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Steps to a Personal Spiritual Revival of the Holy Spirit.

4. Steps to a Spiritual Revival of the Holy Spirit.

Dear reader, if your not already a believer in Jesus, growing in the FORMER RAINS of JESUS, nor do you understand the Steps to Jesus, this process of experiencing a personal revival in the Holy Spirit, or growing in the LATTER RAINS of JESUS; will not be well understood. The Steps to Jesus and the Steps of a personal Revival in the Holy Spirit, are essentially the same thing. It is highly recommended you thoroughly study the Steps to Jesus...because reading these steps again and again is highly productive for you.

First a challenge.

Where do you find in Scripture, the Steps to being born again in Jesus, found in the correct chronological order, in one Scripture passage? Would that be the greatest discovery of all time ?

Former Rains of Jesus

Now if you understand the Former Rains of Jesus, you are ready to understand the Latter rains of Jesus.


Ge 2:8 .. God planted a garden eastward in Eden

God planted Adam and Eve as trees in a garden. Gardening is a simple object lesson about relating to GOD.

Faith is a seed of power, that grows all on its own, but needs tender loving care from a Gardener. Let's learn the simple steps to a Personal Revival of Jesus via the Holy Spirit. Shalom

Daily task (1) Return HOME to GOD

Hosea 14:1 .. return unto the LORD thy God;...

Step (1) Everyday your first work must be to choose Jesus. Be willing. Humbleness is the attitude to look out for others.

Pride only cares for self. The way to become willing is to know you are fallen with guilt. Daily we need a Saviour, to rescue us from our missing. Missing out from heavenly Power in our lives...Power to do things against our fallen flesh with it's propensities to sin. Sin is about missing out on God's heavenly power. See studies on sin.

Overcoming our flesh, of selfish laziness, apathy and propensities to be busy with more so called fun things... Your mind needs to develop a habit...your first task every morning must be the same place, the same altar, the same routine where you meet Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. If you forget this routine, often you hear the Holy Spirit call in your conscience, 'worship me'. This is the daily call of Jesus, so be willing, make a choice to allow Him to be your voice, today and every day.

This is the hardest routine to is your first human work...give GOD your will...each day...

  • See more studies of doing this step 1.
  • Getting started in Jesus.
  • Know your daily NEED for Jesus.
  • Humility walks with Jesus.
  • Jesus saves end of our rope.
  • Are you willing to be saved?

    Daily task (2)Take with you WORDs

    Hosea 14:2 Take with you words,...

    You are the gardener...the humble farmer...

    Step (2) Take with you WORDS...

    There are 3 ways you can do this:

  • Study Scripture, mediating on a verse or two
  • Study Nature, observing His Words in action
  • Sing songs, hypnotizing your mind with lyrics

    Overcoming our flesh, we do this daily by grinding our flesh against the rock of Ages, until our minds become soil like, soft, pliable and of fine tilth, ready to receive the WORDS.. This process done correctly, makes us humble not proud. How much you study is up to your need.. Begin with 20 seconds as a babe in Jesus. Pray for the Holy Spirit to get you out of bed during the early morning while it is still darkness, before the day's tribulation comes.

    With child like faith, close your eyes, pray silently and ask the Lord of Words to give you a seed to sow today, open yours allowing your finger to be guided by the Holy Spirit, to the very passage of words meant for you today.. Sometimes one was shocked and hurt, by the words, often one is joyous and suprised by the blessings only GOD could find.. But this daily child like miracle works for those who are babes in Jesus.

    As your roots mature, they will want to seek more and more water of the Holy Spirit, and more WORDS to take with you. All plants grow, and so your 20 seconds of worship, will in time grow, more and more...Your joy will grow more as well as you find gold in the find JOY in Jesus, every day. This process is achieved through the Holy Spirit, who is your Comforter in the darkness, where your sinning and guilt overshadows you. But do not fight these enemies...Seek Jesus daily instead, and all your darkness will automatically go away...Darkness is banished with Light.

    Do not read mechanically prepared studies which humans have done for you, or study phamplets, or church organization literature.. Instead the WORDS you take with you, are Jesus words, Sola Scriptoria, begin with a Bible that is easy to read in your language. Allow the spontaneous Jesus, the GOD of variety to reach your heart, in it's unique way and your unique need..Be aware that Satan hates those who seek Jesus via the Holy Spirit revival of prayer, so pray faithfully and fervently in child like innocence.

