7. Proving Jesus is LORD of LORDS
(1) The Rock that followed them
Let us consider evidence that is hidden from mainstream faiths on the Internet.
The Hebrew equivalent for rock, is not possible, so consider the cross references as a whole.
Notice there are TWO rocks that followed them...the 'tsuwr' rock is a symbol of the Father
and the 'cela' rock is a symbol of Jesus. ( The German Bible translation by Luther has 'Fel' or 'Felsen' for rock, he does not understand different rocks in Hebrew)
Notice the verse in the New Testament says the 'rock' followed them...this is a literal saying, although it is a poetry picture of similes and symbols.
Let's see how the "cela" rock of Jesus followed them...
So does a literal rock follow Israel during the Exodus? Yes.. Some humans rise to a 'cela' high, so this rock is a symbol of pride, because such humans oppose Christ.
For those who submit and become humbled by the 'cela' rock, the rock becomes a symbol of meekness and Jesus who saves them.
Indeed the Jesus Cela rock of Ages did followed them literally.. It is not a poetic figurative picture as some theories of faith say in order to downgrade the divinity of Christ.
(2) The Saraph that followed them
Paul speaks of yet another symbol of Jesus Christ, the bronze serpent on a pole (cross) that followed them.
His writing implies as we tempt Jesus in the New Testament, it was Jesus they tempted in the Old Testament.
Jesus-YHWH tells Moses to make a copper 'saraph' Strong's 8314. A firey "angelic" serpent whose venom burns.
But Moses makes something else....
The serpent 'nachash' Moses makes is an image of a 'saraph' as I am led to believe. Notice the verses that use 'saraph'.
These 'saraph' are strange creatures, they fly, and look like angels, perhaps a taste of what Lucifer was originally...these creatures are symbols of Jesus-YHWH shields around His throne in His temple..
And these 'saraph' say holy holy holy unto the Lord Adonay of hosts, Jesus.
What a strange symbol to prove Jesus is Lord Adonay YHWH, with a throne in His temple in heaven, with a army host of angels surrounding Him, and special angel creatures,
who are similes of firey serpents called 'seraph' , a symbol of Jesus on the Cross, because He opposes a special 'seraph' called Lucifer or the Devil, who was orginally a keeper around the thrones of GOD.
There are many verses that speak of the 'malak of YHWH', which is translated 'angel of YHWH', and strangely enough while this refers to a 'messenger of YHWH', there is a literal image to the phrase.
It seems indeed Lord Adonay YHWH looked probably much like a 'saraph' as much as Lucifer might have, not as angels with wings as we picture them, but something like this,
for we see things darkly, and GOD is far beyond us. It is interesting Moses did not make a 'saraph' on a pole, but chose to make a snake 'nachash' instead. These poetry pictures are really interesting reading in Scripture.
It is just yet more proof that Jesus in the OLD Testament, has His own throne, His own temple and His own armies of angels, and was known as the LORD Adonay YHWH.
Some critics might argue this is a reference to the Father and his angels, the Father of hosts...so Jesus His Son never had an army of angelic hosts, nor a throne on His own...
Well why have an angelic serpent image upon a pole for those sinning to look and live; and this symbol is obviously Jesus on the Cross not a Father?
Why do we have in Revelation, Jesus and his army of angels opposing Lucifer and His angels, both Beings are simile pictures of 'saraph'?
Re 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
The Hebrew word 'michael' is an action that means 'who is like Elohiym', in other words whose heavenly powers of Elohiym flow...
Would a heavenly angel fit this description of active power? no...angels do not use Elohiym powers, only members of Elohiym do.
Between several chapters of Daniel, there is a sitting down with the Ancient of Days, to assess a kingdom for a great prince, and at the end of Daniel, a standing up to seek His own unto His kingdom.
This is hardly an angelic Being, but one who is a simile of 'saraph' like an angel, yes, even the archangel or chief over angels, who is a contrast to Lucifer, they are symbols of 'saraph' except Jesus is not 'saraph', Jesus opposes the Devil as a 'saraph' who sinned from the beginning, perhaps initially around Jesus' throne...
(3) The Destroyer that followed them
We do not see Jesus as a Destroyer, but as a simile or symbol, Jesus represented the 'saraph' , those firey serpents, and they could fly like how we perceive angels to be. Thus our picture of Lord Adonay Jesus in the Old Testament, is similar to a flying angel...these pictures reflect
functions rather than descriptions of shape or form.
Notice these cross references into the Old Testament:-
Now Paul quotes verses like this as symbols of Jesus in the New Testament, as a destroyer...Satan is truly the one who destroys the earth, so this is a direct contrast..
Note Satan inspires David to make this kingdom sin, Satan is the true destroyer
How appropriate for Jesus to be in direct contrast with Satan, and referenced by Paul, as the Saviour in the Old Testament and New Testament.
(4) ..even more information..
(a) Those who want even more information can see many pages of the author emailing a friendly critic, who says there is only ONE heavenly Being in heaven in the Old Testament times, Father-YHWH only.
You will allow three obscure, out of the ordinary verses to override the preponderance of the evidence that favors a singular Elohim? I will not put any weight on those verses until the Holy Spirit reveals to me why those three verbs are plural."
The above critic comment shows why differences in theories of faith exist. Do we allow ourselves to pick and choose the verses we want to suit our theories of faith ?
Or should we insist EVERY Scripture verse, ALL hundreds of them, including the oddites, must be all in harmony ? That is a stronger theory of faith.
I would recommend anybody wanting a deeper theory of faith, to click on the above link, a dialogue with my friend as a critic and the author. In other words, we thoroughly test the Scriptures.
(b) There are some critics who make John 1:1 into some strange concept that the Father's words were in the beginning and became flesh with a human Son, the Father empowered as Yeshua...
Consider that the Jews had strange customs. John was a Jew, and He wrote John in Hebrew, to Jews, who understood Hebrew.
The term is not 'logus' but either 'dabar' or 'memra', a strange Jewish custom, that the 'memra' is a Personal Agent of Creation, Redemption and Comunication.
What is certain about 'dabar', the WORD, is John makes a bold assertion that Jesus is the WORD, in person, the Agent of Creation and communication for His Father.
(c) Here is another look at the Old Testament looking for examples there is more than one member in the heavenly Elohiym.
(d) Finally a look at the spiritual significance of "Jesus is YHWH of my life", verses what happens to your spiritual life if Jesus is just an empowered Master of your life.
We have looked at only some of the many examples where one can show Lord Adonay Jesus is the same Being in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament.
We will one day bow to the Lord of Lords and say "'Lo' have waited for Him, our Lord"
I pray you will come into a saving relationship with the Lord Adonay Jesus YHWH, who is willing to save you via His Father's heavenly Elohiym power,
which comes from Jesus to sinners via the personal agency of the Holy Spirit. Shalom
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