SECOND STEP TO JESUS Q9: How does returning homeward happen ? Returning homeward happens when the sinner allows His Saviour to germinate His life germinating principle inside the heart. This process is called by scholars justification. The Bible calls this process the germination of Jesus. When a sinner wills to return homeward to Jesus, the life germinating power begins. The germination of the sperm of Jesus requires warmth, oxygen and water ( all symbols of the Holy Spirit .) The seeds of Jesus are literal symbols of Bible word promises, each with the power of germinating to fruition as they promise. Inside the seeds of Jesus is the embryo of His blood, that allows the germination process to be living, the actual divine presence of a co-eternal being living inside of the sinner's mind or heart. A sinner prays making a sin-offering to GOD, to make atonement with GOD. The prayer is done in faith by specifically confessing to every known sinning we remember and these confessions are packaged into our sin-offering that is washed away by the blood of Jesus, our sin-bearer. 1Jo 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin-offering (Greek hamartia - Hebrew chataah).
1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sin-offering, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin-offering....
There is much confusion in the New Testament in translating the Greek word
hamartia as "sins" instead of the Hebrew word chataah as "sin-offering". See
studies of sin-offering. Jesus is our sin-bearer and thus our sin-offering for our
sinning. See studies of sinning.
Once Jesus is germinating in your life, a miracle happens as the flow
of Jesus' power through you automatically removes wilfully sinning in your life.
The sin-offering comes with power and this flow of power changes the sinner
slowly and gently at first as the roots of Jesus first emerge. Shalom
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