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Creation: God creates order..

Q6: Work begins on chaos.... making order ...

Ge 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.KJV

The earth existed disordered and empty, chaos was upon the face of the deep; and the Holy Spirit of the FAMILY powers of GOD was fluttering upon the face of the flowing.

We see the world begin disordered and in chaos. Thus the first step in GOD making things functional is to move matter away from being dysfunctional. GOD is in control of both.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and engineer darkness: I make peace, and engineer dysfunction: I the LORD do all these things.

Now in verse two we begin to see details into the engineering of the heavens and the earth. The Hebrew words are broad in meaning and since this is the Creation of all things, the common meaning of “mayim” can also mean other flowing things than “water” even though “water” is the most common flow on earth. This is a reference to the Creation of the Universe, and other things flowing could also be intended, such as the flow of "hidden energy", from which all matter flows from.

As an aside, scientists find much evidence of water in our solar system, such as comets, which baffle evolutionists. It seems God used a lot of water to form our universe, and water based compounds such as silicates were used to form comets, planets and other bodies, which completely baffle evolutionist models of explanation.

{Google : Chang, K. Composition of a comet poses puzzle for scientists, 2005. ; Cosmic water traced by Europes space telescope ISO, 2005.;}

Creation theme

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