Q1: Welcome to prayer training by Jesus.. Make sure you have understood the childlike foundations first:-
Let's begin with childlike training by Jesus, seven years ago:-
Me: "I have forgotten my diary book";
AJ: "Walk back and get it, there's time..."
Me: [looking at my mobile phone time] "not enough time..."
AJ: [silence]
Me: "walks to wharf, waiting for ferry boat..." [after long time...a couple arrives, he starts fishing and leaves his wife to fish, while he fishes elsewhere...]
AJ: "..talk to her.."
Me: "not me Lord.." [ despondency ]
AJ: "..be my witness..."
Me: [ a man arrives and I talk to him....finally...after many excuses to fumble time..]"..Alright..."
AJ: "..the servant who says He will go..but doesn't.."
Me: "..I see the boat is not coming..." [...finally I talk to her,.. we make light talk of timetables, and boats...]
AJ: "..meekness is not just about weakness...its also about courage.."
Me: "..I see.."
"Courage" Learning to have the courage to witness, and talk when Jesus tells me to talk His words.
"When Jesus talks, listening happens, but so one must be obedient".
Obedience is a difficult thing to achieve, especially when we are weak and lack
courage, but even more so when our sin of pride stands in the way. The ferry
boat was late, running on a different time table today. Jesus was right, I had
time to walk back and get my diary book, in fact 2 hours of time.
So I wait for the next ferry boat, several hours ahead of time, with time to
record another example of prayer, for you, the reader. In an effort to show you
how prayer works, how Jesus through prayer expects obedience, and notice
how fast prayer is answered. Prayer is Jesus talking to you. Often we see
prayer as the proud sinner praying to his god . This is a contradiction.
Most times the only person strong authority we are talking to , is ourselves.
Prayer is mostly about Jesus talking back to you. So listen and wait for the
still small voice. Shalom
Jesus brought His servant, this communication the morning of Teusday
April 26 2011, seven years ago now.
Update February 2019, after studying 25 prayers so far.
The Author has forgotten the reader. Sorry. You probably do not hear GOD speaking to you via your conscience.
So you're wondering, how is this achieved?
I often ask how do I know if the right spirit is speaking to me? The answer I receive is "by your fruits, ye will know".
Good water does not flow from a bad spring. We discern the spirits by Scripture study. Test the spirits says 1 John 4:1.
The Author is not yet sure if the Scriptures detail how to pray, or how often or in which manner. (Studied 25 prayers so far)
It's possible the details are in the 150 chapters of Prayers, but one has to learn the training first.
In the meantime, pray as a child prays, weakly...innocently and with honesty. God will overlook your weakness and honour your words.
Praying is a fun way to talk to God and listen to Him talk back to you. This training time promises you how to support Jesus and claim those seeds of power flowing through your life. Shalom
Next we look at some child like prayers many years ago, as examples of prayer.
Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012. Visitors HOSTED by Prologic, my Son. A thin website.