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Creation was functional..

Q12: Defining functional ...

Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. KJV

The Family Powers of GOD saw the light was functional, And the Family Powers of GOD separated between light and between darkness .

Many of these Hebrew words we have seen before. Let us consider the newer ones.


The Hebrew word “good” or functional in Ancient Hebrew reads “The covering secures Home” and describes the good things flowing securely in a home that run well. The opposite Hebrew word is “bad”, “The Head twisting”. This describes things runs poorly or off the intended path.


Here we see another contrasting Hebrew word, light with dark. Or order with disorder. One can see the “Strong secure heads of light is ordered as photons” while the “Outside secure (things) pressed to the Creator’s palms” is dark and disordered.

The Jewish scholars who wrote commentaries hundreds of years before modern Science came along postulate that this “Outside secure “stuff” pressed to His palms” might be “DARK MATTER” or some kind of disordered “dark energy” that comes from God, before it is ordered into something functional.

Creation theme

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