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sin-offering weak in human flesh

( 351 ) Ro 7:25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord . So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin "chatta'ah".

.. the flesh the law of sin-offering ..

( 352 ) Ro 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin "chatta'ah" and death .

.. from the law of sin-offering .. Notice the torah of the Holy Spirit of life in Jesus Christ has set me free from the torah of the sin-offering and death.

( 353 ) Ro 8:3 For what the law could not do , in that it was weak through the flesh , God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful "chatta'ah" flesh , and for sin "chatta'ah", condemned sin "chatta'ah" in the flesh :

.. .. .. the likeness of sin-offering .. and for sin-offering .. condemned sin-offering ..

Notice this verse is important in our study of "chataah" The torah of salvation was weak in the flesh of humans. The reason for this is the human has to die in his flesh so how can a sinning human also live in his flesh ? He can't. The wages of making a sin-offering is death. One cannot make a sin-offering and also live. The only way to make such a sin-offering is to not have sinned. Thus one could make a sin-offering for somebody else so he could live and your life would be in place of his life. The problem of doing this is the sinner would live, but the sinless one would not. Why not ? Because such a person , for example an angel, would go to the place of the second death of non-existance, and not have power within his own body to raise himself, which he would be allowed to, since his body did not sin. Could not GOD raise the angel ? No Because the raising would imply the death was only play acting and not real. Such a sin-offering for a sinless being would have to come from a Being capable of raising Himself after going for some time to the place of non-existence. What a profound picture of love !! Shalom

Romans 8:3.... GOD sent His own Son in the likeness of a sin-offering of flesh, as a sin-offering, thus condemned the sin-offering in the flesh.

Does this not make sense ? After all the context studies we have been through for "chataah" ? The translation of the Greek "hamartia" as "sin" or "sinful" makes no sense.

There are scholars who claim Jesus came in a sinful flesh to be a sinless sacrifce for sinners. There is not a single Scripture anywhere saying our flesh is sinful...

Human babies are born condemned....yes...with flesh condemned.... yes...but not a sinning

Some scholars say I play with words.... What the difference between "condemned flesh" ? And "sinful flesh" ?

A lot. Flesh is the material substance humans are made of, and without a will, such flesh cannot sin, for only the will sins, the flesh is only the material that causes the will to make its action of sinning known to others. It's like a human driving an old bomb motorcar. Does the old bomb have faults ? Yes...worn out brakes, faulty shocks, poor steering, wobbly tyres and so on, all with a propensity to make a car accident and thus kill the driver. But can a car be described as sinful ? No. Therefore the material flesh the car is made from is never "sinful flesh". The term sinful is only used on humans who make sinning choices when driving the motorcar. Hence if the human drives carefully the old bomb such a careful driver can drive a faulty car and never have an accident. But if the driver drives foolishly, the old bomb helps the driver to have a fatal accident and so the driver dies. Who is the real thing at fault here ? The driver or the car ? The driver is, not the car. Thus a driver is only guilty of sinning when a driver makes sinful actions of driving. Does this not make sense ? The faulty material and faulty processes in the car can never be guilty of anything despite how faulty they might be. Thus the term "sinful flesh" cannot exist, while the term "faulty flesh" or "condemned flesh" can exist.

Now what happens if a wicked person comes along and makes the old bomb even more prone to causing an accident by tampering with the braking system ? We would say such a car is even more condemned. Why? Because the car is constantly under the ruling powers of a Being who wants the car to fail and thus help the driver to die quicker. This is the Biblical concept of "condemned" and the way the Scriptures describe our human flesh.

Ro 8:1 ¶ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Notice the word "condemned" here. Such a word is only used three times in the New Testament. Jesus is able to change the flesh of the humans, through the quickening process of the Holy Spirit. This implies a change in the ruling power over our flesh. No longer is Satan allowed to tamper with DNA genetics to enhance the human will to love His ways more than GOD.

One must be very careful with the definition of sin.

A person only becomes a sinner because of wilful sinning. Such a concept is a relationship concept.

When scholars change the concept into "sinful flesh" we no longer have a relationship concept, but a material concept. Such a concept is wrong and not supported in Scripture.

You will find verses that speak of a propensity to sinning. But this is not the flesh that causes the sinning. The will must still choose to do sinning, even though the flesh has a propensity to do dysfunctional things. Some scholars call the will affected by habits of faulty flesh the "sinful nature". This concept is talking about the character developed in the person. Not the flesh itself. In our faulty flesh there is a propensity for wrong doing but such dysfunction cannot become activated without a will of activation, through Satanic temptations to activate, or the self-powered mind to activate. Thus the seeds of dysfunction lie in our genetics but they are not germinating unless we fertilize them or bring them to life through some wilful action of lifestyle. Shalom

Jesus came in the human body of a sin-offering of flesh, to make a sacrifice for sin-offering, and thus condemn the sin-offering in the flesh. Did Jesus come in our condemned human flesh of Satanic tampering for 4,000 years ? Yes. The very same flesh with seeds ready for dysfunction, and a propensity to love Satanic things in the world. Can a careful driver successfully drive an old bomb despite it being prone to make an accident ? Yes.

The reason for the word likeness in this verse, is because the sin-offering has to contain all the sinning packages of every sinner who make packages of his or her sinning. The Lamb of God came to take away the sin-offering of the world. Profound love our Saviour showed to humans lost ! Shalom

( 354 ) Ro 8:10 ¶ And if Christ be in you , the body is dead because of sin "chatta'ah"; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness .

.. dead because of sin-offering ..

( 355 ) Ro 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them , when I shall take away their sins "chatta'ah".

.. I shall take away their sin-offering ..

( 356 ) Ro 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat , because he eateth not of faith : for whatsoever is not of faith is sin "chatta'ah".

.. not of faith is sin-offering ..

What is this context talking about ? Why is what is not of faith a sin-offering ?

( 357 ) 1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received , how that Christ died for our sins "chatta'ah" according to the scriptures ;

.. for our sin-offering ..

( 358 ) 1Co 15:17 And if Christ be not raised , your faith is vain ; ye are yet in your sins "chatta'ah".

.. are yet in your sin-offering ..

( 359 ) 1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin "chatta'ah"; and the strength of sin "chatta'ah" is the law .

.. .. sting of death is sin-offering ..and the strength of sin-offering is the torah..

( 360 ) 2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin "chatta'ah" for us , who knew no sin "chatta'ah"; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him .

.. .. For he hath made him to be sin-offering who knew no sin-offering ..

Jesus was mankind's sin-offering who was NOT in need of a sin-offering for Himself.

Sin-offering theme

Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012.

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