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kinds genes species

(1) Ge 1:11 And God said , Let the earth bring forth grass , the herb yielding seed , and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind (miyn) , whose seed is in itself, upon the earth : and it was so.

herb yielding seed , and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind (miyn)

Here we see seed (zera) yielding seed after their kind. The flowing hands of GOD over the next seeds for the next generation, ensure the offspring is a semblance of their parents. The concept of sexual reproduction makes sure each offspring for the next generation is as similar as the parents who formed the offspring.

(2) Ge 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass , and herb yielding seed after his kind (miyn) , and the tree yielding fruit , whose seed was in itself, after his kind (miyn) : and God saw that it was good .

.. and herb yielding seed after his kind (miyn)

The fact this process was declared very functional, suggests the genetic process of making offspring similar to their parents, was functional and well defined. What we need to understand in Science is how was "myin" defined.

(3) Ge 1:21 And God created great whales , and every living creature that moveth , which the waters brought forth abundantly , after their kind (miyn) , and every winged fowl after his kind (miyn) : and God saw that it was good .

that moveth , which the waters brought forth abundantly , after their kind (miyn)

Here we see animals, just as plants also have sexual reproduction to produce offspring as similar as their parents, after their kind.

(4) Ge 1:24 ¶ And God said , Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind (miyn) , cattle , and creeping thing , and beast of the earth after his kind (miyn) : and it was so.

God said , Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind (miyn)

The flowing active hand of genetics moves over the next seeds of life, and produces offspring as the same as their parents.

(5) Ge 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind (miyn) , and cattle after their kind (miyn) , and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind (miyn) : and God saw that it was good .

.. after his kind (miyn) , and cattle ..

The term "myin" refers to families of animals, such as cattle, fowls and whales

(6) Ge 6:20 Of fowls after their kind (miyn) , and of cattle after their kind (miyn) , of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind (miyn) , two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive .

Of fowls after their kind (miyn) ..

Again we see "myin" referring to families of animals..

(7) Ge 7:14 They , and every beast after his kind (miyn) , and all the cattle after their kind (miyn) , and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind (miyn) , and every fowl after his kind (miyn) , every bird of every sort .

and every beast after his kind (miyn) ..

Each kind of animal came as gender male and gender female.

(8) Le 11:14 And the vulture , and the kite after his kind (miyn) ;

And the vulture , and the kite after his kind (miyn)..

Here is an interesting clue to "kind" The vulture and kite are types of birds, but listed as kinds. So the term "myin" does not refer to "species". How many species of vultures are there in the world today ? Science has listed 23 species over many different families as animals classified as vultures. The Bible lists all these species as a single kind. Therefore we would expect these species to be able to mate gender male to gender female, even if they are not wanting to do this naturally any more. One can use this sexual reproduction test for different species belonging to the same kind.

(9) Le 11:15 Every raven after his kind (miyn) ;

Every raven after his kind (miyn) ;

Science lists over 54 species of raven as the "Corvus" family of species of crows or ravens. Again we should be able to sexually interbreed all these species successfully or unsuccessfully together, confirming the genetic existence of the "raven kind" despite the 54 species of variation arising from programing changes this kind of animal was allowed to make. We would expect to find genetic boundaries for variation and limits to sexual breeding of this "Raven kind". For example sexual union of the 'raven kind' to the 'vulture kind' should be genetically impossible.

(10) Le 11:16 And the owl , and the night hawk , and the cuckow , and the hawk after his kind (miyn) ,

..the owl , and the night hawk , and the cuckow , and the hawk after his kind (miyn) ,..

Again we see that the kinds of birds have programmed ability to make numerous species within each kind. This variation would be observed quickly depending upon the environmental constraints each species lives in.

kinds theme

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