THIRD STEP TO JESUS Q5: What kinds of talking prayers are there ? There are many ways to pray or talk to Jesus. Such talking is an act of worship. We can sing His words in songs. All the Psalms are songs we can sing. Half the Bible is poetry that can be sung to. Singing verses is easier than reading. We can read His words in Scripture audibly in our minds as a prayer to GOD. We can mediate words in our conscience to GOD as audible thoughts of praise. We can talk audibly to GOD on bended knees with words from our lips. There are many Hebrew words to describe the kinds of prayer in Scripture. (1) There is always more to study and this page needs further construction. (1) Looking at Bible Psalms we can sing to.. (2) Looking at Bible poetry we can pray to. (3) Looking at Bible puns we can enjoy in our prayers.. (4) Looking at Bible seed promises we can quote as power prayers. (5) Looking at people's prayer's to see how others pray. What an exciting charter in the steps to Jesus is prayer ! May we all learn the power and beauty of prayer, talking to Jesus as a friend to a friend ! Shalom
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