Q6: Discussion of Memrah (8) Ps 105:19 Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. (KJV)
(8) Ps 105:19
Notice the poetry parallel simile, the arrangement of words is a simile of powers from Jesus refined in the fires of testing.
Joseph is a good example for us all, waiting for the word-personifed to rescue him.
(9) Ps 119:11 Thy word (memrah) word-personified have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (KJV)
The powers of Jesus packaged into words-personified, help us overcome sinning. This is an important prayer promise.
Examples of Prayer Promises, the Author uses to overcome sinning are :
And immediately a power flows to avoid the manufactured madness, but if I forget to sow Prayer Promises, than my desire for other foods takes over my mind.
One walks hand in Jesus hand, sowing His Prayer Promises all the time.
However, the Author needs to learn more of the Prayer Promises used in David's prayers in the Psalms.
For more see, Index to Bible prayers
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Memrah Jesus theme
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