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Creation, time begins..

Q13: And so time begins on day one ...

Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. KJV

The Family Powers of GOD called light day, Darkness called night. There existed chaos and there existed order…. day one.


Notice the similar way each letter is used to make this Creation scene. “The Strong Authority Secure BEING (GOD) over the horizon the HEAD Strong, the Strong secure HEAD, active secure flows.”

The sentence phrase creates a picture of light moving over horizons (caused as the earth rotates the land, making thing appear to move) this strong HEAD (light) is called the “Active secure flow” or “day”. The daylight is secure because it is bound by physical laws, and it is active because the Creator’s hand is causing it to flow.


Notice the darkness, or God’s dark matter, is referenced by the Hebrew word “The Authority active Authority” (3915). This is a strange meaning. It is also related to the Hebrew word for howling. (3215). Nights can be dark and howling places too.


You may remember a contrast of Hebrew mentioned before…

Here we see the “HEAD twisting” as bad or dysfunctional. While the “twisting head home” is contrasted to this as light fades over the horizon chaos or disorder returns as vision blurs. Notice these pictographs shown in diagrams :-

Notice evening and morning are opposites. Or the twisting head over the HOME, causing more disorder. The morning is the sunrise is the reverse of these steps.

The HOME secure on the horizon, the HEAD rises. We call this sunrise, or morning, the ordering of function and good things.


As the evening and morning light rays pass, as the earth turns, the Bible says there was “day one”. Most translators to make the Bible read nicely saying “a first day”.

But the Hebrew “first” is not here, but instead we have “one”.

Ge 26:1 ¶ And there was a famine in the land, beside the first "ri'shown" famine that was in the days of Abraham.

Ge 1:5 .. And the evening and the morning were day one "echad" .

If this was the very first time a day was created, there is no other day to compare it to, hence the words “day one” . The next day is called evening and morning a second day, because this day can be compared to the first day. But the first day can’t be compared to anything for no other days were created, hence the Hebrew says “day one”. This implies that when matter roared into space, TIME took hold. Thus the Bible says TIME takes hold when matter moves in space. Thus time is relative to objects moving in space. Time is NOT a universal constant. Shalom

Creation theme

Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012.

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