4. Critics who say Jesus is Master not Lord
There are many other theories of faith, that downgrade Jesus from Lord to Master, from a Co-eternal Creator to a Son of God only in human form since the incarnation days.
The Old Testament Jews for example see only the heavenly Father as YHWH, a single numerical one of Strong Authority.
These theories of faith do not see three Strong Authorites in the Godhead.
And they have the King James Authority saying this as well:-
Such translations of inconsistency contrast hundreds of Old Testament verses...See studies of 'Adown' and 'Adonay', where both of these Hebrew words are translated as 'Lord'.
The Greek word 'kurios' in the New Tetament, also meaning 'Lord' is the equivalent. .
Martin Luther who translated the German Lutheran Bible agrees with the author regarding that 'adown' means 'Lord' when referencing Jesus.
So when Thomas spoke to Jesus, "my Lord and my God" this is exactly the same in Luther's translation.
The New Testament Greek is NOT a translation primary. The New Testament Greek follows the Hebrew/Greek translation from the Septuagint, a special and first translation by 70 Jews for Alexander the Great.
This proves that Hebrew is the primary language in the New Testament, and was later translated into Greek, later, using the Septuagint as the translation guide.
Introducing a critics theory of faith
Presented is a critic who believes in one heavenly Father YHWH, and later Yeshua as a Son of the Father who did not pre-exist, no personal Holy Spirit...written in brown.
The author believes in one heavenly FAMILY consisting of two YHWH and the Holy Spirit, in all three Strong Authorities; written in black.
Moses understood this truth when he wrote;
"Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that Yahweh he is Elohim; there is none else beside him.
...Yahweh he is Elohim in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else." Deut 4:35-39
The critic of this theory sees YHWH and Elohiym as "Names", which is Greek thinking... But since Scripture is written in Hebrew thinking, so these "Names" are actually 'functional descriptors' or 'verbs of action'.
What does this mean? Take for example YHWH...this means "He who exists", and it is NOT a Name as Greek thinking likes to Name things.
So the verse is saying "know that He who exists is a Being whose powers flow from a Family, there is no other power flow beside."
The term YHWH and Eohiym is not saying there is only a single Being for this power flow...
Hannah understood this truth when she prayed;
"There is none holy as Yahweh: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our Elohim." 1Sam 2:2
Here we see YHWH and Elohiym again, this time referenced to bedrock 'tsuwr'. This rock is a symbol of the heavenly Father.
So the verse says" There is none holy as the Father who exists, for there is none beside: a symbol of bedrock, whose heavenly powers flow."
Solomon understood this truth when he prayed;
". . . Yahweh Elohim of Israel, there is no Elohim like thee, .., and that there is none else." 1 Kgs 8:23,60
..know that He who exists is A heavenly Being whose powers flow, and there is none else".
So far we cannot show any difference between either theories of faith...
Hezekiah understood this truth when he prayed;
". . . Yahweh Elohim of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the Elohim, even thou alone.. 2 Kgs 19:15
The heavenly Being who exists whose heavenly powers flow, even thou alone...seems to reference the heavenly Father, He who exists."
"I am Yahweh, and there is none else, there is no Elohim beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:" Isa 43:10; 44:6; 45:5, 21
Here we see a difference... This Being, He who exists, is not formed before or after, clearly a reference that YHWH exists from eternity.
Yet this YHWH, He who exists, says I even I am a yasha (saviour). So if Jesus is a Saviour, a Strong Authority, or the Father saves us, the verses says; they both have existed from eternity...not before or after as this verse says...
How many Saviours do we have in Scripture?
These verses show two saviours, the Father 'tsuwr' Rock, and the Jesus 'cela' Rock... how these Saviours work, is the bedrock 'tsuwr' is a foundation, while 'cela' rock is situated on top. In other words their work is united as a single system of salvation.
From this poetry picture, the Father's power's flow, via the Son to the redeemed, thus sinners are saved.
Is there another poetry picture proving such systems of flow exist in Scripture?
