Science looks how GOD created..
Q5: Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth ...
The Ancient Hebrew Word reads: “The pressed flow is active from my hands flowing” Strong’s 8064.
Notice the broad meaning of heaven here is the “flowing active flow” and could refer to the water canopy around the earth, the atmosphere, and solar system and galaxies. All these things are different pressed flows actively flowing from God’s hand during Creation.
Since this is the Creation of earth, the “flowing active flow” could even be a reference to the primordial universe flowing around the earth as ether for the first time as well.
The Ancient Hebrew Word reads:
“The strong HEAD travels” Strong’s 776.
The head is a symbol in Scripture of a main focus. The mountain is seen as the symbol of government, the main focus for power flow. The strong HEAD travels are a fitting description of planet earth travelling through space, and all of Creation made to reference from it.
Notice how "earth" is the Strong Head that travels in space, amid the "active flow flowing" around it, the heavens; meaning the skies and water canopy, the solar system and the universe, all flowing around the earth (the Strong Head that travels...) Shalom.
Creation theme