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Why does love go wrong?

Q5: Why does love go wrong ?

Maleness-love and femaleness-love can both show functional and dysfunctional aspects, or both the good and the bad. Whatever your gender, whatever your personality trait, it is your choice how much of God's love you want flowing in your life...

De 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:(KJV)

Eze 18:32 For I have no pleasure in death...return to ongoing life..
love hate
peace disease
sweet bitter
good bad
meek arrogant
humble pride
I choose my power flow, while the LORD upholds my choice..

It's your choice of where in the spectrum of GOD's power flow of LOVE you want to be. Your choice is in His hands...Notice these spectrums:-

MORE maleness-love flowing..
LESS maleness-love flowing..
Ge 24:67 Isaac loves Rachel.. Ge 34:3 Hamor rapes Dinah..
De 7:13 love blesses hot Mt 24:12 love waxes cold
De 30:20 "obeys" Pr 17:19 "desires transgression"
Pr 12:1 "desires instructions and knowledge" Ps 52:3 "desires evil"
De 30:6 "mind is circumcised" Pr 21:17 "mind has pleasure and alcohol
1Pe 4:8 "forgives" Job 19:19 can "turn against thee"
2Ch 26:10 loves "building country things" 1Jo 2:15 "desires the world
Eph 5:25 "loves thy wife" 2Sa 13:15 "has violent mood swings"
2Co 9:7 "gives generously" Ec 5:10 "desires money"
Es 2:17 "loves character" Isa 57:8 "fornicates in bed"
Ps 40:16 "desires salvation" Ho 2:5 "desire the wantonness of feeling good"
MORE femaleness-love flowing..
LESS femaleness-love flowing..
Ge 29:20 "relational" (1) 2Sa 13:15 "anger, hate, abuse" (6)
Joh 21:17 "deeply loyal" (54) Pr 27:5 "does secret-love" (16)
Mic 6:8 "mercy, justice and humility" (36) Mt 23:6 "shows pride" (40)
Isa 63:9 "redemptive" or "caring" (29) Mt 6:5 "shows off" (38)

But what about texts like these ?

1Sa 16:15 .. Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee.(KJV)

Behold now, a dyfunctional wind (administrated by the Holy Spirit) from "Heavenly Powers(Elohiym)" troubleth thee.(Ancient Hebrew)

Notice it says "Elohiym" not a single member of GOD.

Jas 1:13 ¶ Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God (Greek: theos) (Hebrew: Elohiym): for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.

Notice it says "Elohiym" does not tempt mankind with any dysfunction.

Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

There are 193 verses that use "Yahweh" and "evil". The term "Yahweh" meaning "He who exists" is a term describing a single numerical member of the Godhead. Is there a reference to a single member causing "evil" on mankind? First of all the Hebrew word "ra" does not mean "evil" it means dysfunction, or bad. The English modern meaning of "evil" today implies a moral decay as well as chaos, while the Hebrew word "ra" does not imply such decay. Notice these verses :-

Genesis 6:5 And Yahweh saw that dysfunction upon the earth was dysfunction continually.

Ex 32:14 And the LORD repented of the dysfunction which he thought to do unto his people.

Why was Son-Yahweh about to cause dysfunction upon the people ? Because they just did a big sin, only after 40 days hearing the ten arrangement of words from Mount Sinai. And so if you do sinning, how does the flow of power through you get affected ? Your sinning causes less power to flow through you..You're the cause of the resistance to power flow, while GOD is the source of the power flow. This is why the Bible says " Isaiah 45:7 GOD engineers dysfunction", afterall GOD is the source of His power flowing through your life, whether the power-flow is greater, or whether the power-flow is smaller, because of your sinning.

1Sa 16:14 ¶ But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.(KJV)

But the Holy Spirit of YAHWEH departed from Saul, and a dysfunctional wind (administrated by the Holy Spirit) from Yahweh troubled him.(Ancient Hebrew)

Why does the Holy Spirit empowering salvation depart from Saul, and instead is replaced by a dyfunctional spirit of condemnation ? Saul obviously chooses no longer to remain in the Holy Spirit's breath of salvation. When man walks away from God, the intensity of light decreases causing what humans term "darkness" or "sinning that misses the mark", and the human no longer is able to withstand the attacks of Satan, the person is sustained with less and less of God's power flowing in their life. See studies of relationship walking with GOD, the sin-offering not unto death.

Next let's look at supreme love..
Love theme

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