HYPOTHESIS: What does Lord mean? INTRODUCTION: The Old Testament contains a Hebrew word 'adown' which some religions of faith assume means 'master' in some contexts of Scripture. This greatly impacts our view of Scripture in the New Testament especially when the translation of Hebrew into Greek, via the LXX is concerned. During the Alexander the Great days, Alexander asked 70 Jewish scholars to translate Hebrew scripture into Greek, and we have to ask what word did they use for 'Adown'? The answer is 'kurios'. Yes, but in the Old Testament how did the Jews see 'adown' as a Hebrew word in meaning? Hebrew is an Eastern religion, vastly different from Greek thinking, then we would expect the English word 'Lord' is a better meaning than 'master'. They were people of respect, even wives called their husbands 'lord', the one who rules over a community of families. This impacts how we translate 'kurios' in the New Testament, as Jesus. Some religions of faith try to downgrade Jesus as a 'Master' rather than as a 'Lord'.
Jeff Benner in his ancient Hebrew lexicon dictionary shows the meaning of 'adown' as Lord. This study will validate if this is correct. What is puzzling to a translator is there are two different Hebrew words for 'Lord',so what is the difference between 'adown' and 'adonay'. The letter difference is the 'active hand', so 'Adonay' is more an 'active Lord' but this has no English equivalent. See studies of Adonay LORD. Some scholars say 'adonay' is the plural of 'adown', but I don't see this, because a plural word in Hebrew ends with Both 'Master' and 'Lord' mean to rule over a community, but the English meaning for 'Master' expresses less power, than Lord. This study investigates what this word means when addressing a heavenly Being especially... METHOD: All words in OT Hebrew studied. There is no New Testament list of words in this study. PICTURE: The pictograph reads "The strong door secure over the nations". CONCLUSION: The Hebrew word 'adown' means 'Lord' for all verses, but when referencing a heavenly Being, the word 'adown' suggests 'Lord Jesus'. Thus we find strong evidence for 'Lord Jesus' in the Old Testament. PERSONAL APPLICATION: The Hebrew word 'adown' means 'Lord' not 'Master'. This has profound implications for the 'Lord Jesus' in the New Testament Scriptures. The New Testament refers to "Jesus" as "Lord". The Old Testament refers to Jesus as "adown" or "Lord Jesus". Some important texts to consider are :- (66) Ex 23:17 Three times in the year , all thy males shall appear before the Lord (adown) GOD .
First time a heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown.
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(74) De 10:17 For the LORD your God is God of gods , and Lord (adown) of lords (adown) , a great God , a mighty , and a terrible , which regardeth not persons , nor taketh reward :
A member of ELOHIYM, a heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown (Lord of Lords).
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(121) 2Sa 4:8 And they brought the head of Ishbosheth unto David to Hebron , and said to the king , Behold the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul thine enemy , which sought thy life ; and the LORD hath avenged my lord (adown) the king this day of Saul , and of his seed .
Adown cannot mean 'master' because the word is found referring a 'king' over his 'kingdom'. Thus 'lord' is more appropriate meaning. Over 60 verses use 'Lord' to refer to 'king'.
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(233) Ne 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way , eat the fat , and drink the sweet , and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared : for this day is holy unto our Lord (adown) : neither be ye sorry ; for the joy of the LORD is your strength
A`heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown.
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(237) Ps 8:9 O LORD our Lord (adown) , how excellent is thy name in all the earth !
A`heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown.
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(242) Ps 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord (adown) , Sit thou at my right hand , until I make thine enemies thy footstool .
Proof that the hevenly Being referenced as Adown, is Adown Jesus.
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(245) Ps 135:5 ¶ For I know that the LORD is great , and that our Lord (adown) is above all gods .
A`heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown.
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(246) Ps 136:3 O give thanks to the Lord (adown) of lords (adown) : for his mercy endureth for ever .
A`heavenly Being is referenced as Lord Adown.
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(251) Isa 1:24 Therefore saith the Lord (adown) , the LORD of hosts , the mighty One of Israel , Ah , I will ease me of mine adversaries , and avenge me of mine enemies :
Proof that the hevenly Being referenced as Adown YHWH of hosts, is Adown Jesus YHWH of hosts..
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(253) Isa 10:16 Therefore shall the Lord (adown) , the Lord of hosts , send among his fat ones leanness ; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire .
First time we see Lord Adown referenced with LORD Adonay.
This shows Lord Adown Jesus is also LORD Adonay Jesus.
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(283) Zec 4:14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones , that stand by the Lord (adown) of the whole earth .
A reference to Lord Adown Jesus who is a high priest over the earth.
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(287) Mal 3:1 ¶ Behold, I will send my messenger , and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord (adown) , whom ye seek , shall suddenly come to his temple , even the messenger of the covenant , whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come , saith the LORD of hosts .
A reference to Lord Adown Jesus andHis messenger John the Baptist.
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There are some really profound comments on some of the 287 verses containing this word...
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