Q2: Why does Jesus discuss our sinning ?
Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us together, saith the LORD:
though your sins "chet" be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
The Hebrew word here is "chata" in the noun form as "chet". Both verb and
noun forms mean the same and are the same word, only different in actions
present or past. Here God is speaking of sinning in the past tense.
The picture here in Ancient Hebrew is "The strong""basket covers things"
"outside". The idea for "chata" is a slinger shooting stones at a target
covering outside. The missing the target is the idea of "chata" or sinning.
OK that's the technical definition. What's the application of "chata" ?
And why is "sinning" so important to Jesus to reason with us first ?
Those who want the full story of the meaning of sin click here.
Sinning spoils the flow of good things from Jesus to the sinner.
Sinning is a relationship concept. Sinning is not based on rules
of do's and don'ts. However a causal glance of the Bible definition for
sinning might make one reach this conclusion. Sin is a broken relationship.
Sinning stops the flow of good things Jesus wants to empower us with.
Hence His reasons for reasoning with us, LOL. Shalom
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