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What does a sinning life do for me?

Q4: What does a sinning life do for me ?

So my friend, what has sinning done for you in your life ? Are you happy ? Healthy ? Free of stress ? Or worried ? Or depressed ? Or tired? Do you get headaches in your life ? Are you able to think clearly ? Sinning might seem fun, in the short term. Even pleasurable while it lasts.

Pr 12:15 ¶ The way of the fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. A better more Ancient Translation :- Pr 12:15 ¶ The way of the 'self-powered' is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Notice the Bible does not condemn the person who wants to live his life with sinning. It's your choice. And they have a nice title, the "self-powered" ones.

"I'm only here for a good time" they say.

And to those who get cancer. "Oh well he got unlucky" "It will not happen to me " "My number is not up yet".

Really my friend, where are you going in your life ? Are you ready to allow Jesus to remove all traces of sinning in your life ? Shalom

Reason theme

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