Creation, How the Holy Spirit functions..
Q10: How the Holy Spirit
functions ...
Notice the Hebrew word for fluttering is very similar to Holy Spirit, the “HEAD secure Outside” and rather than fluttering wings like some bird, the pictograph suggests the Holy Spirit functions by breathing in and out, or oscillating in the mouth, as we might describe birds fluttering.
The Hebrew word “deep” here normally means a deep sea or water. But the Ancient Hebrew suggests any “flowing active flow” is also correct. Thus it seems the Holy Spirit was moving over the "hidden energy" flow of a primordial universe.
Hab 3:4 And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.
Science is only just coming to verify Bible accounts of Creation. Many Christian scientists like to bridge recent science developments with Bible Creation, to make harmony out of both, but this may be flawed. Perhaps we have not reached the wisdom to be able to discern the experiences of GOD at Creation. Perhaps we still have must more to discover and learn. As the Christian scientist Isaac Newton says we are only picking up sand grains of wisdom while vast oceans of sand beaches remain with undiscovered truths. Shalom
Creation theme