HYPOTHESIS: What does kinds mean? INTRODUCTION: Evolution Science has great difficulty evaluating Creation Science because we cannot define kinds in a scientific way. Perhaps the reason for this is because science has not discovered the DNA complex sequence information that makes each organism different from each other. So far science has genetically mapped the DNA sequence information for coding proteins. Much of the 25,000 genes in the human genome is already understood so it seems, but this represents only 1% of all human DNA sequenced complex information. Much non-protein coding DNA sequences are still not understood. Some of this so called "junk DNA" is now known to have useful functions. The purpose of this study is to look at the Bible for clues to Creation Science for kinds. METHOD: All words in OT Hebrew studied. PICTURE: The pictograph reads "The flowing active hands over the next seeds of life" CONCLUSION: The Hebrew word "kind" or "myin" is defined as those organisms that can be successfully sexually joined naturally or artificially, but not by genetic modification means, to produce offspring that live, but may not make further fertile offspring due to a dysfunctional disruption to the natural genetics originally designed. This dysfunction is probably due to genetic copying errors over time. PERSONAL APPLICATION: The best way to define "kinds" is to see if sexual union of one species with another species is possible making a biologically functional organism. This organism may or may not be fertile and able to make further generations, but at least the development does not die prematurely. If the genders of each species does not want to mate normally then Artificial Insemination would have to be used to test the boundaries of "kinds" as a science classification for organisms. De 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers "kil'ayim" seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.
Here we see a Hebrew word related to the other Hebrew words for restrained or imprisoned.
Strong's 3610. "kilayim" There are only two contexts explaining this concept, so understanding the term is difficult. Mankind must have in the past engineered unnatural kinds, forcing into existence unnatural organisms from some sort of Genetic Modification of Organisms. This is clearly going to defile the natural functional order of God's original design.
De 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers "kil'ayim" seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.
The couplet verses following "kilayim" help to add parallel meanings. The term seems to suggest forcing different types of animals to work as a term in ploughing, or forcing different thread of cloth to make a technology blend, such as linen and wool. So GMO is perhaps the best scientific definition of "kilayim" today as defined in Scripture. And there is much hidden evidence that GMO certainly defiles the functional value and usefulness of nutrition. (See my studies on Dangers of GMO).
DISCUSSION: There are only 18 verses that use "myin". These are presented and discussed in their context on the next webpages.
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