This picture shows where Moses struck the 'cela' rock to make water gush out, not from 'cela' rock alone, but from deep down in the 'tsuwr' rock, a symbol of the Father.
Here we see poetry simile pictures of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit (water). ( The letter 'b' in Eben, shows the height of Moses, and the scale of this rock in this picture...The picture comes from Ron Wyatt & others.)
There are numerous examples of systems in Scripture (trees as Christians, Jesus as seeds, and so on) but this picture above is a good one showing that the Holy Spirit carries the power of Father, via the hands of Jesus, unto the people who drink.
Introducing the concept of Elohiym
Again, there is no compound unity found in this Greek word as is supposed in the Hebrew "echad."
The evidence is undeniable; there is only one single Elohim or God.
My friend the critic only sees a single numerical heavenly Being as Elohiym. I would agree, there is only one Elohiym: 'a single Being whose heavenly power flows'.
Where we differ with my friend the critic is, He says Elohiym is one Being, whereas I say Elohiym are three heavenly Beings, but only a single heavenly power flows, the Father only.
This concept of Elohiym has existed for all Scripture, even Abraham knew about this, as Nehemia Gordon, a Jewish scholar admits, even though he does not like this idea,
and my friend the critic also admits to this but says GOD called Abraham out of this pagan idea, to show him a different view of Elohiym...but is this true ?
When you look at these pictures of Elohim, the word suggests the heavenly power flows.
So this means from single heavenly Being, heavenly powers flow....so that makes ONE FAMILY FLOW...
However there are two He who exists, YHWH, the Father YHWH and Jesus YHWH, as this verse shows:-
Here we see two YHWH, one on earth as Adonay, and the other in heaven. Notice a single Elohiym power flows from heaven's YHWH to earth, via the Adonay YHWH on the earth.
.. monotheism..?
My friend the critic, seems like many Jews, to believe in a single Strong Authority, a concept that Elohiym is only one God. The Author does not like the English term 'God' for the Hebrew does not have this term.
The smallest unit of Elohiym is "el" which means the "Strong Authorities" , not "god". Many theories of faith assume 'Elohiym or Theos' means "God" or the "Father", but this is false. Such terms really mean "Family of GOD", or "heavenly powers flow".
The foundation upon which Judaism has built their understanding of monotheism is the Shema (Deut 6:4);
The Hebrew word 'echad' does not mean one, the Hebrew word 'yachiyd' means one:-
This picture shows that Elohiym was a consistent understanding of Divine deities, in which a chief deity reigned supreme.
Such deities were comprised in a 'Family of deities'. However a "Christian concept of Elohiym is not three gods", but a "heavenly Family of three Strong Authorities, whose heavenly powers flow from only the Father".
This concept of Elohiym, was known in Abrahm's day, (the pagan and Christian concepts are similar yet different) and is acknowledged by my critics...
A pagan concept of Elohiym would be each diety could have a power flow on their own...whereas in Christianity the concept of Elohiym is a single divine power flows, the other Divine Beings act as Agents for the Father's flow of power.
Thus there is a subtle difference between pagan and Christian concepts of elohiym.
"It is believed by many that the word "echad," translated "one," means "a united one" or a "compound unity," not singularity.
The scriptures prove this belief to be false. Note Nu.7:13-82 where "echad" is translated
"one" 84 times and each time it means one as in the number one, singularity;"
"one spoon," "one kid,"etc. Consider also Gen.2:1 - one rib , Dan.9:27 - one week and
Ezek 33:24 - ". . . Abraham was one, and he inherited the land: but we are many . . ."
The Hebrew word 'echad' does NOT mean 'One' but 'Unit', the idea that 'many become united as one'.
Jeff Benner notes that Jews may have allowed echad to mean 'one' over time, replacing 'unity' with 'one'.
See a small study of echad.
"It is true that the word "echad" in the Shema (Deut 6:4) was used in verses such as Ge.2:24
and Ge.41:25. There we see two people becoming one flesh and two dreams having one meaning.
