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sin-offering slew me and deceived me

( 341 ) Ro 7:5 For when we were in the flesh , the motions of sins "chatta'ah", which were by the law , did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death .

.. the flesh the motions of sin-offering ..

( 342 ) Ro 7:7 ¶ What shall we say then ? Is the law sin "chatta'ah"? God forbid . Nay , I had not known sin "chatta'ah", but by the law : for I had not known lust , except the law had said , Thou shalt not covet .

.. .. say then Is the law sin-offering ..I had not known sin-offering .. The torah of salvation defines the processes of the sin-offering. As Paul quotes here the ten commandments are part of the torah of salvation.

( 343 ) Ro 7:8 But sin "chatta'ah", taking occasion by the commandment , wrought in me all manner of concupiscence . For without the law sin "chatta'ah" was dead .

.. .. sin-offering ..For without the law sin-offering .. The Father's ten commandments are relationship teachings to allow His children to live in His presence without death or exhaustion. So before sinning ever entered the universe the Father's relationship teachings existed purely to define love relationships between GOD and His children. When sinning entered into His children Jesus came and offered Himself as a sacrifice introducing with the Father's teachings of love a diifferent and harmonious system of salvation through a Saviour called the torah teachings of salvation. Now that the Father's children sin, they are authomatically worthy of death because the Father's children violate the Father's teachings of love relationships. The ten commandments are not laws of don'ts and do's, they are not negatives at all. There were written as negatives on Mount Sinai for a people who were stiffnecked and hard to obey. The same teachings of the Father were spoken positively by Jesus on the beautitudes.

So without the Father's teachings , Jesus' torah teachings of salvation would be dead. And with Jesus' torah of salvation defining the sin-offering; this also places the sinner at variance to the Father's relationship teaching of love. Why ? When the Father's children sins, they are condemned to death because of sinning. The sinning is the fruit of a broken relationship to the Father. So the sinner's only way but to living with the Father is through Jesus, the Father's Son. Jesus offers Himself as a sin-bearer to overcome the natural exhaustion sinners face in the presence of the Father. Now the sinner is forever in debt of the torah teachings of Jesus' love while in the presence of the Father. Such a debt of gratitude is never fulfiled and the sinner rests in the Father's presence only through the Son's love, and only as long as the sinner continues responding to His Saviour's love.

( 344 ) Ro 7:9 For I was alive without the law once : but when the commandment came , sin "chatta'ah" revived , and I died .

.. the commandment came sin-offering .. Paul is saying as a wicked person we are truly alive for our brief life is without guilt and remorse as we do as we please, and face our end without fear.... The religious person comes with fear, whether Baal religion or Jesus religion. Religious people feel fearful with a sin-offering and obligated to do things to seek pardon from sinning. Commandments , morals and a conscience wage war on religous minds, and our sin-offerings enslave us. Such religious people do sinning with guilt and seek grace from sinning, only to be trapped by sinning again and again. The commandments kill us rather than making us alive and free. The reason we feel trapped is because we seek to do our sin-offering through human powered effort that flows to nothing. We are essentially trapped in Baal religion, and not the relationship love teachings of the torah of Christ.

( 345 ) Ro 7:11 For sin "chatta'ah", taking occasion by the commandment , deceived me , and by it slew me.

.. sin-offering .. For the sin-offering taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and killed me. Some of the context here by Paul is hard to undestand since we have never done animal sacrifices and have never been slaves to commandments of the sin-offering process. The sin-offering process did kill Jesus, as it would, since the sin-offering requires the death of the one who partakes of the sin-offering, whether it be divine and human origin as in Jesus, or angelic and human origin as in Satan. Satan had those in Baal religion offer human sacrifices to appease Satan and his sin-offering counterfeit of salvation. The sin-offering process is real and serious and those who partake in it experience killings.

( 346 ) Ro 7:13 Was then that which is good made death unto me ? God forbid . But sin "chatta'ah", that it might appear sin "chatta'ah", working death in me by that which is good ; that sin "chatta'ah" by the commandment might become exceeding sinful .

.. .. .. God forbid But sin-offering ..that it might appear sin-offering ..which is good that sin-offering .. The sin-offering defines the solution to sinning and thus expands as large as the universe of sinning expands. Jesus dies of a literal broken heart dieing from the full moon experience in Gethsame a Garden, a simile of Eden lost on earth.

( 347 ) Ro 7:14 ¶ For we know that the law is spiritual : but I am carnal , sold under sin "chatta'ah".

.. sold under sin-offering .. The sin-offering is about persons and relationships. The restoration process is made more difficult by the fact humans are sold as Satanic slaves to a fallen genetic world, genetically changed by Satan so His subjects have a propensity to loving Satan rather than God. However the Holy Spirit implants a divine hatred of Satanic, if the believer asks for this.

(Translated) Ge 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall strike you first, and thou shalt strike him last.

( 348 ) Ro 7:17 Now then it is no more I that do it , but sin "chatta'ah" that dwelleth in me .

.. do it but sin-offering .. Paul writes it is no longer his will doing the sinning but the sin-offering dwelling in his mind causing the sinning...What does this mean ? Reading the whole chapter of Romans 7 to gain context.....

