Q:3. Prove the original meaning of Words..
Here is the Ancient Hebrew meaning for "father", the "strong (one at) home". Doesn't this sound so much easier to understand?
Surprisingly there are two Hebrew words for love.
We can tell from the pictographs for "Father" this "love" word meaning, is about a "father's love" and you would be correct. This is the most powerful word for our heavenly Father's love, known in Greek as "agape", but in Hebrew it is "ahab". But there is another Hebrew word for love:-
This is a love a person shows to another person, as the pictograph letters suggest...We could call this type of love "fellowship love". See studies on love, if you want more about this. The author terms these two types of love, "maleness-love" and "femaleness-love" not because they are always pointing to gender, because they are NOT, but because they seem to come from a design aspect when "the Family of GOD" created mankind "gender male and gender female", with family in mind. The man Adam was created and formed, but Eve was built out from the man, not created or formed.
Thus femaleness-love is a part of maleness-love, and they come together as a harmonious unit.
Here we see the word "echad", which means "the strong outside door".
Notice two leave their mother and father, and cleave together like scales on a crocodile, and become a united unit. The door pictograph is used in a variety of ways
if we assume we can understand Nomadic thinking all those years ago. One can relate to a "strong one outside the door" of ourselves. And this is our helper. Our partner and spouse.
Often we do not understand why certain word meanings were composed from their pictographs, so in humility one should say we do not know...rather than as scholars do, and ignore the
evidence we do have and invent a different theory for language.
The pictograph meaning for "ezer" is "The eye ploughs for the head". What a strange concept.
See a small study of interesting verses with "help-mate" in them.
Next time you think about GOD as our helper, you are asking GOD's eye to plough your head. This concept of ploughing the mind
is a simile of making us humble, removing our sins and helps us to see picture connections in Scripture, rather than meaningless words alone, and really
helps to make Scripture excitiing to read ! Shalom
This excitment increases as you learn many words and how they are related together by their pictures.
On the next web page we look at more Ancient Hebrew word meanings as pictures.
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