Q11. Discussion of Memrah (21) Ps 119:133 Order my steps in thy word (memrah) "word-personified": and let not any iniquity (aven) "propensities" have dominion (shalat) "rule" over me. (KJV)
This context is interesting. How many readers know about the epi-genetic propensities inside our genes that awaken as bad habits of missing we do daily? Part of the power of the word-personified is to overcome our propensities.
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(4) Avoid propensities of others
The family of Hebrew words related to "shalat" , Strong's 7980, is interesting.
This Hebrew word has two forms, a verb and noun form, both spelt using the same letters, hence must mean the same basic idea, with differences in action.
Jeff translates the verb form as "rule" and the noun form as "shield", and tells us something is wrong. The family of these Hebrew words suggest, to rule or master over, such as a captain, or governor over you.
So these Hebrew words are about "rulers" over us. What is interesting is the biological science understanding how histones are proteins which act as shields preventing certain genes from being read. Thus the propensities are switched off.
Often in our reading of Scripture we are ignorant of the biology and science in the Scriptures.
Looking at all contexts, the Author cannot find any scriptures explaining anything with these verb or noun forms. So maybe Jeff Benner is correct?
So the "Pressed Authority covers" can as a verb "rule over you" and as a noun "not rule over you" because of the "blocking shield" stops the ruling. This is what a helmet over the head, or a shield over the body stops, it stops the penetration of enemy ruling fire.
In a simile way the propensties on our genes can rule over us if the shield is removed, and thus the mind is influenced to develop the bad habit of sinning against the Lord, due to our inherited propensity.
It is really hard to find an image of a biological shield that blocks the propensities from being switched on, but this is a simple picture for readers:
Ps 119:133 Order my steps in thy "word-personified": and let not any "propensities" "rule" over me. (Ancient Hebrew)
Notice what David is praying for, for the right words-personified to claim and hope for, that by supporting those words, Jesus power will block and shield the propensities that cause a missing in David's relationship with His Lord.
(22) Ps 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
The KJV has trouble with "pure". The Hebrew word, Strong's 6884, has the pictograph "The travelling head's mouth" is a strange picture, and means according to Jeff Benner as "refine".
Jg 7:4 And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try "refine" them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.
Jg 17:4 Yet he restored the money unto his mother; and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver, and gave them to the founder "refiner", who made thereof a graven image and a molten image: and they were in the house of Micah.
Ps 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried "refined" in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
It's easy to find the consistent meaning of a Hebrew word, just look at all the verses of context, looking for a single basic meaning that fits all the Scripture uses of the word. And this meaning is "refine" as Jeff correctly points out.
Ps 119:140 Thy word is very refined: therefore thy servant maleness-love it. (Ancient Hebrew)
Why are the words-personified so very refined in the furnace of testing? Well Satan tries a true follower of GOD all the time, to trip you up and open those propensities as sinning. Imagine the conditions Jesus himself with added fallen condemned flesh added to His divinity, and He growing up supporting His Father words, so His Father's power can flow through Him daily. Satan was trying all the days to open those shielded genes, to develop a single propensity in Jesus, but alas Jesus never was found missing once from holding completely to His Father's hand.
How much easier to live in heaven without missing if Satan is gone, and all the dysfunctional genes are gone as well. Nothing dysfunctional in our flesh, in our mind, and our will no longer wishes to live outside of the heavenly flow of love.
But imagine how hard it is to experience the flow of God through you, while dragging our fallen condemned genetics around with us, with all its propensities blocked inside us, just waiting for any excuse to flair up again.
Such examples happened with Moses, his single mistake of anger, his pressed walking walked in err. But not once with Jesus on the earth in human flesh.
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The other examples of "memrah" found in the 119 prayer of David follow the previous examples, so the Author will not show them to readers.
Next we look at some "memrah" Scriptures in other parts of the Bible.
Memrah Jesus theme
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