Q4: Does Elohim imply a plurality of Beings? Hypothesis: What does Elohim mean? For introduction and less detailed treatment already done, see these studies: Introduction: A scholarly treatment was written by Nehemia Gordon of the Jewish faith. While it is not allowed to critique his entire thesis because of copyright reasons his discussion in "Elohim: Plural or Singular? (Part 1) by Nehemia Gordon, 2003" is treated in detail here. Gordon starts off asking is Elohim a numerical plural? "The plural form of elo'ah is elohiym and is often translated as God. While English plurals only identify quantity, as in more than one, the Hebrew plural can identify quantity as well as quality." Jeff Benner QUOTE
When you look at the Ancient Hebrew script, the Strong Authority "El" is the smallest letters for describing GOD. The next script is "eloah" a Hebrew word that means "the strong authority secure, Behold! Him" and this Hebrew word in all heavenly contexts means "the heavenly Father", "the supreme GOD".
When you look at these pictures of Elohim, the words suggests the heavenly power flows.
One could surmise a massive single source of energy flows and moves and has its Being.
One could also surmise this massive source of energy flows and moves but is a Family of Beings.
1Jo 1:5 Elohim is light.
But we know light is a Family of energy forms all related to each other expressing different properties or personalities.
Gordon suggests in his example that Hebrew has adjectives. Actually Hebrew adjectives in the Bible are rare. Nearly all words are actions, including verbs and nouns. Only in recent times with Greek thinking, have modern Hebrew language developed adjective and with this modern thinking.
"So why does Elohim have a plural suffix if it is numerically singular with a singular verb and singular adjective? It turns out there is a special type of plural in Hebrew that has a plural suffix even though it is numerically singular with a singular verb and singular adjective. These nouns are called majestic plurals"
Gordon, 2003. Gordon Part 1 download pdf
Than Gordon makes Hebrew words have different meaning depending upon context, another mistake Greek thinking scholars do. In any language, words always have a basic meaning that never change in any context, including polysemous words. Slight changes depending upon context, yes, but not major differences in meaning. See my studies here or here
"It is worth noting that the word Elohim is not always a majestic plural. When referring to the pagan gods, the term Elohim is usually a numerical plural."(Gordon, 2003).
Next Gordon poses an example where Elohim is used in other contexts.
Ex 7:1 ¶ And YHWH said unto Moses, See, I have made thee 'elohim' to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
"Certainly this does not mean that YHWH made Moses into a god, but rather that he would speak to Pharaoh with authority through Aaron who would serve as his mouth-piece in the way that the prophets serve as the mouth-pieces of YHWH. In any event, there is clearly nothing multiple about Moses, even though he was made an Elohim to Pharaoh (Gordon, 2003)."
Notice how the power of Elohim flows from the source to other relational Beings.
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