(1) The torah has power only when mankind is alive... (2) For example a woman is bound to her husband in marriage only as long as her husband is alive. (3) If her husband dies, the marriage torah binding her alos dies and she is free to marray another man. (4) So my brothers when you die in the body of Christ since you were married to another ruler (Satan), you are now raised from the dead to marry Jesus, as a new husband ruling over your life. (5) For we were in the flesh, our sin-offering which the torah required worked for us in our body to bring fruit unto death. (6) But now we are delivered from the sin-offering, being dead in which we were held, we now serve the newness of the Holy Spirit, not in the oldness of the letter (of the sin-offering). (7) Can we say the torah (is only about) sin-offering ? Nay, I would have no sin-offering but for the torah, for I would have no known desire, except the torah had said "Thou shalt not desire". (8) But the sin-offering empowered by the commandment caused in me all kinds of problems. Without torah sin-offering dies. (9) I was alive once without the torah, but once the commandments came, the sin-offering of salvation also came. and I died. [ Paul is speaking here that salvation causes people seeking salvation to die - the reason of this is the sin-offering such people present to GOD for salvation, causes the sinner to die, the sinning to die, the guilt to be pardoned and thus dies, and the sin-bearer carrying your sinning must also die, thus the Saviour must die as well. The old marriage under Satan and self must die as well, and a new marriage under Jesus and you come forth with renewed life in the Holy Spirit within you. (10) The commandment is life, but I found them of death. (11) For the sin-offering empowered by the commandment, deceives me and kills me. (12) Therefore the sin-offering is holy and the commandment is holy, both are just and functional. (13) Why then that which is functional dies in me ? Nay, the sin-offering is a sin-offering that works only through death is functional, thus the sin-offering empowered by the commandment is able to deal with even more sinning. (14) For we know the torah is of the Holy Spirit, but I am worldly sold under the sin-offering. (15) Often I do what I don't want to do, at times I do things I hate, that I do... (16) Often I do things I don't want to do, I find the torah of salvation is functional. (17) Now then it is no more my will doing it, but the sin-offering dwelling within me. (18) For I know in my flesh dwells nothing functional for my will is present with me, but when I do things functional, I often don't do them ! (19) I want to do functional things, but I find myself doing dysfunctional things instead. (20) Now if my will and mind is aware of this battle it is not my own will doing dysfunctional things but the sin-offering dwelling in me. (21) I find then when the torah of salvation is functional, dysfunction is present in me instead. (22) I delight after the torah of GOD after the inward man (23) I see another torah in my members warring against the torah of my mind, bringing me into captivity to the torah of the sin-offering which is in my members ! (24) O wretched man I be ! who can deliver me from this body of death ? (25) I thank GOD through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the torah of GOD, but my flesh the torah of the sin-offering.

Paul writes things deeply, but you can see a struggle going on as the sin-offering deals with your sinning is empowered by the Father's commandments, makes your sinning appear even more sinful. The torah teachings make the sin-offering die to your flesh, your guilt and your mind. This causes a struggle in your will as your mind changes from a Satanic self-powered human ruler to a divine GOD empowered co-operation with humans saved. When we do things dysfunctional it is the sin-offering dealing with our rulers and our flesh that is making a change in us. In conclusion Paul described two torah processes of salvation in the stages of justification for the sinner coming to Jesus over a period of time, the milk stages of salvation. Despite the struggle of rulers raging inside you, the torah of GOD is empowered through you via the Holy Spirit through direct communion to Jesus, the still small voice of the soul, the sin-offering continues through the torah processes of Jesus to rage war on the sinning and the rulers that continue to make the saved sinner fall into sinning while the consequences of flesh powers are dealt with over time.

Why can't the sin-offering make the sinning and powers of rulers over flesh die immediately upon the death of baptism, so the marriage of Jesus is renewed immediately with freshness and contrast to the old person who died ? There are 3 reasons why not :- (1) The SEED of Jesus germinates as a tiny seedling of power at first, not a full blown flood of power, otherwise you would be exhausted by His presence and possibly destroyed by His brightness. (2) The POWER of Jesus that flows through you must have your co-operation and willingness to allow it to flow. This requires you to trust Jesus daily, to depend upon Him daily and to learn the intimacy of depending upon such power every second of the day. The power flows through a relationship, and relationships take time. (3) The old body is still the materials used in the renewed Temple of the Holy Spirit, with its genetic propensity to sinning, and all its habit faults tending to be dysfunctional. The neurons in the mind are not erased when GOD comes in, otherwise your character would not represent you. Your character would simply be Jesus, and thus Jesus would simply be cloning Himself in you. In a mystery the sinner does in fact become a physical clone of Jesus and in our attempt to understand this we talk about the Spiritual things of GOD. But we do not become a character clone of Jesus, even though we take upon ourselves His character. Each person is a different personality, unique in the universe and very special to Jesus, who is our source of character. So to develop a change of character, without destroying the old character in the process, the change from one character to another takes time, and thus the sin-offering rages a war within us, the Saviour's blood deals with the flesh and it's continued dysfunction, while the Saviour's power deals with the renewed character in the life of the renewed child of GOD !

( 349 ) Ro 7:20 Now if I do that I would not , it is no more I that do it , but sin "chatta'ah" that dwelleth in me .

.. do it but sin-offering ..

( 350 ) Ro 7:23 But I see another law in my members , warring against the law of my mind , and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin "chatta'ah" which is in my members .

.. to the law of sin-offering ..

Sin-offering theme

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