ...These things saith the "Supporter, the supporting" and true witness, the beginning of the creation of Elohiym;
So what makes us lukewarm as followers of Jesus? It is the power flow from Jesus, and the power flow from ourselves as masters of our own lives. We hop from one Master to another master.
We do this daily or weekly, making our following of Jesus as lukewarm, rather than hot or cold. Do not dispair, Peter was told also to hop over to Jesus as Master of his life:-
Lu 22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith (emunah) "support" fail not: and when thou art converted (shuwb) "turned around" , strengthen thy brethren. (KJV)
All of the disciples for years hopped between Jesus as their Master and themselves as their master. In a sense it is natural in our old nature to empower our lives this way.
The difference between a "Stiff neck" or a "Pious person" and "Child like person" of Jesus, is your pride and willingness to be trained by Jesus throughout the years of our life.
The poor translation suggests Peter was converted twice, once when Jesus called him and once when he is truely sorry for letting Jesus down. But the Hebrew doesn't say that. Peter finally allowed his Baal master powers of self to die, and supporting Jesus daily he became yoked to Jesus in relationship.
This is why the Passover Feast is the first process of being saved by Jesus, because we hop over from one master to another master. The Hebrew word "passover" means to "hop".
In a science explanation, following John's simile of light, darkness and the "sin-offering not unto death", the hopping over process is called the focal point in our lives.
The focal point is where rays of light cross over from your old ways of living to a renewed way of living in Jesus. Relationship is a journey of supporting Jesus and He supporting you.
When you play around with a magnifying glass, or a pen and its shadows under a ceiling light, there is far away an object that makes dark shadows, which are records of your sinning unto death.
When you come closer to Jesus and His saving power, the dark shadows go away automatically and you feel like a chief of sinners. You also no longer sin wilfully. Your journey with Jesus reaches a cross over point, where like Peter, we begin a relationship with Jesus that is maintained by our "supporting Jesus' support". Shalom
So for those of us bored, and tired and wanting to follow Jesus more and more, there is hope.
Learn the Science of Salvation, and love the training Jesus offers us.
May we cross over to live in Relationship with Him, may we allow Jesus to subdue our old ways. Shalom
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