Creation, Day one complete.
Q14: Day one of creation is
complete ...
Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
In Genesis the Bible declares a strange concept, how can God make generations of time created in a single day of time?
Ge 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
Again the concept is repeated, how can GOD created generations of time in single days of time?
De 32:7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
Here Moses splits the calendar of time into two parts, the six days of Creation and the years of generations beginning from Adam. Why does Moses do this?
If you look into Genesis time reckoning, the notation of describing time passing on the earth in those six days is very strange.
There was evening and morning day one.
There was evening and morning a second day.
There was evening and morning a third day. And so on.
But after Adam lives and the years of time roll, the Bible uses more normal ways to considering time.
Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years….and so on
So while the Creation took six literal 24 hours periods of earth time for each phase of Creation, the Bible is telling us something else about time that was also going on.
The clue is in Moses statement “De 32:7 Remember the days of old”
And in the statements in Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens…something that thanks to Albert Einstein we know today as the relativity of time. Time depends upon the objects it is measured on, and the other objects it is relative to. Time is not the same on objects throughout space. For example time travels faster on the moon than on earth. Time travels slower on the sun than the earth. We do not perceive these changes because they are minute and dependent upon vast distances between them and very fast movements.
When God created "hidden energy" on the first 24 day of time on planet Earth, the earth was rushing away from GOD during this time, as other "hidden energy" was as well, and the universe during this day expanded and stretched light like a giant balloon blowing up and getting bigger.
This is called space stretching, as explained well by Gerald Schroeder, a Jewish Christian Professor of Physics.
When the second day of creation separates the "hidden flow" above into "hidden flow" below into darkness and light, the universe had expanded by trillions of kilometres already. This extra distance causes the light to take longer to move during the second 24 hour time (one revolution of the earth), so the time passes slowly.
Its very hard to explain why time changes like this, so let me use a primitive but the effective analogy available to human experience. When you’re driving a car at 100 Km/hr along the road, there are other cars travelling toward you also at 100 Km/hr. When the other car passes your car, you hear a faint sound as if both sounds cancel each other. But if the other car was travelling faster, while your car is travelling slower, when the other faster car passes your car, you hear a lower sound. Why is this? The reason is because the faster speed causes the sound to stretch further distances to reach your ears, and hence the frequency of the sound lowers. We call this the Doppler effect.
This kind of thing happens in light as well, but we have to talk about very fast speeds and very long distances (trillions of kilometres). Notice the sound is the same, the people in both cars are moving in time normally, but the time between them changes relative to each other. Thus while the universe and our earth were BOTH Created in six literal days, relative motion of bodies separated by space seem to look old and mature (when they are not really). This does NOT mean the Creation is literally billions of years old, ONLY that it appears to be billions of years old.
It is just as Moses said “De 32:7 Remember the days of old”…God is able to make a very young universe look very old, when it isn’t really.
It’s amazing that the theory of relativity has been in Scripture all along, and recorded by Jewish commentators hundreds of years ago. It has only come to Science recently that we can understand Hebrew Scriptures at this deeper level. Before Science could make new discoveries, most Scientists s saw Scripture as a “nice story” for children at bedtime. Now is the time for Science to take Creation Science more seriously. The Bible is recorded as God’s message and does not change over time, whereas Science is always changing as new discoveries challenge older thinking. Let us embrace the Science of Salvation with as much confidence as Creation tells us. Shalom
Creation theme