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Creation, God speaks..

Q11: And GOD speaks ...

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. KJV

The Family Powers of GOD spoke ”Let there exist light, and there existed light”

776. The Strong Head travels. EARTH
216 The strong secure head, Light
4325. The flow from a Being Behold!. Quantum deep
8121. “The pressed flowing pressed” SUN

Notice from the "hidden energy" flow, while the Holy Spirit hovering over this flowing active flow, the Creator speaks for light to exist. The strong secure head appear out of the "hidden energy" as photon rays of light flooding into space. Later on in the fourth day the flowing active flow is pressed and compressed into balls we call stars like our sun. This becomes the Hebrew word, Sun, “The pressed flowing pressed”. This is an excellent description of the sun made from "hidden energy" that was restricted and compressed into balls of fission energy. Shalom

Creation theme

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