Special Spirit Why do people have to know more knowledge about stuff, inventing more words to describe infinite details about stuff, that matters to them, but in the overall process, the relationship is really all that matters. And if you received the gift of man falling on Wednesdays and Fridays, you do not care for any details, only that Jesus is feeding you.
If the Author had a daily flow of the wonders of Jesus flowing through me serving others, I would not care to write details about stuff that does not matter. Relationship is all that matters. Let's talk about relationship. But since I am in a child like state of being trained by Jesus daily, His teachings teach us to learn to be like Him. And thus a little knowledge of Jesus is important, in how to do things for Him in a Divine relationship. If the Churches had Divine relationship flowing inside them, they would spend less time on knowing knowledge. But since knowledge shall increase, it is important we stick to Hebrew Sola Scriptoria, not the traditions and commandments of men. Shalom
Mr 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: (KJV)
Personally I do not know much about love.
Like the rock song, "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me"..." Lord Elohiym, your relationship of loving has two personalities of loving, show me your way of loving. We wanna know what love is.. Amen"
This has profound implications on describing Elohiym and describing Mankind. During the end of time, Satan has destroyed women, and destroyed marriage and finally has destroyed the way of loving, with "same sex marriages".
One day such a "same-sex couple" will want to be Christians, but fellowship is forbidden, as the Special Writings say:
Ro 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
But they will say, "In our Church if the Father is a "he" and Jesus is a "he" and the Holy Spirit is a "he", why can't we as a "couple" enjoy the same communion"?
However, nobody cannot deny that Elohiym is described with both maleness-love pictures and femaleness-love pictures, yet somehow we traditionally make public the Holy Spirit is also a "he"? There is no research for this public creed, no meeting of scholars to ratify the change,
it just has become a "following of man's traditions", based on man's fuzzy translations, not on the Hebrew sola scriptoria.
There is also no direct Scripture that says, the Father in heaven is a King, yet the Father makes the "Son of Man" a King by giving Him a kingdom with dominion.
Da 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
The Hebrew word "father" means the "Strong One in the Family Home" and is not a functional description of gender. The Hebrew word for "gender male" is "zakar", and the heavenly Father is not described as "zakar". And yet all the Christian religions describe the Father as a "He", whatever that term means.
Ex 12:48 And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males (zakar) be circumcised,...(KJV)
The "gender males" were to be "circumcised"...
Le 6:29 All the males (zakar) among the priests shall eat thereof: it is most holy. (KJV)
Only "gender male pastors" could serve in the temple of the LORD.
The true circumcision is of the heart, and does not refer to "pro-creation functions", but the loving personality that comes from the heart.
De 10:16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.(KJV)
So the role of a Pastor is the same as in a Family, the "gender male" has a functional way to love and be loving, and this comes first in the family sanctuary.
The "strong one in the family", is to show love that "provides", this is the true meaning of "ab", the so called meaning we assume to be "father".
A father is a provider, one who provides bread on the table, provides shelter from the elements, and provides security for family members.
The "gender female", the Hebrew word "am" is "the strong flow", is a response to the loving in the Family Sanctuary and this response completes the circuit of love. We have assumed this is the so called meaning of "mother", but is more the meaning of a "responder". Thus we have a family kind.
This is the only conclusion one can come from the studies of "zakar" the Hebrew word for "gender male", and thus while the "pro-creation function" gene is switched off in heaven, the personality functions of loving continue from the heart. Shalom
Nobody can define the term "he" without contrasting their answer with the contrasting term "her". This is NOT like saying something hot has more heat than something cold, because the term cold is a term humans have invented to describe things with less energy in it.
One cannot say "gender orientation" is only about "pro-creation" because some animals such as worms can "pro-create" without the other gender being around. In the Hebrew, are two terms for love, not one as in English. This has profound implications on what loving means in a community or family kind.
The term "gender male" is a personality difference, an unique way of loving, that "gametes with" the "gender female", who is a contrasting personality to how love is perfectly completed. One cannot say a women is less of a man, expressing less love or different kinds of love. It is much easier to say there are two functional descriptors of love,
the "maleness-love kind" and the "femaleness-love kind".
You cannot separate the term Elohiym as different personalities of loving, because in a family of unity, each member is considered the same as the other, although the "strong one in the family home", the "father" takes precedence over the "strong flow in the family home", the "mother.
The Hebrew nature is to consider the family members as a numerical single one, (or as parts of a unit); and this is why Elohiym is a numerical single flow of love. There are many Special Writings that suggest this community theme, where the "he" takes over the "her" when both members of a family are together at the same time.
With Hebrew words, things are treated as "masculine in case" or "feminine in case", and this causes appropriate "pronouns" to follow. Such cases do not necessarily refer to a Being's personality. For example, the Hebrew word "breast" is "masculine in case", even though contexts refer to female breasts.
Why is this? Nobody knows. It is just an example of a family or community reference, where the "he" takes over the "her".
Job 24:9 They pluck the fatherless from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor.
We normally think of ophans as being motherless, not fatherless, plucked from her breasts, not his breasts; but in Hebrew, the masculine terms take precedence.
Le 18:8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness.(KJV)
In this example, the father's body is considered the wife's body, and vice versa. Strange I know, but that is Hebrew, and that is how God sees a married unit. In fact it is a simile picture describing Elohiym, and why we have both maleness pictures and femaleness pictures of the Elohiym kind.
Ge 49:25 Even by the God (el) "Strong Authority" of thy father(ab) "our heavenly Father", who shall help thee; and by the Almighty (shadday) "heavenly mother", who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:
Special Writings like these show contrasting Strong Authorities within Elohiym, as heavenly parents, who provide for mankind similes of fertility and nurture.
The Hebrew word "shadday" means "pressed to the breast with active hands", and is in Hebrew a "masculine case term", referring to the Eastern way a Father bear hugs visitors in welcome, but is also a description of the way a Mother wraps her arms around those she loves as well.
Readers wanting a fair and complete assessment of this topic are encouraged to click on this next webpage below:
Readers wanting more detailed presentations can see these webpages also:
How the Bible sees the Holy Spirit
How the SOP see the Holy Spirit
See other references in Desire of Ages:-
SOP: Community reference for Holy Spirit
SOP: The Holy Spirit as 'feminine'
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