Defining religion better
Previously religion was "the rules we live by"...
This is not a very good definition.
When you study religion there is an underlying belief
that the god you worship helps you live in a better
place in the future as you get to live again.
This sounds really too hopeful? Live forever?
Would we want to live forever?
The only modern religion that claims their prophet
ever rose from the dead, was Jesus Christ.
All other prophets never made that claim.
So what is the evidence Jesus rose from the dead?
And if this is possible, this makes this human prophet
the greatest HUMAN anybody has ever known !
Even more than that, Jesus Christ actually claimed
to be the Son of GOD.
What is the evidence? What is your source
for evidence? Archaeology ? or historical records?
or oral tradition? or Mother Nature signs?
Just how would you define evidence as reliable?
For example, how could you prove the earth
in space and not the centre of the universe ?
There are flat earth believers still on the Internet.
There are scientists who believe the earth is the centre
of the universe, and scientists who believe the earth
is travelling around the sun. Those who believe in
Geocentricity say experiments were blindly ignored
in the quest to prove the ether that made things float
in it. So when you get into subjects greater than you
and me, what is the source for your authority?
Even scientists experimenting with space can and do
ignore results, and make biased conclusions.
Science is very poor at looking into the past
objectively because we assume things happening now
were more or less the same thousands of years ago...
Is this assumption valid? Science really only
experimenting with today, the observed here and now.
Science does this testing best. So how do we all agree
on a source of authority to base our beliefs upon?
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