The key here is that two become one. In the Shema, we only see one individual, Yahweh,
proclaimed to be one! It doesn't say, "And the two Yahweh's became one."
In the two verses in Genesis, we don't see one becoming two. But that is what people are trying
to do with the Shema. They say one means two and therefore, there must be two Yahweh's
or two Gods comprising the one "Godhead."
De 6:4 ¶ Hear, O Israel: The LORD (YHWH) our God (Elohiym) is one (echad) LORD (YHWH):
One can see one functional descriptor (YHWH) seems to be referenced here, but so is Elohiym...both as echad...
My friend the critic seems to see YHWH as a Named Being, but the Hebrew is a functional descriptor of Beings in action...
The words Elohiym and YHWH already imply many Beings, are 'echad' or united. However if you see Elohiym as a single Being, and YHWH as a single Being, than yes
I would agree with my friend the critic, One cannot become two...but the Hebrew words YHWH (He exists) and Elohiym (the heavenly power flows), do not reference Single heavenly Beings.
So one needs to investigate all the verses to see if a system of power flows for salvation, or that the heavenly power flow of salvation comes from only a single heavenly Being..
There is one Elohiym, a single heavenly power flows from the Father, but the Father who is a symbol of Elohiym is also a Family of heavenly Beings, thus the power flow is channelled and regulated by other heavenly Beings...
Contrary to other theories of faith, the term Elohiym often translated God, does not refer only the heavenly Father, the term Elohiym, refers to a Family of Heavenly Beings, in which the Father's power flows.
This definition of Elohiym must also parallel pagan concepts of Elohiym, as well.
The Hebrew word 'echad' must mean the 'many parts are united as a whole', this is what a system means, the functioning of many parts as a whole, all in harmony. The Jews do not consider this with the Shema. Yet many Jews
recognize there is much evidence of YHWH speaking to other divine Beings.
Notice these examples of two YHWH's in the same verses of context:-
(1) Ps 110:1 The LORD (Father YHWH) said unto my Lord (adown) (Lord Jesus) , Sit thou at my right hand , until I make thine enemies thy footstool .
This verse is quoted by Jesus in person, referring to Himself...
(2) Ps 135:5 ¶ For I know that the LORD (Father YHWH) is great, and that our Lord (adown Lord Jesus) is above all gods (elohiym powers that flow).
This verse has YHWH referenced with Adown, two heavenly Beings.
(3) Ps 136:1 ¶ O give thanks unto the LORD (Father YHWH)...
These verses reference Father YHWH whose heavenly Elohiym power flows...
And the next verse references Adown of Adown's, another heavenly Being....two divine Beings...
(4) Isa 49:14 But Zion said, The LORD (Father YHWH) hath forsaken me, and my Lord (Lord Adonay Jesus) hath forgotten me.
These verses reference Father YHWH and Lord Adonay Jesus, thus we have TWO Lord's, one who mentions the wounds He will one day receive in His hands.
(5) Eze 20:47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD (Father YHWH) ; Thus saith the Lord (Adonay) GOD (YHWH) Jesus-YHWH); Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree:
This verse predicts Lord Adonay YHWH (Jesus) hanging on the Cross...
Thus we have two YHWH's referenced here, the Hebrew word Adonay, always references Jesus in the Old Testament.
(6) Ex 12:23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.
1Corithians 10:10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
1Ch 21:14 So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. 15 And God (Elohiym) sent an messenger (malak) unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the LORD beheld, and he repented him of the evil, and said to the messenger (malak) that destroyed, It is enough, stay now thine hand. And the messenger(malak) of the LORD stood by the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.
These verses reference YHWH as a destroyer, and the Father-YHWH watching over His Son. Some theories of faith, can also say the term 'malak' means 'angel' rather than 'messenger'.
These verses should help one to see there are Two heavenly YHWH's, and one does not have to rely on Genesis 19:24 alone.
Next we shall study from the New Testament, that Jesus is Lord YHWH.
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