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Meaning of love, maleness, femaleness, ahab, ahabah, agape

Q6: What does love mean ?

Many people are surprised to learn there is not a single word for love in the Bible, there are TWO words ! And only two words.

  maleness love

This is the Hebrew word for maleness love. The "strong person in the home"

femaleness love

This is the Hebrew word for femaleness love. The "strong person in the home, (with his) Person behold !"

Really folks, does this surprise you ? A family home with two sources of love. Both different. Yet complimentary. This the true picture of LOVE in the Bible.

We hear people speak of "agape" as some kind of supreme godly love. Yes, it is important, but not complete. Agape is a Greek word translated from ahab, the Hebrew word for maleness love. In the Bible, GOD is a FAMILY of members, each with distinct and complimentary personalities of love expressed. May God bless our relearning of His love. Shalom

Hebrew theme

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