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Removing pride?

Q7: How do we remove pride ?     In the Bible, pride is a symbol for rock. Rock is broken down by weathering. Weathering is the action of wind, fire, water and air on rock which breaks the rock into smaller pieces, physically and chemically.   The agency in the Bible that are symbols for wind, fire, water and air is the Holy Spirit. So if humans are naturally rock, the job of the Holy Spirit is to weather you into soil, tiny pieces of rock physically, chemically and spiritually changed ready to receive the seeds of Jesus sown in the mind.

Does that mean like rock in the desert, there is nothing for man to do ? Mother Nature weathers lifeless rocks into soil without the rocks permission. Does the Holy Spirit weather us into soil, without our help, or permission ? No ! For natural rock is dead, and lifeless and without a will to choose. Humans are different. Humans are living rock. The Holy Spirit will only weather you, if you allow the process to work. The question for all of us, as living rocks of pride, are we willing to be weathered by the Holy Spirit ? Shalom

Pride theme

Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012.

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