    Be aware of music, and do not use music because modern music comes with rthymn designed to hypnotize the brain patterns of the mind. If you want to take lyric WORDS with you, sing words without music, a favourite like 'Take it to the Lord in Prayer'. Such words in a tune sounds in my mind for hours and hours on end, such is a holy method of 'praying without ceasing.'

    Jesus says "ask" and it will be given you "seek" and you will find..."knock" and the door will be opened. Expect GOD to supply your daily NEED, to solve your every problem coming to Him in humility. That is our first need.

  • Mt 7:7 � Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
  • Mt 6:32 ..for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

    Our second human work is to spend time with GOD's WORDS, which is a symbol of Jesus, our Saviour. For more on this step, see further studies:-

  • Repentance: The HOME principle.
  • Purpose of Scripture study.

    Daily task (3) ..say to Jesus..

    Ho 14:2 .. say unto him,...

    Step (3) You the gardener, sows in child like faith, the SEED...

    Choose a SEED from Scripture. You have taken WORDS with you, now sow that SEED. A seed is a tiny amount of Jesus power and character, that promises to germinate without your help or human power, it knows what to do... You have the right to choose what SEED promise to sow, but not how it develops or grows in your life. The course of your garden you choose, but the daily growth of power is GOD's domain. Happy gardening your soul. Shalom

  • Mt 13:3 And he spake, ..saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
  • Mt 17:20...If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed...
  • Pr 16:9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

  • Overcoming our flesh, we sow Jesus WORDS as a SEED promise into our minds. Choose a Seed Promise, a part of Scripture with promise in His Name. Prayerfully speak those WORDS and claim this power in your life, thanking Jesus for this power, and praying in the Holy Spirit who makes all this possible.

    Say to Jesus in prayer, the WORDS as they are written, calling upon their power in Jesus Name. Believe the Seed Promises have this power, expect germination and fruits from that prayer in two or three days time. Thank Jesus for making this character change possible. Shalom

  • Ho 6:2 After two days will he revive (chayah - quicken) us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live (chayah - quicken) in his sight

    Overcoming our weaknesses of flesh, is done through prayer. Pray for Jesus power to flow through your life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to quicken you with the Breath of Salvation. Pray formally sometimes on your knees bent, because this is a respectful way to worship Elohiym of heaven, the act of worship is a bending of the eyes, knees and your body before your Maker. Pray daily throughout the day, through words you sing, or by talking in your conscience, to the Holy Spirit, who takes yours prayers to Jesus. Think about Him throughout the day, and become depressed in your trials of tribulation, as you embrace the quickening of your flesh. If you sense GOD with you during your trials, and prayerfully talk to Him, among your tribulations, ye know that your Holy Spirit rivival is complete. Do not forget the LORD of trees who grows in you, to His glory, who completes you with His power.

    Daily task (4) will we render the fruits of our lips..

    Ho 14:2 .. so will we render the calves of our lips...

    Step (4) The final stage of growing in Jesus, is sharing the fruits of the Spirit.

    These are the true test if you have the Breath of Salvation from Jesus. Ask yourself if my experience is bearing these fruits. Do I share these with others? Shalom

    Overcoming our weaknesses of flesh, we have to give our fruits of the Holy Spirit away to others. This is especially what Ceasing-Day is for, so that weekly we allow others to come to us and be refreshed by the Breath of Salvation Jesus breathes on us daily during the week. This is the greatest joy and gift of the Father, to give the personal Revival of the Holy Spirit to those who will. Each Sabbath is a joyous task of the work of redemption in not a day of ceasing all activities nor worshipping GOD alone in a selfish manner.

    For example, if your fruits are not picked and removed, you will eventually stop making more fruits. Tomatoes only make more tomato fruits as long as the tomatoes are removed and eaten, or given away freely. So if you want a Christian tomato plant to die early, just stop picking off the fruit. Notice the tomato plant is not perfect, there are dead leaves and diseased stems. However it is the perfect reproduction of the Seeds of Jesus inside the fruit, that is complete.

    These are the four steps one does to a personal revival of the Holy Spirit. They are also the Steps to Jesus, and how to maintain a relationship with , growing in the former rains of Jesus; and growing in the latter rains of Jesus. Jesus. As a believer you would have already practiced these things for sure. However, like Israel of Old Testament times, we need to look at what things we do wrong as Gardeners of our heart, and the common pitfalls we make in maintaining the Breath of Salvation, and our walk with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    On the next web page, we will investigate what believers do wrong.

    Revival theme

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