Memra introduction The Greek word 'logus' Strong's 3056, is equivalent to the Hebrew word 'dabar'
Strong's 1697, according to Jeff Benner from Ancient Hebrew Research Center.
The 'dabar' is a symbol of the 'memra', a Jewish concept in which a heavenly Being is symbolized as the Agent of Creation, Salvation, Redemption and Communication. Many Jews understood when GOD talked face to face with man, this was done through the 'memra'.
The Jews could not understrand how GOD talked face to face with man, and not destroy them.
So how were these people able to survive seeing glorious power face to face? The Jews explain this using the 'memra', a Personal Agent of the Father. In all these examples, there is not a single clue to how these people saw such glory face to face and lived...Normally a reference to a medium such as the Holy Spirit is referred to, but no such reference is made. However there is some evidence that the Agent of glory who appeared to these people, was Jesus, the 'memra' for His heavenly Father, possibly acting as a 'medium' using the Father's power, not His own, to change the flow of power of glory, so ordinary humans could endure such glory. If this is true, we have two comforters and two mediums, at least in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, where Jesus lays down an attribute of eternity to pay for sinners of eternity, Ex 21:24; Jesus loses the ability to become a 'medium' and the Holy Spirit becomes the sole 'medium' agency for heavenly flow of power. This is just a theory of faith, at this stage, like all our theories of faith, they are subject to change as we have hardly begun to study Scripture at any depth or wisdom...May GOD help us to be but amazed at the mysteries of GOD.
Memra examples
Here are some examples of the WORD 'dabar' as symbols of 'memra', the Personal Agency of the Father.
Here we see a glimpse of the "WORD" associated in power as truth, adminstrated by the Holy Spirit. 'By "WORD" of YHWH were the heavens made', making the Personal Agency, a symbol of the "WORD" and "YHWH".
The "WORD" sends His speech of words (memra) and His words (dabar) run swiftly. Other verses tell us the Father's flow via the Holy Spirit, is a co-operative effort, for all three members of the Family Elohiym in heaven, created our universe.
The "WORD" is a simile to "SEED" and 'water' which makes the seed grows. This is yet another typology of Jesus as the "WORD" and the 3,500 Seed Promises in Scripture ready to grow at your command through prayer. Claim a Scripture promise, and understand this "WORD" or memra growing in your heart.
Other Scriptures tells us we Christians grow as plants, as trees by the water of life. The "WORD" falls uppon us a rain, symbols of the Holy Spirit, who channel His WORD's upon us. Of the Father, Son or Holy Spirit, which Strong Authority has been placed in a furnace over and over again, handling the tribulation of the word of missing (sin) ? Only Jesus has experienced this furnace in the flesh.
This is certainly true at Gethsame. But what about other furnace stories? Are they not also typologies of Jesus?
This ' fourth man' King Nebuchadnezzar saw is not an angel, because later he calls this Son of Elohiym, a symbol of their servants who are friends of the Most high Elohiym, making this 'fourth man' a Son of the Most High. This fourth 'man' can only be Jesus, the Son of the Father.
Whom do we go to, that missing might not be against thee? Jesus, the Memra.
A reference that YHWH is thy salvation (Yeshua) is also Personal 'memra'.
Thy salvation (Yeshua) empowers our righteousness.
The Holy Spirit quickens our power in Jesus, our Memra (WORD).
Notice the Memra is associated closely with the heavenly Father...
This does not suggest the Father is the WORD, or the Memra, but they are closely one of unity.
Does not John say this also ?
Joh 1:1¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The WORD or Memra, was GOD...Jesus took to earth, His Father's words, not His own...indeed love is a co-operative effort,
a system of members in a Family that love, for Scripture has no concept of self-love or self. Love is not something one can do alone either, love is relational.
Thus we find the heavenly Elohiym is relational love.
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