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How does love, relationship work?

Q7: How does love work ?

Bible love is a relationship word.


This is the Hebrew word for showing the actions in a relationship. The "strong person in the home, (with his) Person behold !" Catch the idea ? Love is a relationship word. He loved her.

Ge 24:67 ....and (Isaac) He loved "ahab" (Rebekah) Her...

Both genders can express "maleness love" and / or "femaleness love". But gender males generally show "maleness love" and gender females mostly express "femaleness love". The words refer to "character traits" or distinct "personality expressions of character", not to be sterotyped into gender.

Studying love in the Scriptures in this way is a fascinating way to see the different types of family love (only two types remember) and how they express themselves. May our GOD of family love, show us His own family love each day. Shalom

Hebrew theme

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