7. Sharing our fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Let's see the final reason why many fail to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(4) The seeds make fruit..
Many studying this theme about the personal Revival of the Holy Spirit, may ask is not this presentation a personal opinion ?
A theory of faith ? Maybe...your welcome to your own ideas...but consider this? Jesus spoke in parables...
Poetry parables hide the truth from those not able to see truth, so that only the spiritually discerned,
see and experience truth that is hidden. Poetry allows GOD to hide things for those too busy to deeply read,
and for those who do not ask to the Holy Spirit to teach them.
Parables are pictures of poetry ... they have
hidden meanings...Scriptures do not spell out all the little details of salvation...imagine the pages if that was so...
The Scriptures are mostly poetry for a reason. A picture word saves dozens of sentences... ( a picture is like a thousand words) so when a Christian grows like a tree...this poetry picture says a lot...
We can study gardening as a process and apply the similes of how a Christian grows...that is why Jesus spoke in parables...to keep the mystery of salvation
a mystery, and at the same time keep salvation simple...so a child could understand it...
Notice when Jesus SEED's fall on good soil, the increase of fruit is amazing. Farmers can only dream of a 30 fold increase in wheat.
Such is the poor quality of our soil today.
Notice the fourth commandment of the Father :
The Hebrew word 'asah' Strong's 6213, means to do.
Notice a parallel statement on Sabbath Jesus says on the Mount of Beattitudes..
So the real attitude of Sabbath, is to go to Church hungry and thirsty for a personal Revival of the Holy Spirit,
and we shall be filled. But too many of us are already filled...how is this possible ?
Here the first of the ten commandments are mentioned except more words are added "no saviour but me"
Then the reason why people forget GOD and rise in pride, is because when GOD satisfies them and fills them, they forget Him.
When the farmer finally gets rain, he is happy and forgets praying to God for rain.
We tend to pray only when bad things go in our lives. It should not be like that, but often it is.
Notice these verses actually are journey's through the first four of the Ten commandments, showing us things we do wrong in our Spiritual Revival of Jesus.
Ho 13:4 Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
(1) We need Jesus every day to be our Saviour.
5 I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought.
(2) When Jesus becomes our Saviour, He uses the desert as a means of bringing His covering over us.
In other words Jesus takes us out of our materialistic world of idols into His quiet simple world of order..a desert is like this...
less clutter, less materialism, less rat race...Go out into the country places and find Jesus...better still live away from the cities...
According to their pasture, so were they filled; ...
(3) When we pray to Jesus, we do not take His Name in vain, and He fills us according to our pastural needs.
This makes us happy and joyous.
...they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me.
(4) But when we are filled with Jesus, happy and content, our hearts rise in pride, we forget Jesus,
and then forget Him. We have failed to embrace what makes Sabbath special and holy...Sharing Jesus with others...
Not praising and worshipping Jesus so we can boast of our filling in Him, but seeking His redemption in others and giving the fruits of Jesus away,
freely we have received, freely we give.
So the trick to removing our pride, maintaining humilty before GOD is to give away the blessings we receive from Him.
This is what love really means, the action and reaction of others with you...providers and receivers... maleness love and femaleness love...
If we do not give away our love, it becomes selfish and 'self' orientated, and God's love dies (because it is relational)
and Man's love begins (because it is human powered by self).
How does one establish our own righteousness? Today we call this legalism, whatever that term means..
In the OT times and NT times, this kind of heart love that means nothing to GOD, has a Hebrew term, known as Bal. This is not true love.
It is a human powered "flesh directed" desire to do things our own way, that means nothing to God.
Hebrew has a kind way to define this type of religion..
it is called 'Traeh' the opposite of 'Heart'.
In OT times this religion was called BAAL. In NT times
the religion was still practiced, but today we have new labels such as 'legalism' or 'humanism'.
See studies of love
See studies of Baal.
Have a look at the picture meanings of each heart religion. The true flow of love has Jesus' Authority first in the home.
The 'self powered love' that comes from your flesh, has God's power secondary in the soul of your home. Jesus is not primary.
In fact Satanic wolf like powers impersonate Christ, and you oppose Christ with your own home Authority.
You have become 'anti-to- Christ' opposing His powers of love in your life. We need to put Jesus first in our life, and reverse
the way our authority of love flows...From GOD through us, not from human power towards God, doing so called godly deeds.
True Sabbath sharing
So many of us go about sharing or witnessing as a means of salvation, making brownie points so GOD can favourably look upon us.
Maybe your church religion requires this as a sort of complusory way to express love.
Can love really be forced into a relational response?
Why yes. That is called an abuse of power, and many husbands show abuse of power over their wives.
The Hebrew word here is 'subdue', and it reads that wives should be subdued by their husbands.
Maleness love shown by husbands is that which provides, and the response of the wife, is that love which receives.
So when does love become a controlled response, or one that is forced upon the individual as abuse of power?
So this strained concept of love, is dysfunctional because of Adam's sinning. Love, true love restored by GOD, does not force, nor does it subdue.
Thus we can say, relational love from GOD is different to our earthly examples of love from God that empowers our fallen flesh.
This is why we do not on Sabbath Day, go about redeeming others as well as we should, because we do not fully understand love, nor are we fully in love with God.
We need to pray not just for a personal revival of the Holy Spirit, but for the original fully completed concept of God's love in our lives.
How this love flows and empowers us, how this love is actually two Hebrew words, two unique expressions of maleness love and femaleness love. Love that provides and receives.
Love that protects and nurtures. Love that is family. We need the fellowship nurturing femaleness-love in our Churches today.
See studies of love.
See studies of Sabbath fast.
See studies the Holy Spirit shows femaleness-love.
God bless our witness and our sharing of His love, physically wrought in us. Shalom
On the next web page, let's summarize the Revival of the Holy Spirit.
Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012. Visitors HOSTED by Prologic, my Son. A thin website.