FOUR STEP TO JESUS Q3: What is time ? Time is space divided by matter (energy). Time was created by GOD when the creation of matter roared into existance from the hand of Jesus through the Father and Holy Spirit. When Jesus created day one the Hebrew word echad (one) is used rather than the Hebrew word ri'shown (first) which is a word meaning "first" to compare time with other time. This is significant as it implies the universe of time is referenced by counting time relative to itself, so by counting the days of time, we reference the days of time. The week of time is not referenced by any celestial body and was purposefully allocated by GOD when the Creation of the worlds was completed. After six literal 24 hours of time (days) GOD ceased from His work of creation. Ge 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested "sabbath" on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
The Sabbath word here is the verb tense meaning God's rest was incomplete.
In other Scriptures the noun tense shows rest is complete. Other than the tense's
action, the word is essentially the same meaning as Sabbath. Click here if you doubt this. God makes holy this Sabbath ceasing time.
Why was Sabbath in Genesis 2 declared as an incomplete action of ceasing time? Because the ceasing was present tense continuous. To become the first Sabbath Day, the Bible would have to record there was morning and there was evening a Sabbath day. But this would imply the creation week was eight days in length, rather than seven days if you include the beginning of the ceasing day from Creation.
So God commands a portion of our time to God each week. Since God is the author of time, we are to respect our Time Lord during His seventh day. Shalom
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